As soon as a student receives a school leaving certificate, he has to forget about the usual holidays. He is forced to fully plunge into adulthood. Because instead of a carefree vacation, he will have to prepare for admission to a higher educational institution. And in order to enter, you need to pass not only the exam, but also collect the necessary documents.
Begin preparation
The algorithm for preparing for admission looks something like this:
- Choosing an educational institution. Are you planning to enter a medical, technical or humanitarian institute?
- Collecting all required documents and submitting them to the selected educational institution on time.
- Preparing and passing the exam.
What do you need to enter the institute before you start collecting the necessary documents? The answer is to choose an educational institution!

Where to start
Collect all necessaryreliable information - this is what is the key to the right choice of an educational institution that can provide higher education at the proper level.
- All licensed educational institutions are accredited. And this is a guarantee of obtaining a diploma at the end of training. Therefore, if we are talking about non-state educational institutions, you should especially pay attention to this.
- It is important to visit the website of the university, note for yourself what content is on the site, on its design, which will give some idea of how classes are organized, how students spend extracurricular time. By visiting the site, you can find out the schedule of classes, which will help you understand what subjects the applicant will study by choosing one or another speci alty.
- You must be logged into the forum. And get acquainted with both positive and negative reviews about the educational institution. They will help to paint a realistic picture and finally make a choice.
Addition to the above

It is important to know that education in the country is free, and the applicant has the opportunity to enter five educational institutions and three speci alties at once. However, the number of budget places is limited and there is a big competition for many of them. Therefore, if an applicant has won school olympiads or received a gold medal for an excellent graduation from school, he has the highest chances of becoming a happy owner of a state-funded place.
But there are also preferential categories of citizens who should be provided with state-funded places in universitiesnecessarily. According to the law of the Russian Federation "On higher and postgraduate professional education", the following groups of citizens can apply for budget places:
- Children under 23 who have lost their parents and are left without their care.
- Disabled children of groups I and II who can be trained for he alth reasons.
- Children who have only one guardian, who is a disabled person of group I, if the family budget is below the subsistence level.
- Participants in military conflicts, soldiers who served military service and retired or served on a contract.
What do you need to enter the institute for those who decided to study far from their hometown? It is important for them to know whether the educational institution has a hostel. Unfortunately, few non-state universities can boast of this. Here is a list of documents that will be needed when settling into a hostel:
- Medical examination card.
- Photocopy of passport and original.
- Filled out contract.
- Three photos 3 X 4.
- Paid order.
- Certificate that proves belonging to this university.

Daytime department
After school, the guys are more willing to go to study at the full-time department. Here is what you need to enter the institute t in this case:
- Statement, where the applicant's data, the desired speci alty and department are prescribed. It is checked by members of the selection committee.
- Certificate and its photocopy, andalso a passport with a photocopy.
- Certificate of passing the exam. If you wish to enter several universities at once, you can provide a certified and scanned copy of the certificate.
- Six photos 3 X 4.
- Certificate from a medical institution (the so-called form 086). No university will enroll without it.
Distance learning
Documents for admission to the institute for citizens who wish to study in absentia must collect exactly the same. The same applies to those wishing to receive a second higher education in absentia, however, they need to add a diploma of higher education to the listed documents.

For those wishing to enroll in a master's program, the list of documents is also similar. Except for two things:
- certificate is replaced by a bachelor's degree;
- it is not necessary to provide a certificate in form 086, many institutions do not require it.
Young men, when they reach the age of 17, become liable for military service. Therefore, in order to enroll in the institute, they must provide a registration certificate or a military ID.
But what is needed for people with disabilities to enter the institute The list of documents for them has some differences:
- Conclusion provided by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission.
- Certificate confirming disability.
- A certificate that confirms that a citizen has no contraindications for studying at a university. It is issued by an institution that conducts medicalsocial expertise.

The rules for entering the institute for foreigners are about the same, but guests from abroad have to not only collect documents, but also translate them, so their number is much larger. Here is a list of required documents:
- Statement in Russian.
- Original education documents, as well as their certified and translated copies into Russian.
- Identification document.
- A copy of the visa, if the foreigner needed it to enter.
- Six photos 4 X 6.
- For foreigners with Russian nationality, documents that confirm the origin (nationality).
About the USE
In conclusion, a little about the exam and how many points you need to score for successful admission. Of course, the day when the results are announced is very exciting and disturbing for former school graduates. National statistics show that the number of applicants for state-funded places is more than 50% with an average USE score of 65. This means that the scores for entering the institute for those who want are not an obstacle and an obstacle on the way to the goal.
The passing score for the country's most prestigious universities is 90, with the exception of MGIMO, where it is 95. These educational institutions are for applicants with exceptional knowledge and a high USE score.
The bottom line is this: who scored from 60 to 80 points can be guaranteed to get into a good institution that is not included in the top tenthe most prestigious in the country.
So, what do you need to get into college? First of all, believe in yourself and your strengths, are not afraid of exams, set yourself a goal and achieve it. Collecting documents, passing exams, choosing an institute - this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is important for a former student to understand what he wants to achieve in life, who he sees himself in the future. After all, a diploma of higher education is one of the keys that gives confidence in the future.