Khmelnitsky National University is one of the largest and most respected universities in Western Ukraine. It trains specialists in 19 areas of knowledge. Conduct educational, scientific, methodological and educational work.

From branch to institute
KhNU (Khmelnitsky National University) was created on the basis of a branch of the Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute named after. I. Fedorov by order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Ukrainian SSR on September 29, 1967 with the original name Khmelnitsky Technological Institute of Consumer Services (KhTIBO). Its main task at that time was to train highly qualified specialists for public service enterprises in the following speci alties:
- machines and devices of light industry;
- economics and organization of consumer services;
- chemical technology, finishing equipment;
- TM, machine tools and tools.
By the end of the eighties, the institute turned into a multidisciplinary university, as it carried outtraining of specialists for a wide range of sectors of the national economy, such as mechanical engineering, light industry, radio engineering and electronic industries and consumer services.
From institute to university
June 4, 1989 KhTIBO was renamed Khmelnitsky Technological Institute (KhTI). The specifics of the institute's activities, its significance for the Podolsk region, a strong material and technical base, staffing of the educational process, and scientific activities made it possible to accredit KhTI according to the IV level of accreditation. By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 08.29.1994, the Technological University of Podolia (Khmelnitsky) was created on its basis.
According to the order dated 2003-17-12, the Technological University of Podolia was transformed into Khmelnytsky State University, and already on 2004-21-08 by Presidential Decree No. 54/2004 - into Khmelnytsky National University. Over the years of its existence, KhNU has become a recognized center for the training of highly qualified personnel; almost 50,000 specialists have been trained within its walls.

The University is state-owned and subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Khmelnitsky National University is a legal entity with separate property and financial independence.
KhNU is a multidisciplinary university that provides a sufficient level of preparation of applicants for the qualifications of "bachelor", "specialist" and "master". Educational activities are aimed at studying a wide range of humanitarian, technical,economic, natural, social areas of science, technology. At the same time, scientific research of a fundamental and applied nature is being carried out here, scientific and methodological centers are operating.
The contingent of university students is 4984 full-time students, 2346 part-time students and 1285 distance students. 340 people annually improve their qualifications in accredited speci alties. The university operates a retraining center for reserve officers under the Tasis program. The preparatory department of the university annually prepares 300 people who become future applicants.

Meeting educational standards
The University has the whole range of scientific and methodological support (determined by the Ministry of Education) necessary for its effective functioning:
- state and industry standards of higher education;
- study and work plans, programs in all academic disciplines;
- programs of all kinds of practices;
- textbooks, teaching aids and instructive materials;
- control tasks;
- complex examinations in academic disciplines;
- methodical materials for course and diploma design.
The infrastructure of educational and scientific departments is well developed, cultural and educational work is being carried out, postgraduate and doctoral studies are operating.

In the walls of KhNU, training is provided in 39 basic areas (qualification level "bachelor") and in 42 speci alties of the "specialist" level in 19 branches of knowledge. Master's programs operate in 38 speci alties.
The university has 7 faculties:
- Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty.
- Economics and management.
- Programming and telecommunications.
- Engineering mechanics.
- International relations.
- Technology and design.
- Distance learning.
The educational process and scientific activities of the university are provided by 89 (13.2%) doctors of sciences, professors, 480 (70.5%) candidates of sciences, associate professors. The rector is Skiba Nikolai Yegorovich.

Khmelnitsky National University is located in 9 educational and research and production buildings. Their total area is 85,015 sq. m. A 9,000 m study building is being prepared for commissioning2.
The KhNU structure also functions:
- a scientific library with a fund of more than 620,000 copies of educational, reference and scientific literature;
- information and computer center;
- educational management;
- printing and publishing center;
- research sector, experimental base;
- Institute of Tribology and Tribological Materials Science;
- administrative-economic part;
- laboratory for technical support of the educational process;
- a campus with 5 dormitories (2222 beds);
- canteen, cafes, buffets, medical stations;
- water sports base and sports camp.
The pride of the university and the whole city is the Botanical Garden of KhNU. Valuable ornamental, flower plants, bushes, many coniferous trees grow on an area of about 5 hectares. Part of the garden (2.2 hectares) has a protected status.
29016, City of Khmelnitsky, Institutskaya street, bldg. 11.
- Admission Committee: (03822) 2-37-55.
- HR Department: (0382) 72-84-74.
- Rector's office: (0382) 72-80-76.
- International Relations Department: (03822) 4-11-92.
Educational activities of KhNU are carried out in accordance with license AE No. 285221, issued on September 18, 2013. Educational activities in licensed areas, speci alties are carried out within the licensed admission volumes for all areas of training, speci alties.