Corrida in Spain is a special spectacle. It attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. The culture of Spain is unthinkable without bullfighting. But it is found not only in this country, its varieties exist in France and Latin America. And yet, tauromachy originates precisely in Spain.

In the prehistoric era began the history of bullfighting in Spain. However, then it did not have such a look and purpose. It is believed that in the old days bullfighting had ritual significance. Archaeologists have studied the drawings on the island of Crete. They depict a bull with unarmed acrobats jumping around it.
In the eighth century, bullfighting gained wide popularity among the population of the Iberian Peninsula. In the fifteenth century, the tarvomachy was modified by the influence of chivalry, which desired glory. Bullfighting has become part of the privileged class. Gradually, the fight of the brave caballero with the bull became part of the national culture.
The Catholic Church tried to resist bullfighting. But her decision was reversed by the Spanish monarch. noblesthey thought that such competitions were ideal for tempering character.
In the seventeenth century, the bullfighter caste began to stand out. For them, bullfighting was the only occupation. The bullfight, known to all, received its modern look in the eighteenth century. World fame for tarvomakhia came in the twentieth century.

Most people from all over the world understand bullfighting in Spain as only one of its varieties. In fact, there are many variations on the theme of bull games.
Varieties of tauromachy:
- Spanish foot - appeared in the eighteenth century from the fusion of aristocratic and rustic forms;
- Spanish equestrian - an aristocratic form of fighting with a bull, when the matador is sitting on horseback;
- fiery bulls - fireworks are attached to the animal's body and released to chase people;
- encierro - bulls are driven along the city pavements, animals are teased by a crowd of people running ahead;
- acrobatic recote - non-professionals must jump over animals without using weapons.
In some countries there are variations on the classic Spanish bullfights. There is also a comic bullfight. It is held in order to amuse the audience. The bull may be left alive.
Horse tauromachia
Horse bullfighting in Spain appeared during the Reconquista. Many knights began to miss the battles and turned their eyes to the ancient Spanish entertainment. The knight went out to fight with the animal on a horse.
Horse torero inSpain is called the rejoneador. He uses several types of weapons in battle. If the bull fails to kill with the spear, the professional must dismount and use the dagger. Usually the horns of bulls are filed. So the horse is not endangered.
In the Portuguese equestrian variation, the bull is not killed. His horns are not cut, but wrapped in leather.
Running Bulls

An integral part of the bullfight is the running of the bulls. In Spain it is called encierro. All bulls brought for bullfighting are led through the city streets. In Pamplona the bulls are driven away in the first half of July. The popularity of this action was brought by the stories of Ernest Hemingway.
Corrida progress
Modern bullfighting has clear rules. They have been made up for years. The main person in all this is the “president”. Most often, this role goes to the mayor of the city.
Corrida rules in Spain:
- bulls and matadors are chosen at noon;
- battle takes place in the evening;
- usually there are two bulls for every matodor;
- the “president” gives the signal to start the battle;
- corrida consists of three stages;
- all participants in the battle enter the arena before the start of the competition;
- at the end, the "president" distributes awards to the speakers.
What are bullfight participants?

In bullfighting in Spain, the main thing is a matador or a novillero. The latter can only fight young bulls. From Spanish, the matador is translated as "the one who kills."
Skilla torero is defined by how accurate his techniques are. They are the real stars of the arena. The future bull killer starts training at the age of 10-12. Over time, he becomes a novillero, and after the initiation rite, he is considered a real matodor. His clothes and weapons are worth a separate topic. They have changed little since the eighteenth century.
The matodor does not work by itself. His team, the cuadrilla, consists of a picador (horseman with a lance) and a banderillero (bearer of decorated spears).
Fighting Bull

Bullfighting in Spain would be inconceivable without formidable animals. The bull is the main participant in the tauromachy. Traditionally, the matador refers to him as his assistant. Without the animal, the spectacle would not have been possible.
For the game, special bulls are grown that resemble aurochs. This is done by individual farms. For novilliero, animals aged 2-4 years are used. Experienced motodors enter the arena with bulls 4-6 years old. The weight of the animal is 450 kilograms.
Sometimes matadors cheat to weaken the bull. The horns are filed to the animal, they are given chemical preparations. Sometimes this leads not to victory, but to the death of the bullfighter.
Women's participation
In the photo of the Spanish bullfight you can meet not only men, but also women. In fact, this is not a new trend in the modern world. Women have taken part in bullfights since time immemorial. For example, on the island of Crete, specially trained priestesses participated in the tauromachy. It is believed that the ritual of fertility was performed in this way. Female acrobats boldly jumped over a formidable animal, leaning onhis horns.
Women were not forbidden to participate in bullfighting. In Madrid, a female matador named Pajuelera is still remembered. And in 1839 there was a well-known bullfight, in which only women took part. All matadors, banderilleros, picadors were representatives of the fair sex.
The ban for women to participate in tauromachy is associated with the coming to power of the Nazis. But even at this time there were wonderful exceptions. They became Conchita Cintron, a representative of a we althy noble family. She was allowed to participate in equestrian bullfighting, but she preferred the form on foot. Conchita is also known for her friendship with Ernest Hemingway.
Women's rights were restored in 1974. They are not often seen in the arena. There was an opinion that tauromachy is a male craft, but the natural female grace brings a special spectacle to bullfighting.