Introductory words and appeal: rule and examples

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Introductory words and appeal: rule and examples
Introductory words and appeal: rule and examples

Introductory words and addresses are marked with punctuation marks. Every student knows this. But if punctuation errors are rare in writing sentences in which there is an appeal, then the situation is more complicated with introductory words. In order to understand this issue, you should remember the rules.

introductory words and appeal
introductory words and appeal

Every person, no matter what field they work in, should know the elementary rules of spelling and punctuation. A number of servers have been created that supposedly can improve the literacy of the text. But it is no secret that not a single machine or robot can yet do what a person can do. The absence of a comma or a colon in the text is not a gross mistake, but it is still worth repeating the rules that are included in the Russian language school course.

Common features

Introductory words and appeal are parts of speech. They are not related to the subject and predicate syntactically. They have no effect on the other members of the sentence. Introductory words and appeal are separated by commas. But not inall cases. The appeal can be a separate sentence, and then an exclamation mark is placed after it:

  • Sergey Ilyich! Are you afraid of him?
  • Olga Petrovna! Don't forget to come tomorrow at the appointed time!

Introductory words and appeal are separated by commas when they are in the middle of a sentence. If a phrase begins with them, then the same punctuation mark is put after them.

As already mentioned, special difficulties arise when writing sentences with introductory words and phrases. In order to understand, consider a few examples.

introductory words and sentences
introductory words and sentences

Types of introductory words

These parts of speech perform the following functions:

  • expression of various emotions (unfortunately, fortunately, there is nothing to hide a sin);
  • confidence assessment expression (undoubtedly, of course, really, indisputably, self-evidently);
  • an indication of the sequence, the idea of presentation (on the contrary, it means, therefore, so, by the way, by the way, I emphasize, in this way, more than that);
  • an indication of the methods of designing thoughts (in other words, in a word, simply say);
  • indication of the source of the message (according to words, report, say, transmit).


  1. Here, to Misha's chagrin, there was a diary on the new desk, which he so carefully hid from his mother.
  2. The guest, to Grigory's amazement, immediately took off his coat and sat down at the table.
  3. AfterIn this case, in fact, there was no need to be interested in his attitude towards a neighbor.
  4. Is he suggesting that you give up the game and therefore lose the rating you have been earning for so long?
  5. The student unfortunately left the cheat sheet on the teacher's desk.
  6. Katerina left, or rather, ran away, leaving behind a laconic note.
introductory words of interjection address
introductory words of interjection address


Introductory words and appeal perform different functions. Both in the first and in the second case we are talking about a grammatically separate component. But if the introductory words give only a semantic or emotional coloring, then the appeal indicates the person to whom the speech refers.

Introductory word may be an incomplete construction. And then it stands out with both a comma and a dash. Example:

The great teacher has repeatedly stated that education is based, on the one hand, on boundless trust in the child, on the other, on high demands.

Entries are separated by a comma or an exclamation mark. A dash cannot appear before or after it.

introductory words and constructions of address
introductory words and constructions of address

Position position

Appeal, introductory words and sentences, which are additional constructions, are independent. They have no connection with the members of the proposal and are not them. Therefore, the same constructions can be used in different capacities. Below are suggestions. In these examples, there are introductory words and address constructions that are not members of the sentence:

  1. You must have arrived from another city?
  2. This organization may no longer exist.
  3. Gentlemen, listen to the information about the new rules and take note.

In the following examples - the same words and phrases, but already as members of the sentence:

  • you completed the task correctly;
  • company may be reorganized;
  • gentlemen listened, but did not understand what the innovations were.

Introductory words that are difficult to recognize

It should be said that there are cases when the meaning of what has been said can be understood in two ways. And then only punctuation marks are able to clarify the semantic connotation. There are words that can act both as an introductory word and as an adverb. Examples:

  1. First of all, you need to write about it ("first of all" can be replaced by the word "first").
  2. And above all, don't write about it.
  3. She is definitely right (“certainly” is a circumstance indicating the degree of rightness).
  4. She is definitely right.
introductory words and addresses are
introductory words and addresses are

Circumstance or introductory word?

What are the most common punctuation errors? Missing commas and extra punctuation after and before the introductory word. Such errors arise because such a member of the sentence, as a circumstance, is sometimes not easy to single out. Often it is taken as an introductory word. Consider similar cases with examples:

  1. The philosophical reasoning of the father naturally led the son toright decision.
  2. His reasoning naturally led us to the right decision.
  3. So he completed the task in a matter of days (so).
  4. So he completed the whole task (in this way).
  5. And then he became a real show business star (after some event).
  6. And, then, he is a real celebrity in his own eyes (can be replaced with the introductory phrase "besides").
  7. He did it cleverly, however !
  8. He was in danger, but deftly got out at the last moment.
  9. Isn't it great that we came here?
  10. As for the guests, it really seemed that they were not here for the first time (the word "truth" is a particle and it can be replaced with "really")
  11. In the end, he made his choice.
  12. An aspiring actress is, after all, beyond the power to play this role.
introductory words and appeals rule
introductory words and appeals rule

Insert sentences

Introductory words and appeals are lexical units that are necessary to clarify the meaning of the narrative, but without which the sentence may well exist. In most cases, they are separated by commas. A sentence can include not only an introductory word or an appeal, but also a whole structure that is not syntactically related to the subject or predicate.


  1. That day she was driving to the bridge, where, she was told, Napoleon himself had been.
  2. Natalya Petrovna, she went on an excursion to the bridge where Napoleon was.

Introductorysentences are sometimes distinguished by a dash. Returns - never. Insert sentences can be distinguished not only by dashes and commas, but also by brackets.


  1. Ivan Petrovich (as it turned out, that was the name of this strange man) suddenly got ready and, smiling stupidly, put his hat on his head.
  2. The driver braked sharply, seeing a piece of rebar on the way (a trace of a destroyed bridge), and turned with unexpected ease.

Types of treatment

This sentence component is a noun and always only in the nominative case. The following types of treatment can be distinguished:

  • expressed by proper name;
  • reversals after particle "o";
  • expressed by pronoun.

The "o" particle is not separated from treatment by a comma or other punctuation mark.


Oh my dear, devoted friend!

However, the same particle can also act as an interjection. In this case, there is a comma after it. Introductory words, appeals and interjections are components that have different purposes, but also many similar features. They are always marked with punctuation and usually with commas.

appeals and introductory words examples
appeals and introductory words examples


Similar parts of speech are invariable words. They are separated from the members of the sentence by commas only if they are devoid of exclamatory coloring.


Oh, send for a doctor immediately!

If these parts of speech are pronounced with an exclamatory intonation, then they are followed bycorresponding character.


Alas! Now there is no longer a person whom you could not forget for so long.

Thus, introductory words and appeals have a lot in common. You need to know the rule for highlighting these components with punctuation marks. After all, its violation creates a negative impression about the author of the text. Appeals and introductory words, examples of which are given in the article, are the topic of one of the important sections of punctuation. They are quite common in fiction. But in order to use these components correctly, it is not enough to read the works of Russian classics. Need to repeat the rules from time to time.
