What is a disadvantage? What are the main meanings of this word? The person who paid attention to this article is obviously interested in expanding their vocabulary. It is worth noting that this word is ambiguous.
Below are its meanings:
- An undesirable quality or defect in a person or any thing, service. Example: Your main flaw is an irresponsible attitude to work. Don't even worry about creases in your dress, it's just an aesthetic flaw that doesn't spoil the overall picture.
- Lack of something or too little quantity of any product, material, quality. Example: Everyone knows that a lack of calcium in the body leads to inevitable bone fragility, especially in childhood. The lack of specialists in this field on the labor exchange is detrimental to the financial profit of our company.

Synonyms and antonyms
- Defect, vice.
- Lack, absence.
- Dignity.
- Prosperity.
What isdisadvantage?

Private definition of the word "deficiency" - a specific non-compliance of the product with established standards, the terms of the contract, the requirements of the employer or existing information about the product or service, open to the public by the manufacturer.
Speaking about the types of shortcomings, we run into a specific area of application of this word. Consider their types in the field of trade and services.
Flaws related to manufacturing and services:
- Lack of a product, work or service of a constructive, prescription or other kind.
- Incomplete or false information about a product, service or work.
More specifically:
- Design defects related to the goods, namely the external form or internal structure.
- Recipe deficiencies related solely to composition.
- Manufacturing deficiencies related to poor performance of specific services, errors in the technical process.
- Construction deficiencies related to changes in given instructions and instructions, violations during construction.
Classification of deficiencies
By types of broken agreements:
- The product does not comply with the agreements specified in the official documents.
- Product does not conform to generally accepted standards.
- The product is not suitable for its intended use.
For reasons of occurrence:
- Flaws infault of the seller (manufacturing defects, design defects)
- Defects that occur without the fault of the buyer.