Empty is The meaning of the word

Empty is The meaning of the word
Empty is The meaning of the word

Auntie gave birth to a baby, the car was unloaded, and the speech of the young hooligan turned from a little meaningful story into outright nonsense. And then everyone had a common quality and it is indicated in speech in the same way. Its meaning is today's topic.

What do a pregnant woman, a loaded platform and an honest gopnik have in common?

The definition of "empty" cannot be applied to all of them. This word is pronounced when:

  • The observed object is absolutely empty. Meeting a woman with empty buckets is a bad omen.
  • Some place is empty. The auditorium remained empty.
  • If a woman is not pregnant, she is called empty (in some regions of Russia). In the masculine and neuter gender, this adjective is used in this sense only in an ironic or figurative sense. The writer kept walking empty, could not conceive a new novel. Unusually dry summer grandfather called empty, that is, not "pregnant" with a bountiful harvest, like the past.
  • In conversations about transport, any of its units carrying nothing (neither passengers nor cargo) is called empty.

This is about colloquial speech.

Empty is empty
Empty is empty

Butsome dictionaries give their interpretation, however, quite close.

The Railway Technical Dictionary defines train mileage as empty meaning: traveling empty from the point where it was unloaded to where it will be loaded again. The direction of its movement is also called empty, and the opposite is called loaded. And all such composition is called "empty".

In the vocabulary of youth slang, this adjective-derived noun has either:

  • nonsense;
  • nonsense;
  • false information;
  • false;
  • libel.

Or it is used to mean:

  • failure;
  • failure of the plans that were planned.

For example: “he drives an empty man through life.”

In this context, people of low culture use the word.

Empty is unbuilt
Empty is unbuilt

On the podium, as in a wasteland

There is an opinion that the word "empty" is formed from the expression "pour from empty to empty". It means "do nothing". That is, a meaningless, meaningless activity.

The figurative meaning of the adjective "empty" (talking, pastime) is also similar. And it also has a meaning: empty, unbuilt.

Full list of empties

This word occurs in proper names. "Empty Flight" is a Soviet full-length black-and-white feature film.

  • Bolshaya and Malaya Empty are rivers in the Komi Republic.
  • Empty (Zagonikha) - a river in the Altai Territory (sourcenear the village of Rodino).

But just as these rivers cannot be completely empty (unless they are completely dry), so a conversation about the meaning of words in their native language cannot be considered empty.
