Literary language is a processed form of the national language, which has written norms. It is the language of each manifestation of culture, which is expressed in verbal form.
He is always the result of collective creative activity. The wording about the "fixedness" of the norms of the language has a certain relativity. Despite its importance and stability, the norm will always be mobile in time. It is impossible to imagine a developed modern culture of the people without a rich and modern language. This is the great social significance of the presented problem of the literary language.
Features and Specifications
Linguists do not have a common opinion regarding the complex and versatile concept of the literary language. Many experts tend not to present it as something whole, and break it into several types:
- written language,
- colloquial,
- journalistic,
- schooling,
- household,
- fiction,
- formal business and others.

It should be understood that the language of fiction and literary is not the same thing, although these two concepts are correlative. In the first version, there is a lot of individuality brought by each writer, so here you can observe some differences from what is generally accepted norms.
Literary language is the property of everyone who owns its norms. It is used in written and spoken form. In different historical epochs, among many peoples, the level of proximity between the language of fiction and the literary language itself varies significantly.
What are the differences
There is a difference between the national language and the literary one. The first can act in the form of the second, but these concepts also have their own peculiarity. It lies in the fact that not always a literary language can immediately become national. For this, time must pass and certain conditions must develop in the public mind.
Scientists define the literary language as a supra-dialect subsystem of the national language. It can be characterized by such features as normativity, versatility, stylistic diversity, increased social prestige between its bearers. The literary language is considered the main means for fulfilling the communicative needs of society. It is contrasted with non-codified language subsystems. These are dialects, urban vernacular, social and professional jargon.

Languagea norm is a system of rules that regulates the use of language means during speech. These rules are not only socially approved, they are objective due to real speech practice. this position reflects the regularity of the language system.
The concept of "the norms of the modern Russian language" can be extended to all areas of the literary language. Let's take a look at each one.
The lexical norms of the modern Russian language mainly imply the correct choice of a word, as well as the appropriateness of its use in a well-known meaning and in combination with other words. Directly related to this is the stylistic, territorial and social stratification of vocabulary, that is, vernacular and jargon, dialectisms or professional expressions. The sphere of vocabulary is closely connected with the material and spiritual life of our society, due to which it is subject to non-linguistic influence, expressed in various forms. The formation and improvement of norms occurs in a complex, often unpredictable way.
The extent to which a word is acceptable, how correctly it was used, is connected with the ideology and worldview of the speakers. In this regard, very often there are categorical decisions that are based solely on personal perception of linguistic facts. The most complete and objective description of the lexical norms of the modern Russian language is displayed in the explanatory dictionaries of reputable scientists. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in order to master your speech masterfully.
Stress in words
Norms of stress in modernRussian provide for the correct pronunciation, which is also a key feature of literate speech. The diversity and change of accent norms can be caused by several reasons - this is the influence of territorial dialects, interlingual relations, as well as the influence of foreign language accent standards. Social and professional speech aspects also influence.
Nevertheless, the key factors in the development of stress are the reasons that are of an intra-system nature: analogy, that is, the assimilation of some linguistic facts to a more standard one-type category of words, as well as a tendency to ethnic balance. This causes the stress to shift from the extreme syllables to the central ones. Some peoples (for example, the Greeks) do not have such problems. They have a fixed rule when writing words with more than 1 syllable, to put an accent mark. This applies to absolutely all forms of language - journalistic, official business, artistic and literary, and others. Unfortunately, there are no such stress norms in modern Russian, so people often pronounce the same word differently, which is a big problem. Examples of such words: apartments-apartments, expert - expert, means - means.
Orthoepic norm
It implies the correct pronunciation of words, which is a key feature of speech culture. The main features of the development of the pronunciation norm in the modern Russian language is the elimination of various dialect sounds in oral speech. There are certain orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of vowelsand consonant sounds. So, for the former, in many words, an unstressed "o" can sound like "a" (road - daroga, fire - fire). When pronouncing consonants, "ts" is very often replaced by "tts" (laughs-laughs), "ch" by "shn" (Lukinichna - Lukinishna) and many others.
Such substitutions are generally easy to accept if they are used in spoken language rather than in writing. However, in some dialects there are such deviations from orthoepic norms that can cause irritation in others (for example, what - che).
In this concept, the norms of the modern Russian language are officially accepted rules that fix the uniformity of speech transmission in writing. The first scientific description of the presented norms was made by Academician Groth. Only due to the legislative order is the regulation of spelling carried out. Spelling dictionaries also help with this.

Such grammatical norms of the modern Russian language are the rules for word formation and inflection. Everyone must comply with them, regardless of dialect, accent and other individual characteristics. Digressions can only be allowed in the language of fiction. Writers often use this technique to highlight some aspect of their character or draw readers' attention to something.
Compared to other language levels, morphology is relatively simplerunify. The change in the grammatical norms of the modern Russian language is associated with historical events, and is also caused by the influence of various intra-system factors, such as the contradiction between the form and content of language elements, and the influence of grammatical analogies. The presented norm is characterized by dependence on the selection of word forms from constructions.
The concept of the grammatical norms of the modern Russian language includes the correct use of feminine, masculine and neuter words. Examples:
- no winter coat, no coat,
- good shampoo, not good shampoo.
This concept also includes the ability to correctly use abbreviations, words in different cases, in the singular and plural.
The syntactic norms of the modern Russian language presuppose the correct formation of grammatical constructions, as well as the implementation of forms of agreement with each other of the members of the sentence. Changes can be caused by external factors, as well as due to internal reasons.
Another aspect of the culture of speech in the norms of the modern Russian literary language is ethics. Each society has its own norms of behavior, which will certainly include:
- Speech etiquette, as the choice of addressing "you" or "you".
- Full or abbreviated name when addressing.
- Choice of address (citizen, madam, mister).
- Way of greeting (hello, salute, hello).

Ethical norms most often have a national character. For example, the way of addressing “You” in English and German is not as wide as in Russian. These same languages easily allow the use of abbreviated names. One of the prerequisites for excellent mastery of the Russian language is knowledge of etiquette and the basic norms of the modern Russian language.
The science that studies the territorial variety of a language is called dialectology. It allows you to make adjustments to the concept of the norm of the modern Russian literary language and studies the synthetic, phonetic, semantic features of speech.
Literary is considered a language for everyday communication, for official and business documentation, for education, writing, culture and much more. Its distinguishing feature is normalization, that is, the use of rules, the implementation of which is considered mandatory for all members of society. They are fixed in grammar books, as well as in dictionaries. Dialectology also deals with the unification of various dialectic pronunciations in order to expand cultural and economic ties between different ethnic groups of the population.
Speaking does not have a written embodiment in the form of norms and rules. For the Russian dialect, only the oral form of existence is characteristic, which is fundamentally different from the literary language, which also has a written form.
A dialect is the smallest territorial variety of a language that can be used by residents of one or more neighboring villages. Regionthe use of the dialect is much narrower than the area of use of the literary language, which is considered a means of communication between all people who speak Russian.
Literary language and dialects constantly touch and influence each other. It is reinforced by schooling, radio and television. Gradually, the dialect is destroyed, losing its characteristic features.
Phrases or words that denote rituals, concepts, customs or household items that were traditional for villages are leaving or have already gone with the people of the old generation. That is why it is so important to describe the living language of the countryside as fully and in detail as possible. This affects many types of norms of the modern Russian language - ethical, syntactic, orthoepic.
On the territory of our country for a long time was dominated by a disdainful attitude towards local dialects. They were perceived as a phenomenon with which it is necessary to fight. But it was not always so. In the middle of the 19th century, the maximum peak of public interest in relation to folk speech was noted on the territory of Russia. In those days, various dictionaries and scientific works were published, where dialect words and expressions were collected for the first time. Connoisseurs of Russian literature actively helped to compose the material for such dictionaries, and various magazines and provincial journals actively published in their issues various graphic sketches from dictionaries of local sayings and dialect descriptions.
A cardinally opposite attitude to dialect falls on the 30s of the XX century. During the "breaking" of the villages,during the period of collectivization, calls were briskly proclaimed for the destruction of old methods of farming, family life, and the culture of the peasantry. Thus, all manifestations of spiritual and material life in the countryside were suppressed. A negative attitude towards dialect was actively spreading in society, the peasants themselves began to perceive the village as a place from which to flee to the cities. For a prosperous existence, it was necessary to forget everything that connected with the past, including the language they spoke. A whole generation of rural residents deliberately abandoned their native dialect, failing to fully switch to the new system of the literary language and master it correctly. Forced observance of the norms of the modern Russian language has significantly affected the cultural development of society.
Respectful and careful attitude to their dialects is characteristic of many nations. It is very interesting and instructive to explore the experience of countries in Western Europe, such as Austria, France, Switzerland, Greece. For example:
- Several French schools in provincial towns are introducing a special elective course in their native dialect. The grade for this course is included in the certificate.
- In Switzerland and Germany, a similar literary-dialectal bilingualism is accepted, which is accompanied by constant communication in the dialect in families.
On the territory of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, educated people moved from villages to the capital, using the literary language in society, and at home, on their own estates, when communicating with peasants or neighbors,often used the local dialect.
In our time, many people have a twofold attitude to their dialect. They compare the pronunciation of words, accepted in their area, with the generally accepted. The observed differences between "one's own" and "alien" can have different meanings. For some, the native dialect is correct, and the generally recognized one is ridiculous and ridiculous. Others are embarrassed to pronounce words differently than everyone else, such as those who are shown on TV. Thanks to this, a conscious cultural value of the system of norms of the modern Russian language is formed.
Formation of new words
Enrichment of a language can occur not only through the formation of new words, but also through the formation of new meanings.
The formation of a new meaning helps to fill the gap in the notation "sign - concept". It is worth noting that the use of the old word in its new meaning is more acceptable than the use of descriptive phrases.
For example, the word "militia" has become stronger in Russian with the meaning "a body that is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." His task is to maintain order in the country. When the word militia lost its former meaning of "military service", it turned out to be not so important for the language. Now the police often call the place where they can send the violator.

The word "applicant" has relatively recently been fixed in its new meaning as a person who enters a university. It freed us from the need every timeuse a descriptive expression. However, "applicant" previously had a different meaning: "a person who graduates from high school". For the language, it was not vital, because in the vocabulary before that there was another designation of the presented concept - “graduate”.
The word "synthetics" has a new meaning in the language, as a synthetic material or a product made from it. This is a very convenient shorthand for an actual phenomenon in modern times. This allowed him to find structural support for the Russian language system.
Cases of extended use of a word with the indispensable preservation of its semantic core are also considered acceptable. Such use is motivated and expedient due to the fact that it is based on the use of the old form and the classic, already familiar meaning. This avoids mental stress for memorizing new words. For example, "as". This can be said not only about the pilot, but also about the master of his craft, a real virtuoso. "Assortment" - this applies not only to goods, but also to the totality of various objects or phenomena.
In such cases, the extended use is not determined by the conditions of designation. It is not used to fill a gap in the sign-concept system. The essence of this consolidation lies in the expressiveness and freshness of the new usage, which is considered a key factor in enriching the norms of the modern Russian language.
As noted earlier, the norms of word usage form the correct choice of the word and the appropriateness of its use in the generally accepted meaning andcombination. Its development can be accompanied by some difficulties. To a certain extent, this is due to ambiguous assessments regarding the acceptability of a particular word and the correctness of its use in a particular meaning. This is due to the worldview of the student, the level of his culture, education, as well as the development of literary traditions. However, there are more significant objective reasons that can complicate the choice of words. They are explained by such phenomena as a variety of meanings, synonymy, and the existence of paronyms.
Polysemy implies that the word has several meanings, each of which is used in a specific context (observation post and church post, brick wall and furniture wall). However, there are other cases as well. For example, the verb “listen” has the meaning “to listen from beginning to end”, as well as “to listen without perceiving, without delving into”. It is not always clear in what specific sense it is used, especially in the sentence presented: "The defendant listened to his charge." The appearance of such ambiguity is strictly not allowed for legal documents.
Correct choice of words
Great difficulties arise when using paronyms, words with the same root that have a similar sound, but have a partial or completely different meaning. For example, “provide” and “submit.”
Language practice often puts us before the choice of one of these verbs in various combinations. For example, submit or provide a report. Used verbshave the same structure and similar sound form, but have different meanings. In the new explanatory dictionaries, the word "imagine" can have several variations:
- Reward (submit to the order).
- Show something, show something (submit help).
- Introduce or recommend (introduce a friend to your relatives).
- Imagine something (you need to imagine how it will happen).
- Single out someone (introduce delegates to the congress).
- Depict, reproduce (present to the public the situation unfolding in the play).
The verb "provide" has two main meanings:
- Enable to use.
- Act in a certain way.
As you can see, these verbs do not have a common meaning. However, due to the similarity in the structure of the sound form, their mixing often occurs. Of course, in colloquial speech, this can easily be overlooked. As we said earlier, in the official documentation, such errors can be critical. The use of words of paronyms certainly requires caution and care.

Some difficulties sometimes arise when choosing the right word from the list of synonyms. Everyone knows that they differ in their meaning and application. For example, you can use a synonymic series: famous, wonderful, famous, outstanding, big. It is most often used in relation to people. All these words have approximately the same meaning, but they can not always be used,as synonyms.
Each of them carries its own load: the phrase "famous scientist" says that. that a person is known in wide circles of society, and "an outstanding scientist" emphasizes that this person made important discoveries for society.
As you can see, synonyms can have different uses. Some of them are considered bookish, others are colloquial, others are commonly used or neutral.
In legal practice, there are often cases that are associated with the wrong choice of a word from a synonymic series. Using it not in the meaning that was planned, you can significantly complicate or delay the solution of the issue.
The words "testimony" or "show" are constantly used in legal practice. To avoid their repetition, lawyers try to resort to the search for synonyms for replacement, while making serious mistakes. The fact is that such words as “declare”, “tell” and others will not be exact synonyms. For the verb "to show" the terminological meaning is "to give an answer during interrogation". The meaning of the word "to say" is "to express something verbally", and "to report" is "to bring to the attention". None of the aforementioned verbs carries the essential feature of "answer during interrogation." Based on this, only the verb "show" can be perceived as a legal term. Only in some cases it is allowed to replace it with synonyms.
Professional words and terms are not the only way of designating various concepts that takes place in the work of lawyers. To avoid repetition of words, they can be replacedothers that are closer in meaning. It is important to observe the accuracy and appropriateness of using the new option in each case.
From this it follows that following the basic norms of the modern Russian literary language is a prerequisite for correct speech. When forming them, it is very important to take into account the meaning of the word that was recorded in the explanatory dictionary, the appropriateness of their use in a particular saying. Violation of the norms of the modern Russian language always leads to the formation of errors and misunderstandings. This is not always appropriate in colloquial speech, and in writing it is completely unacceptable.
The language norms of the modern Russian language are the accepted rules in general speech practice among educated people. They relate to pronunciation, grammar and other language tools. These are the rules for using words. The concept of the norm of the modern Russian language is formed as a result of the social and historical selection of various elements of the language. They can be formed or extracted from the passive stock of the past, elevated to the status of common or usable.
Under the concept of the norm of the modern Russian language and word usage is meant the correct choice of the word. The appropriateness of its use in the generally accepted meaning and combination is also considered.

The lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language can be violated very often. This is explained by the fact that the variability of norms leads to the indispensable coexistence of the new and the old version, and also by the fact thatlearning stress can be difficult in Russian. It can be mobile and versatile.
Morphological norms of the modern Russian language characterize the choice of word form. The most common prerequisite for the diversity of morphology is the mixing and interaction of old language structures, types of conjugation and other methods of forming grammatical forms. These linguistic norms of the modern Russian language, like all others, are not immutable. However, the main feature of the morphological norm is their relative stability and a small number of abbreviations.
The syntactic form of the norm of the modern Russian literary language can be associated with the rules for the formation of phrases and sentences. Variation arises in modern language due to various factors, each of which must be carefully studied and considered in order to communicate correctly and correctly.