Sometimes reading a poem is not enough to understand the author's thought and feel his attitude to a given topic. To do this, you need to draw up a diagram of the analysis of the poem and study it step by step. It's a complex process that needs to be creatively thought through to see what's behind the lines and understand what it was written for.
Scheme of analysis: what is it for
What is analysis? This consideration, the study of something, the dismemberment of the subject into its component parts. This method can also be applied to a lyrical work, first drawing up a diagram or plan to make research easier, especially for grades 5 or 6, when students are just learning to think.

There is no rigid scheme for analyzing a poem in literature or studying a painting in Russian, since this is a work of art and its perception is extremely subjective. Each poem is unique, in some the size is important, in others it is necessary to know about the life period of the author, and in others the poet may have been very worried about the political situation.
Summary plan and scheme
A poem analysis scheme can befirst make it short, including all the necessary items:

- History of creation, time of writing, circumstances of the poet's life and his social position. Very often, this item can tell a lot and set the direction.
- The theme of the work is lyrics, politics, inner experience, philosophical reflection.
- The main idea or thought that the poet wanted to convey to the reader.
- Analysis of stanzas with quotes.
- Images and their descriptions.
- Using artistic media.
- The mood of the lyrical hero, the author's attitude to what is happening.
- Impression and own feelings from the read poem
Detailed diagram
The above brief outline of the analysis of the poem gives direction on where to start and what points to cover.
First and very important - you need to know when the work was written and in what period, what facts of the poet's biography are known and how this can be connected with the poem. So A. S. Pushkin wrote a lot about love in different periods, when he first fell in love or when he met his wife Natalia.
The leading theme, it is usually easy to understand from the first lines, and all the lyrics are classified into the following topics: love lyrics, landscape lyrics, friendship, patriotic lyrics, philosophical and theme about poets and poetry.
Understanding the topic can serve as a starting point in the analysis, which will help in further reasoning. For example, the lines of I. A. Bunin about happiness, we alwayswe just remember…” show that the poet thought and began to reflect on the eternal theme of happiness, love, which means that philosophical lyrics sound here.
The idea, the plot and the problem inherent in the work are always associated with some event that took place in private or public life.
The analysis scheme of a lyrical poem also includes a composition that allows you to divide it into parts and follow how the mood changes, how the theme is revealed, in order to see the underlying meaning and thought of the poet. Visual tools that are used for a reason can help here:
- metaphor or comparison;
- an epithet or figurative definition of an object;
- allegory or allegory;
- irony or opposite meaning;
- hyperbole or exaggeration.
There are quite a lot of visual means that help to achieve a special effect of expressiveness.

It is necessary to mention the lyrical hero, although it is difficult to do this in some poems. But this is what helps to understand the poet, revealing the character of the hero through his actions and deeds.
In addition to the lyrical hero, there is also an image in the work as some kind of phenomenon. Its purpose may be different, with the help of it incomprehensible thoughts are explained, or, conversely, it can make it difficult to perceive an object, transform it or turn it into something complex. Images are divided into several groups: motif images (blizzard), topos images (as some kind of common place, for example, a road), archetype images(a stable schema or formula of the human imagination).
Scheme for analyzing a poem in grade 6
The older people get, the more life experience they accumulate, the easier it is for them to understand various works, including poems. But the analysis of works begins in school years, for example, in the 6th grade, which helps to instill a love of poetry and a poetic taste. This is one of the main tasks so that the student can "feel" the poem, and not only be able to find visual means, determine the theme and guess the mood of the author.

Perhaps, in the 6th grade, a student will not be able to express his opinion or convey it to the teacher, but he will learn to identify artistic means, which means to see the mood of a lyrical hero and a poet.
Analysis of the work in grade 9
The 9th grade students are graduates, and over the years they have studied various poems and learned to understand their essence, and not just learn by heart. They can create a scheme for analyzing a poem in grade 9 on their own and reveal the work in more detail, because such an activity for high school students is already an essay, where they express their own thoughts and attitudes towards the work.

The student is already able not only to see the theme of the poem, expressive means, but also to express his attitude and impression of what he read. In the 9th grade, philosophical topics, patriotic ones, the author's attitude topoetry.
What templates can be used for analysis
The poem's analysis scheme is a few points on which it is easier to conduct research. But cliché words can also come to the rescue, which will make the analysis more beautiful, readable and more literate.
For example, when showing your attitude, you can use phrases such as "reading this work, I experienced …" or "the poem made me think about …".
If we take the point that concerns the composition, then we can say that "the beginning of the poem evokes such feelings …" or "this part of the work should be read like this …", or "in this part, with the help of expressive means, the author conveys such feelings …" etc.
Where the analysis of expressive means begins, you can also use beautiful phrases, such as "this part is based on the technique of …" or "at the end the central images are …" or "with the help of this technique the poet expresses …".