The vast majority of educators would agree that lesson planning is essential. This will allow you to prepare well, avoid slurred explanations and unnecessary pauses, systematize all stages of the future lesson, and “digest” the entire amount of planned work. Even relying on long experience is not more effective in teaching practice than this simple rule.
A lesson plan usually consists of a certain number of points. Each of them is consistently revealed as a separate part of the educational process, supplemented by a short text. The creation of such a document is an important step in preparing the teacher for the lesson.
How to make a lesson plan? The first thing to do is to determine the main topic, the type of activity and its objectives. The latter can be conditionally divided into several categories: educational (obtaining and consolidating new knowledge), developing (stimulating thinking, creative imagination, etc.), educational. The next thing to write in the “header” of the abstract is the objectives of the lesson. That is, those actions that will help achieve the goals set in advance by the teacher. You also need to specify the equipment thatthe teacher will use in the learning process - cards, visuals, videos, etc.

Next, you need to describe the course of the lesson itself. All stages of interaction between the teacher and students will be indicated here. The beginning of the lesson must be associated with previously learned material in order to consolidate knowledge. Learning activities need to be properly motivated and set to work the whole class. The largest part of the lesson is devoted to the study of new information, the necessary skills and abilities. The next stage is feedback from the teacher, mastering and consolidating the newly acquired knowledge. The last point of the lesson is the conclusion, conclusions (can be done in the form of questions for students) and homework.
Here are some general tips on how to write a lesson outline. However, each case is individual, as is any individual item.

The outline of a lesson in gymnastics will include a description of the physical activity of students, standards, etc. Accordingly, the equipment in physical education will not be the same as, for example, in mathematics.
The plan-outline of the lesson of fine arts will necessarily contain elements of creative activity. As a rule, it begins with a review and discussion of visibility, after which a smooth transition will be made to practical work. However, there is one thing in common in the preparation of a teacher for a particular subject - this is the obligatory presence of a plan-outline. During the course of the lesson, some stages, of course, may change,the situation may change. But, on the other hand, the lesson should not be pure impromptu.
The plan of all lessons in a particular subject can be bought at a specialized store. Perhaps this will save the teacher a lot of free time. However, it is still better for the lesson plan to be compiled by the teacher on his own, albeit with the use of special aids. In this case, it will be possible to show a little creativity, and all the moments of working with students will be better preserved in memory.