Raznochinets is a new estate in Russia of the 19th century

Raznochinets is a new estate in Russia of the 19th century
Raznochinets is a new estate in Russia of the 19th century

In the 40s of the 19th century, a new estate appeared, which played a significant role in the cultural and social life of the Russian Empire. The influence of this stratum of the population in subsequent years was different both in terms of spheres of influence and intensity. The 60s of the 19th century can be considered stellar, when such surnames as Chernyshevsky, Repin, Dobrolyubov, Pisarev and others became known.

raznochinets is
raznochinets is

The emergence of diversity as a subclass in the Russian Empire falls on the end of the 18th century. It was then that the word "raznochinets" appears in official documents and in personal correspondence. This is a rather motley social group, which included people from their clergy, philistinism, merchants, and we althy peasantry. The new estate also included children of retired soldiers and officers, descendants of personal nobles.

Prototype of the intelligentsia

In the modern sense, a raznochinets is a representative of the democratic opposition of the middle of the 19th century. The social phenomenon of this phenomenon is indicative of the fact that every representative of this class turned out to be a commoner in the first generation. This class included people who fell out of other classes. ATThe clergy were particularly generous in this respect. There were so many descendants of clergy among the raznochintsy that Herzen gave the generation of the 60s the nickname "the generation of seminarians." Possessing neither capital, nor connections, nor land, they, nevertheless, received a good education and were forced to live by their labor. Raznochinets is a journalist, doctor, translator, freelance teacher, writer or publicist. Here is the main list of professions that were chosen by the representatives of the new class.

raznochintsy democrats
raznochintsy democrats

Rights and freedoms

The social status of the raznochintsy was largely ambiguous. According to the definition of V. Dahl, a raznochinets is a person of an exempt estate without personal nobility. Persons belonging to this estate did not have the right to property, but had a list of personal freedoms available only to nobles. As a rule, raznochintsy neglected public service, although, according to the provisions of the Table of Ranks, upon receiving the appropriate rank, they could claim the nobility.

Democratic formation

The spirit of freedom and the lack of social roots among the commoners became the source of new ideas for the transformation of statehood in the Russian Empire.

raznochintsy heroes
raznochintsy heroes

Democrats-raznochintsy laid down truly cardinal transformations in the state reorganization, among which were:

- destruction of the existing world order;

- new social device;

- bringing up a new person.

These ideas were embodied inliterary and artistic works. Raznochintsy heroes are known to us from the works of Turgenev, Chernyshevsky, Dostoevsky. The declaration of new values resulted in the movement of nihilism, and the desire to transform the existing order of things - into the emergence of many secret societies that aimed to overthrow the state system. It was the raznochintsy milieu that gave birth to a whole generation of anarchists and revolutionaries, who at the beginning of the 20th century became the basis for the revolutionary movement in Russia.