Summer is the favorite time of all children. Schoolchildren are especially happy about this time of the year. After all, during the holidays, many guys go to camps. These may be school he alth centers, or they may be suburban, and the latter are organized in many regions of the country. There are especially many of them on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

In summer camps, children play, swim in the sea, go on excursions and go hiking, and also participate in all kinds of competitions and quizzes. Wherever the camp is located and whatever it is, there is something common to all children's he alth centers - the presence of detachments. All children are divided into such groups (most often by age criterion), as in school into classes. You need to come up with a team name. In the camp, children take part in competitions, representing exactly their team.
What is the correct name for the squad?
The popular cartoon character Captain Vrungel knowingly believed that whatever you call a boat, that's how it will float. This opinion also applies tosquad groups. A well-chosen name of the detachments in the camp, taking into account the characteristics of this group of children, can largely determine their mood and success throughout the entire shift. What should be the name? Of course, it must meet certain criteria:
- correspond to the age of the children in the squad;
- be meaningful;
- be easy to pronounce so that it can be clearly chanted in unison;
- reflect the common interests of children, their aspirations.
Sometimes thematic shifts are held in he alth centers. In this case, the name of the units in the camp should have something in common with the chosen theme. For example, in changes in the historical direction, units with the following names would be appropriate: "Knights", "Vikings", "Spartans", etc. If the direction associated with fairy tales is chosen, then the names of the detachments should also be fairy tales. In the case when the topic is not defined, you just need to turn on your fantasy, imagination. Of course, the leader needs to come up with the name of the units in the camp together with the kids. But at the same time, it is necessary to "keep in the sleeve" several ready-made names, guiding the guys to choose a beautiful name. This is especially true for younger teams, in which children, due to their age, are unlikely to be able to offer an interesting option. The skillful tactful help of the counselor is very important here.

Squad motto is important too
So, the name of the detachments in the camp was invented, but the children's team also needs its own motto -a slogan in which the name of the detachment is explained and its brief description is given. For example:
- "Worms". Break the hooks - we are all super worms!
- "Sunshine". We shine at night and during the day, we never get tired!
- "Energizer". Movement is life!
- "Constellation". We are all stars!
- "Ducklings". On a clear day and in slush, we like to quack loudly!
- "Champions". For victory forward - let no one lag behind!

All kids love summer camp. The name of the detachment, the motto, its own detachment song - all these attributes help to unite the team, are designed not only to organize the guys, but also to include them in one exciting common game.
It is necessary to set the children in the right mood: read books with them, sing songs on the chosen topic. Then the inspired guys themselves will be able to suggest the correct name of the squads in the summer camp, compose a chant motto and even pick up their own squad song. And then the children will spend the summer in the camp just as cheerfully and amicably, with the successful name of the detachment and with a soulful song.