How to determine what a doom is? It's literature, history, politics

How to determine what a doom is? It's literature, history, politics
How to determine what a doom is? It's literature, history, politics

What is a doom? This word has many meanings, including political, literary.

Proper use and knowledge of all the meanings of the word "thought" will broaden one's horizons.

Linguists, who seek to determine the origin of all words, believe that the word "duma" is closest to Church Slavonic duma (meaning "reflection") and Polish duma (meaning "pride").

From history

For the first time the mention of the Duma appears in the IX century, denoted the council in the Kiev Principality of the prince with his squad on military issues. The prince's advisers were called duma members, then boyars. Over time, the princely duma began to include those boyars who were engaged in separate structural units of non-military purposes. For example, a courtier, a thousand or a butler, as well as noble vassals. The Duma becomes an elite close to the prince, solving the main issues of the state.

But the meaning of the Duma is growing, and in Russia of the XV-XVIII centuries the Duma is the highest body, which had a legislative advisory character. Her influence on the prince, and then the king,was huge. For centuries, the Boyar Duma has been engaged in foreign and domestic policy, trade, wars, and diplomatic affairs. So, it was the representatives of the Duma who chose Mikhail Romanov to reign, before that they had selected candidates in their ranks.

Boyar Duma
Boyar Duma

But with the coming to power of Peter I, the Boyar Duma was abolished. Instead, the Senate was created.

Law and Duma

In 1905, the manifesto of October 17 proclaimed the creation of the State Duma, which was supposed to be a reflection of the interests of all classes of society. Except women, who were not allowed to vote. The main task of the State Duma was the development of laws, which then had to be approved by the State Council and the emperor.

In 1993, the State Duma was re-established in Russia, which became the lower house of parliament. Its deputies work in a building located in the center of Moscow, on Okhotny Ryad.

Meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

City Council: history

In 1785, cities were given a letter of commendation, according to which a city self-government body was created in the country, which was headed by the mayor - the city duma. This was a step forward, because the representatives of the Duma had to take into account the interests of almost all segments of the population. Elections were to be held every 3 years, they chose representatives from merchants, including foreign ones, nobles, artisans, townspeople and eminent citizens.

Emperor Paul I abolished city dumas in 1798. And Emperor Alexander I in 1802 returned them. In the 1960sFor centuries, city dumas were active and influenced city affairs in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa, Tiflis - the largest industrial, commercial and scientific centers of the empire. Dumas were engaged in city economy, accomplishment. Usually the Duma consisted of 30-72 representatives. so-called vowels. The most active thoughts were in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The Provisional Government after the February Revolution of 1917 expanded the powers of city dumas, but immediately after the October Revolution the dumas were liquidated.

City Council meeting
City Council meeting

Current State

According to the law adopted in 1991, instead of councils of deputies in cities, it was allowed to create city dumas. In 2003, the federal law clearly defined the powers and competence of city dumas.

Today the City Duma is one of the branches of local self-government, it consists of representatives-deputies elected by local residents. It is headed by the head of the municipality, this position is also elective. The other branch of power is the local administration, its work is of an executive nature.

In each city, the Duma is engaged in the distribution and formation of the budget, the development of the municipality, and makes decisions that relate to the life of the settlement. The basis of the Council's decisions is the local charter.

In some regions (Tomsk Region, Khabarovsk Territory, etc.), the body is called the Legislative Duma. This is the same representative body of power. There are city councils in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk and other cities.


Another meaning of the word "thought" is literary.

The duma genre is an oral work of an epic nature, which was performed by itinerant musicians in Ukraine. Playing the lyre, bandura, kobza, the singers accompanied the melodic tune with a verbal recitative. Dumas, which were performed and listened to in the vastness of Ukraine, were dedicated to Turkish captivity and liberation from it, the knightly life of the Cossacks and the war of Khmelnytsky. There are references to the first thoughts in 1587.

There are probably no analogues in world literature to the domestic genre of doom. After all, unlike the epics and ballads of other nations, they are absolutely realistic.

In the XIX century. the term "duma", understood as an epic about Cossack life, was introduced into Russian literature by the scientist M. Maksimovich.

Works in the genre of thought

Poets inspired the folk genre, and at the beginning of the XIX century. "Duma" by Kondraty Ryleev was published. His poetic thoughts about the social structure of society, philosophy, history, designed as an instruction to the young.

Cover of Ryleev's book
Cover of Ryleev's book

The "Duma" cycle is 21 lyrical works dedicated to history. Ryleev talks about the exploits committed by those who cared for the state, but does not forget about their mistakes. The first thought tells about Prince Oleg, who received the nickname Prophetic. Separate thoughts tell about the exploits of such outstanding personalities as Ivan Susanin and Yermak. Ryleev's poetry, dedicated to the conqueror of Siberia, quickly became a folk song.

Ryleev's "Dumy" is not a history textbook, and there are enough inaccuracies, but it is a poetic moral lesson.

The genre of civil poetry was supported by such poets as A. Koltsov and M. Lermontov, on whom Ryleev's work had a huge impact. In the collection of V. Fet you can find "Elegies and Thoughts", the cycle of thoughts was created by K. Sluchevsky. A rare genre was used by E. Bagritsky when he wrote The Duma about Opanas.

And the meaning of the word

And finally, the outdated, but still often used in everyday life, meaning of the word “thought”. This is serious thinking. About something very important. Thought is a deep and all-consuming thought.

When it is said that someone is “thinking thoughts”, it is easy to understand that a person is preoccupied with difficult problems. “Thinking a thought” is not just delving into the question, but delving into it, seriously trying to solve something important. Nowadays, this expression is a phraseological unit.
