"A small deed is better than a big idleness": the meaning of a proverb. Why is it important to be busy?

"A small deed is better than a big idleness": the meaning of a proverb. Why is it important to be busy?
"A small deed is better than a big idleness": the meaning of a proverb. Why is it important to be busy?

Work is honored, idleness is a disgrace. And so it was almost always. This is also what the expression “A small deed is better than a big idleness” says. Why this is so and how labor is useful and idleness is harmful - we will figure it out today.


The meaning of the proverb boils down to a simple formula: "It's better to do something than nothing." Why? Because work, even the most insignificant, has three components:

  • He drives away boredom.
  • He has a purpose.
  • Work is productive.

Idleness has no such components, because it is meaningless and boundless. But in addition to the above elements of labor, there is another aspect of it that needs to be discussed separately and nevertheless proved why a small deed is better than a big idleness.

Work has perspective, but laziness doesn't

a small deed is better than a big deed
a small deed is better than a big deed

Any, even the most insignificant business, can live and develop, and if a person is not busy with anything, then this will not bring him profit. Moreover, our time is such that some manage to earn on the most,seemingly trifling things. For example, someone, as he (or she) believes, has excellent taste, and the person likes to dress people. Today, this profession is called "stylist". But there are people who earn a living only by choosing clothes for we althy citizens, without touching the image as a whole. Of course, if a person is poor, then he simply does not have money for a personal stylist.

Poverty and we alth in this case are not important at all, but the important thing is that a small deed is better than a big idleness. Even if the occupation seems strange and incomprehensible to others. Who knows, maybe a person in 10 or 20 years will become a trendsetter.

By the way, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates also started small. And what happened in the end? Everyone knows. And this example even managed to fill the teeth. In any case, there is no escape from the facts.

Dale Carnegie and proverb

proverb small deed is better than big idleness
proverb small deed is better than big idleness

The books of the American psychologist Dale Carnegie are widely known. They can be treated differently, but he also owns a wise thought: "The cheapest cure for neurosis is to be busy." Thus, it turns out that the proverb “A small deed is better than a big idleness” also has a psychological dimension. Boredom and idleness are really dangerous. If a person does not know where to apply himself, then he gets various bad thoughts, from which he falls into depression or other unpleasant and risky conditions. If a person is busy, then he does not have time for groundless thoughts, he needs to complete the assigned tasks.

Therefore, work is good not only because it provides a livelihood and fills a person's life with content - work also has a therapeutic meaning: it does not allow a person to go crazy from thinking about, for example, the meaning of life. Why fill your head with all sorts of abstract nonsense when specific tasks are waiting to be solved? The answer is obvious.

And if a person thinks, he will understand: the proverb "A small deed is better than a big idleness" says the same thing.
