The "graphic dictation" technique is drawing by cells on a specific command given by the leader, and is used both in preparing children for education in an educational institution, and directly in elementary school. This type of activity contributes to the development of not only fine motor skills, but also voluntary attention, observation, thinking and other cognitive processes.
Graphic dictations for preschoolers are a kind of exciting game, which, moreover, will bring many benefits to children. Kids learn to navigate in space, in a sheet with cells, reinforce the concepts of "right", "left", "forward", "back". And the unusual drawing that will result from the task will be a kind of “prize” for preschoolers.

A teacher who conducts a graphic dictation must follow several rules. First, explanatory work is carried out in advance. childrenI must say that today they will get acquainted with a new exercise, after completing which they will receive an interesting drawing or pattern.
Secondly, before starting work, an adult (parent, educator) must himself put a dot with a red pen where to start. This must be done because only the teacher knows how much space is needed for the drawing and where the lines will be directed.

One of the important conditions for a successful graphic dictation is complete silence in the room. It is necessary first of all so that children do not go astray, since even the slightest mistake can lead to the fact that the final result will not work, and the motivation for this kind of exercise may decrease. If the lesson is held in a group, it is important to immediately discuss this moment with the guys. If problems arise, the child should silently raise their hand, and the adult should approach and provide individual assistance.

After the teacher began to dictate the graphic dictation, he should not pronounce any other words, especially, repeat the task twice, especially when conducting the exercise in a group. Otherwise, some of the children who initially do the job correctly may become confused and make mistakes. If the child gets confused, he puts a pencil (or pen) on the table and waits for the group to finish the exercise. Only after that it is discussed why someone failed to complete the task correctly, the works in which everything is done are consideredright.
Graphic dictation is widely used by elementary school teachers. This helps develop spatial thinking and helps organize children for the main work. The exercise is performed, most often at the beginning of the lesson. Of course, the key point in the application of the methodology is the principle “from simple to complex”. That is, initially simple patterns or drawings are given. Having “stuffed” their hand in such exercises, children receive more complex tasks. In addition to the main directions, the concept of "obliquely" can be introduced. One of the easiest graphic dictations to get started with is the following.
Children are invited to draw a cell down from the initial point, then to the right, up, right, down, etc. In this case, you can not dictate until the end of the line, and when the pattern by which the pattern is organized is already easy to determine, invite students to continue drawing on their own.