Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: myths and reality

Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: myths and reality
Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: myths and reality

Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the leading universities in the region. Its characteristic feature is the successful combination of humanitarian and technical education on the basis of one educational institution with a paramilitary nature of education. The result is a sufficiently high-quality education for people who wish to connect their lives with a career in the police.

Where is it

Address of the educational institution: Prospekt Patriotov, 53. The most convenient way to get there is by car, as this is the very outskirts of the city. The university is located in the southwestern region of Voronezh, practically on the Kursk highway. There is a huge parking lot on the territory of the institute, where you can always park your car.

Russian police in Sochi
Russian police in Sochi

The "Police School" stop is available for pedestrians. You can get to it by the only bus number 52. If you go from the central part of the city, then you can get to the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia quite quickly, since no one goes out of town in the morning. Early in the morning, surprised visitors to the city can see a line of students in police uniforms walking from the bus stop.

What speci alty canmaster

There are five faculties at the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • legal;
  • radio engineering;
  • training;
  • distance learning;
  • training.
police in Russia
police in Russia

With legal and radio engineering, everything is relatively clear. However, a feature of this university is the placement of additional education in a separate structural unit of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is explained by a large number of law graduates who go to serve in the police, but do not have the necessary specific knowledge and skills. Therefore, they en masse go to complete their studies at a specialized university.

Features of admission

When entering the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you must pass the Unified State Examination in specialized subjects and get the minimum result. On average, the certificate should have from 27 to 40 points in each discipline. Among other things, the Institute annually appoints additional tests and credits for physical training. The applicant must fulfill three standards (which ones, the institute specifies before the start of the selection committee). One attempt is allowed to complete the fitness test.

Upon admission, benefits are also provided to unprotected categories of citizens and current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies. According to the regulation on admission to the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everything looks quite strict. However, those who skipped physical education lessons inschool, no. Exams in physical fitness are quite loyal, and a number of faculties do not require passing additional tests.

police girls
police girls

Upon admission, the applicant must pass a medical commission and have unquestioning he alth. Among other things, with the general package of documents it is necessary to pass a certificate of passing a drug test. It is paid, by the way, by the applicant himself. For international students there are commercial places. The annual cost at the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is indexed annually, but on average you will have to pay about 15-20 thousand rubles per semester.

Scientific activity

An amazing feature is the wide scientific development of the university. Despite the fact that the police is a law enforcement agency, active scientific work is being carried out at the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Cadets are participants in conferences, seminars and forums on jurisprudence. The students of the institute constantly speak at the leading scientific venues of the city and the region, have the opportunity to be published in journals and collections, and even apply for scientific scholarships and grants. Among other things, the institute has its own dissertation council. According to graduate students, admission to this university is one of the easiest ways to prepare and defend a Ph. D. dissertation.

Compulsory Employment

Education at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a guarantee of employment after graduation. After receiving the diploma, the graduate will be employed in the internal affairs bodies with the rank of police lieutenant.

Russian cadets
Russian cadets

It is worth remembering that back in 2012 the government issued a decree according to which those who studied at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but did not want to connect their lives with the police, are obliged to reimburse the university for the costs of training. The specific amount is not reported, but it is assumed that it will be different for each graduate. There have been no real reviews of the actual implementation of this resolution for more than 5 years.

What to be prepared for

The Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very specific profile university. In addition to the profile speci alty, cadets receive knowledge about the legislation in the field of police activities, learn self-defense and physical training. Like any paramilitary university, the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs imposes on the cadet a number of statutory obligations for duty, drill and other "joys of life." If you dream of romance and the fight against crime from the first days, then you need to be prepared for a certain amount of disappointment, since initially the student will develop discipline and the ability to unquestioningly obey the orders of the leadership.
