Memory is a mental process that consists in fixing, storing and subsequent reproduction of information. Through these operations, the human experience is preserved.
Research History
The first study of memory began in antiquity and was associated with the learning process. In Ancient Greece, for example, it was generally accepted that information penetrates the human head in the form of specific material particles, leaving imprints on the soft substance of the brain, like clay or wax.
Subsequently, the author of the "hydraulic" model of the nervous system, R. Descartes, formulates the idea that the regular use of the same nerve fibers (hollow tubes, according to Descartes) reduces their resistance to the movement of "vital spirits" (due to stretching). This, in turn, leads to the formation of memorization.

In the 80s. 19th century G. Ebbinghaus offers his ownmethod of studying the laws of the so-called pure memory. The trick was to memorize meaningless syllables. The result was memorization curves, as well as certain patterns of action of association mechanisms. So, for example, it was found that those events that made a strong impression on a person are especially strongly remembered. Such information is remembered immediately and for a long time. On the contrary, data that is less significant for a person (even if they are more complex in their content) in memory, as a rule, is not stored for a long time.

Thus, G. Ebbinghaus is the first to apply the experimental method to the study of memory.
Starting from the end of the 19th century and onward, they try to interpret the process of memory by analogy with the functioning of such mechanical devices as telephone, tape recorder, electronic computer, etc. If we draw analogies with modern technologies, then there is a place computer memory classification.

In the modern scientific school, biological analogies are used in the analysis of memorization mechanisms. So, for example, a molecular basis is attributed to some types of memory: the process of imprinting information is accompanied by an increase in the content of nucleic acids in brain neurons.
Memory classification
Psychology relies on the following criteria in the allocation of types of memory:
1. The nature of the predominant mental activity:
- motor,
- shaped,
- emotional,
- verbal-logical.
2. Nature of activity objectives:
- free,
- involuntary.
3. Duration of fixing/retention of material:
- short-term,
- long-term,
- operational.
4. Use of mnemonics:
- direct,
- indirect.
The nature of the predominant mental activity in the activity
Despite the fact that all types of memory that meet this criterion do not exist separately, but closely interact with each other, Blonsky revealed a certain specificity of each type:
- Motor (motor) memory. The classification of memory in this case is aimed at the predominance of certain movements. So, for example, this type is fundamental in the formation of skills of practical and motor activity (walking, running, writing, etc.). Otherwise, during the implementation of one or another motor act, we would have to master it anew each time. At the same time, there is both a certain stable part of these skills (for example, each of us has his own handwriting, the manner of giving a hand for greeting, the manner of using cutlery, etc.), and changeable (a certain deviation of movements depending on the situation).
- Figurative memory. The classification of memory is aimed at remembering from the point of view of the leading modality (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile). Information perceived by a personearlier, after the formation of figurative memory, it is already reproduced in the form of representations. The specific properties of representations are their fragmentation, as well as fuzziness and instability. Accordingly, the image reproduced in memory may differ significantly from its original.
- Emotional memory. It manifests itself in the process of remembering and reproducing feelings. It is extremely important in the mental activity of the individual, since emotions are primarily a signal of the state of our needs and interests, our relationship with the outside world. Feelings experienced by us in the past and fixed in memory, subsequently act for us as motivators / anti-motivators to certain actions. At the same time, as in the previous form, the feelings reproduced in the memory may differ significantly from their original original (depending on the change in the nature, content and strength of a certain experience).
- Verbal-logical memory. It is aimed at remembering thoughts by an individual (thinking about a book read, the content of a conversation with friends, etc.). At the same time, the functioning of thought is impossible without the participation of linguistic forms - hence the name: verbal-logical memory. The classification of memory, therefore, includes two subspecies: when it is necessary to remember only the meaning of the material without the exact reproduction of the accompanying verbal expressions; when the literal verbal expression of certain thoughts is also needed.

Nature of goalsactivities
- Arbitrary memory. Accompanied by the active participation of the will in the process of memorizing, fixing and reproducing this or that information.
- Involuntary memory. The flow of the basic mechanisms of memory takes place without volitional effort, automatically. At the same time, in terms of the strength of memorization, involuntary memory can be both weaker and, on the contrary, more stable than arbitrary.
Duration of fixing/retention of material
Basic memory classifications tend to always include a time criterion.
- Short-term memory. Stores information after the cessation of its perception (action on the sense organs of the corresponding stimuli) for about 25-30 seconds.
- Long-term memory. It is the dominant type of memorization for an individual, designed to store information for a long period. At the same time, this information is repeatedly used by a person.
- RAM. It is aimed at storing specific information within the solution of the corresponding current task. Actually, this task determines the specifics of RAM in a given situation. The classification of RAM is also related to the time criterion. Depending on the conditions of the problem being solved, the time of storing information in RAM can vary from a few seconds to several days.
Use of mnemonics
- Immediate memory. The classification of memory in this case is carried out in terms of the presence / absence of certainauxiliary methods. With the direct form of memorization, the process of direct impact of the perceived material on the sense organs of the individual is carried out.
- Mediated memory. It is carried out when an individual uses special means and techniques in the process of memorizing and reproducing material.

Thus, an additional link is used between the information itself and its imprint in memory. Such links can be special marks, knots, cheat sheets, etc.