Here comes the end of study in a secondary school. Behind - lessons and childhood, ahead - a whole life! And at this stage of your journey, it will be very important to decide on the profession to which in the future you will give all your time, so it is necessary that the work always brings complete satisfaction. After all, only by doing what you love, you can achieve certain success. So, you have to solve one important question: where to go to study?

Institutions and universities throughout Russia - a great many! How not to make a mistake here? Unobtrusive advice. You will definitely hit the spot if you choose Witte University.
Why this one?
The mere fact that the Witte University is recognized as one of the hundred best higher educational institutions in Russia inspires confidence that after graduation it will be possible to easily find a job at the enterprises of our country. Of course, the knowledge that several branches of this university are actively operating in several large Russian cities also arouses considerable interest in it.
University in Moscow
Perhaps there are many in the capital at presentyoung people know firsthand about Witte Moscow University. Founded in 1993 as a non-state private institution, already in 2011 it deservedly received the status of a university. This establishment is located at: 2 Kozhukhovsky proezd, house number 12, building 1. You can get there by metro: go to the Avtozavodskaya station, and then go to the main building by any public transport.

What majors are available at the university?
Entered by the results of the Unified State Examination or intra-university testing, students of Moscow University can receive higher education in the following speci alties:
▪ an economy that includes a number of profiles;
▪ jurisprudence;
▪ tourism and hospitality;
▪ psychology and pedagogy;
▪ public administration and municipality;
▪ PR;
▪ business informatics;
▪ HR consulting;
▪ Customs;
▪ applied computer science.
As you can see, there is no lack of choice of profession, so anyone who wants to study here will be able to choose the faculty he is interested in.

A little about the university
Witte Moscow University actively supports international cooperation. Since 2008, an educational program with the Higher School of Management in Bialystok, called "Russia - Europe: 2 Diplomas", has been successfully operating. Education in Polandcontributes to obtaining a quality business education that meets all European standards. Students have the opportunity to receive WSFiZ diplomas and become good specialists of the international level. By the way, they are recognized by employers in more than twenty EU countries.
Young people studying at the faculty of tourism and hotel business have the opportunity to do an internship in France, on the Cote d'Azur of Nice, since a certain agreement has been concluded between the MU and the Guest House on this matter. Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridsky in Bulgaria, Riga Technical University in Latvia, Vitebsk State University in Belarus, as well as other universities closely cooperate with Moscow University, developing joint programs, holding annual meetings and academic exchanges - both for students and graduate students and teachers.
The university helps its graduates find jobs by regularly organizing job fairs. Well-known companies such as Renault, CJSC Credit Europe Bank and many others are actively cooperating with this institution and are happy to hire graduate students.
To improve your level of qualification, here you can continue your studies in postgraduate or master's programs. For this, about ten scientific speci alties of various directions are offered.

What do students say about this university?
A lot of flattering responses can be heard from students and graduates who have already graduated from Witte Moscow University. The responses of the guys are imbued with respect for the staff working here: the teaching staff, the administration staff. Students are pleased with the skillful construction of the lecture schedule, because it becomes possible to combine study with additional work activities. A large number of events held within the walls of MU do not let young people get bored, because the life of children should not be filled only with gaining knowledge and preparing for sessions. Classes here are quite skillfully combined with outdoor activities and numerous sports competitions and cultural trips, so all the reviews clearly show an active call for admission to Witte Moscow University.
Branch of MU in Ryazan
If you live in the Ryazan region and want to enter this particular educational institution, it will not be necessary to go to Moscow for higher education. Since 1994, a branch of MU - Witte University has been operating in the region. Ryazan is one of a number of Russian cities where, without leaving your region, you can complete a full course of study in many popular speci alties. This educational institution is located in the city center, on Pervomaisky Avenue. You can easily find it, and any city dweller will always clearly explain to you how to get to it.

What speci alties can you get here?
In the Ryazan branch, unlike MU, students are recruited for a smaller number of speci alties. Let's call thesefaculties:
- economic;
- legal;
- administrative;
- financial.
Graduates and interns are employed in excellent and successful companies, and these are more than fifty institutions that correspond to the profile of education.
Students take an active part in the development of scientific programs, participate in various conferences, olympiads. Witte University is also famous for the fact that it was here that talented guys who played and continue to play in the Russian KVN studied. Well, who does not know the team "Hakuna Matata" or "To be continued"? And besides this, there are also student construction teams, team competitions in football, volleyball and table tennis - the life of young people in this university is noisy and seething.

Branch in Nizhny Novgorod
S. Yu. Witte University, as we have already said, has several branches in a number of Russian cities. In the regional center of Nizhny Novgorod, such an institution also opened in 1997.
Here, as in other branches, students are recruited for various speci alties. Education is conducted on full-time, part-time and evening forms, considerable interest is shown in weekend classes. The university additionally conducts professional retraining and advanced training of executives and specialized specialists on the job and with a break from the main production.
Distance learning based on modern Internet technologies that connects interactiveself-study and consulting support, also practices Witte University. At the same time, the trainee should visit Nizhny Novgorod only once - when passing the state certification. The convenience of such a system is that the “student” has the right to independently choose the order of studying compulsory disciplines, as well as form the entire training schedule.
Graduates of the MU branch in Nizhny Novgorod are in great demand in the modern labor market, they are willingly accepted by the best and most successful enterprises in the city. The guys work in law enforcement agencies, banking institutions, government agencies at various levels.

Branch in Krasnodar
Why leave your native warm places so far from home to enter the coveted MU? After all, Witte University in Krasnodar has been accepting its applicants for more than ten years. In 2012, he received state accreditation.
Here there are the same faculties and speci alties that are in the main Moscow University, and graduates are 100 percent employed. To receive a quality education at the university, all the necessary conditions have been created. This is:
- computer classes where students can write programs, which, of course, will be useful to them in their future professional activities;
- multimedia classrooms equipped with modern technology;
- libraries, including electronic ones, with a full set of relevant methodological literature.
Summary of what has been said
This article presents the main Moscow University and its three branches. In fact, in five other cities of our vast country there are the same his brothers. We are talking about branches in Voronezh, Penza, Tula, Sergiev Posad and Rostov-on-Don. There is also a representative office in Chernogolovka, Moscow Region. All this speaks, first of all, of the need for the existence of such a university, its relevance in the framework of modern life and further successful advancement in scientific and social activities. The total number of students in all these institutions is 28 thousand, the guys study in 15 different speci alties and areas. 3 master's programs are successfully operating. The university employs a staff of highly qualified teachers, 65 percent of which are candidates, professors and doctors of science.

Do you want to study at this institution? Its doors are always open for you. Welcome to Witte University! Reviews about him are the most wonderful and sincere. Go there and see for yourself.