Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University (FMP): history, description, speci alties

Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University (FMP): history, description, speci alties
Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University (FMP): history, description, speci alties

Admission to Moscow State University is the dream of many applicants in our country. Some strive to bring it to life and apply to the Faculty of World Politics (FMP MSU). This is a modern unit with professional teachers, a new material and technical base, and effective approaches to learning.

Historical information about the unit

The faculty of world politics that exists today in the structure of Moscow State University is a unit that had a predecessor. He began his work during the Great Patriotic War. To be more precise, the official date of its opening is October 1943. The predecessor was called at that time the international faculty. It did not last long - only 1 year. The international faculty was not closed. It just separated from the university and turned into an independent educational institution.

The opening of a new international faculty at Lomonosov Moscow State University was considered after 60 years. The idea was implemented almost immediatelya life. In 2003, the Faculty of World Politics was launched in the structure of Moscow State University. It was opened with the aim of training professionals with the most up-to-date knowledge and able to work effectively in the field of international relations, security, cooperation with the CIS countries and other foreign countries.

Emblem of FMP MSU
Emblem of FMP MSU

Dignity of a modern faculty

More than 15 years have passed since the opening of the structural unit. Today, FMP MGU is an interesting and promising faculty of the most famous higher educational institution in our country. His diploma is highly rated in Russia and abroad. Graduates are invited to work in the most prestigious organizations and authorities. It's no secret that many people who studied at the Faculty of World Politics in the past now work in the Administration of the President of Russia, the Accounts Chamber, the Ministry of Economic Development, as well as in companies such as Aeroflot, Nestle Russia and etc.

Applicants to the Faculty of World Politics are offered bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies. There is also an opportunity for further education. The division implements professional training and advanced training programs:

  • persons with secondary and higher education have access to the "mastery of public speaking";
  • for public relations officers, teachers related to this area, there is a special program in Russian and English.
Speci altyFaculty of World Politics
Speci altyFaculty of World Politics

The educational process at the undergraduate and graduate level

The Faculty of World Politics invites applicants for a single speci alty - "international relations". At the bachelor's degree, the duration of study is 4 years. In the 1st and 2nd year, students study the basic disciplines:

  • general humanitarian;
  • science;
  • math;
  • general professional.

In the 3rd year, students of the faculty are invited to choose a specific profile in the speci alty "international relations" - the area that is most interesting. It can be international communication, information support of foreign policy, security at the international level, regional problems of world politics, political processes in the world and international organizations.

Master's program at FMP MSU is available to people with higher education. This is the first stage of postgraduate education, where they receive an academic master's degree and deepen their specialization in a particular professional area. The training is designed for 2 years. It is carried out in the above speci alty, but several programs are offered within its framework. Let's take a look at them.

Postgraduate education FMP MGU
Postgraduate education FMP MGU

"International security" and "international public relations"

In total, the faculty implements 4 master's programs. One of them is “international security”. This master's program studies international conflicts and modern foreign policy strategy. Russia, world development megatrends and global problems, history and methodology of world political and global studies, etc. After mastering the educational material, you can get a job as an international analyst, practicing diplomat, consultant on international economic relations, international journalist.

The second master's program of FMP MSU is "international public relations". Its goal is to train personnel capable of providing communication support for the foreign policy activities of state structures. The disciplines studied are public relations design, negotiation process in an intercultural context, international communications and new information technologies.

Educational process at FMP MSU
Educational process at FMP MSU

Other master's programs

The rest of the educational programs at the magistracy are "regional problems of international relations" and "information support of state. interests." At the first of them, faculty members teach students political analysis, methods of situational analysis and political forecasting, negotiation and writing analytical documents. All the knowledge that teachers give to students contributes to the formation of highly qualified international specialists with in-depth knowledge of regional problems of world politics.

Information support of the state. Interests” is a new educational program at the Master’s level. It appeared in the considered structural unit of Moscow State University in 2017 andimplemented with the support of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In the learning process, attention is paid to the methods and means of ensuring information security, technologies of modern information confrontation.

Teaching Methods at the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University
Teaching Methods at the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University

Postgraduate studies

The second stage of postgraduate education is postgraduate studies. It trains highly qualified personnel. Training is implemented according to 2 programs:

  • "political science and regional studies";
  • "historical sciences and archeology".

PhD students in the process of learning carry out scientific research, research work, and the results are published in the Moscow University Bulletin, an authoritative journal. Postgraduate students also try themselves as teachers. This opportunity is provided by Moscow State University during the start of practice.

Faculty at the Faculty of World Politics
Faculty at the Faculty of World Politics

Courses for other departments

One of the interesting features of the Faculty of World Politics is the availability of interfaculty courses. They are offered to students of other structural divisions. These courses were created to improve the quality of the educational process. Thanks to them, students of other faculties receive knowledge that is not related to their future speci alty. This knowledge is not useless. They make learners versatile individuals, and some come in handy in the future.

Courses for other faculties are offered differently. For example, in the spring of 2017, students enrolled in such programs as "Cultural History of Technology", "Russia after the USSR: the problem of integration into the world community." In autumn, there were already other courses - "Modernization in the countries of the West and East in the 19th-21st centuries" and "Problems of peacekeeping in international relations: theory and practice."

Interfaculty courses of FMP MSU
Interfaculty courses of FMP MSU

Benefits of learning

The main advantage of the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University is the faculty. Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ambassadors of the Russian Federation, practical workers of the most important legislative and state structures work in this division. Prominent statesmen, diplomats, scientists and military leaders are regularly invited to give lectures.

The advantages of the Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University also include the use of modern teaching methods (role-playing games, videoconferencing). The best students are given the opportunity to undergo an internship abroad. It is held in the leading universities of the world. Thanks to participation in internships, students improve their knowledge of a foreign language, increase the level of professional training, and improve communication skills.


Thus, the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University is a worthy structural subdivision of Moscow State University. In it, they receive higher, postgraduate and additional education, become highly qualified specialists, for whom roads are open to a variety of government structures, organizations and companies.
