Balearic Sea: location, description, photo

Balearic Sea: location, description, photo
Balearic Sea: location, description, photo

The Balearic Sea (translated into English as Baleriac Sea) refers to the Atlantic Ocean. Washes the southern shores of Europe. It is considered a famous resort, about which all the inhabitants of the planet have heard. The coast is ideal for relaxation, and the purest water allows you to enjoy swimming.

Description and location

The Balearic Sea is located in the Northern Hemisphere. It washes the Iberian Peninsula with its waters from the east side. As a separate sea, it exists only thanks to the Balearic Islands, which separate it from the main Mediterranean Sea. Included in the subtropical climate zone, due to which there is a very hot and sunny summer. Rivers such as Mijares, Turia, Jukar and Ebro flow into the sea. The seabed is predominantly sandy. On the coast are such major ports as Palma, Valencia and Barcelona.

A relatively small area of 86 thousand square meters. km occupies the Balearic Sea. Where is this area on the map? In order to find it, you need to know the geographical coordinates: 40 ° 17'47 ″ north latitude and 1 ° 52'43 ″ east longitude. Administratively belongs to Spain.

Balearic sea
Balearic sea


Salinity of sea water on the surface is approximately 36 ppm. The depth of the water area is expressed by sharp drops. On average, it is approximately 730 m. But the deepest depression is more than 2100 m. The temperature of sea water does not drop to minus even in winter. For example, in February, the thermometer shows an average of +12 ° C. As for the summer season, the Balearic Sea steadily warms up to +25 °С.

Due to the proximity of such mountain ranges as Catalan and Iberian, a very picturesque, pleasing sea relief has been created here: numerous bays, lagoons and calm coves. Thanks to the abundance and diversity of fish and shellfish species (squid, mullet, crabs, tuna, mackerel), fishing has been developing here since the time of the Phoenicians. The water area is navigable. Very often the surface of the water is cut by large ships. As a rule, these are transport and fishing vessels.

Where is the Balearic Sea
Where is the Balearic Sea


It is impossible not to note that the Balearic Sea is a paradise for lovers of tourism. Vacationers are invited to stay in numerous sanatoriums and dispensaries. It is worth noting that there are always a lot of tourists here. And there is a simple explanation for this. The ideal climate, favorable geographical location, unique sea relief, the Balearic Islands and resorts on the coast (which is worth only the famous Ibiza) - all this makes the water area a pearl of the world's oceans.
