Meteorologist is one of the rarest and most romantic professions. After all, its representatives are indispensable participants in various expeditions, spend winters at polar stations. Most often they work in sparsely populated areas, on board liners, ships, aircraft, etc. Representatives of this profession can be in places that are inaccessible to mere mortals. However, in reality, this work is not as romantic and easy as it may seem at first glance to a naive graduate or an adult who wants to get a new qualification. What are its features? And what does it mean to be a meteorologist?

In short, a meteorologist is a specialist who studies weather phenomena. This work, although it is very popular, still does not belong to the category of highly paid. The duties of representatives of this profession are to monitor the changes that occur in the atmosphere. In the course of their work, meteorologists use various technical instruments, and also receive additional information from space satellites.
A meteorologist is someone who, based on available data, makes weather predictions fordifferent periods of time, and also calculates the time of the onset of natural disasters. Observations are carried out at different times of the day - the working day of representatives of this profession cannot be called normalized. In the case when the weather station is located far from a village or city, meteorologists work in shifts. In addition, a meteorologist is a specialist who studies the environment. The data that forecasters receive in the course of their work is important for a variety of areas of activity: aviation, construction, shipping, and agriculture.

Required qualities
In order to successfully fulfill their duties, a representative of this profession must possess several important qualities:
- the ability to think analytically;
- penchant for natural sciences;
- attention and erudition;
- great memory;
- the ability to concentrate for a long time;
- good he alth as well as stamina.

How to get a profession?
To get the profession of a meteorologist, you need to graduate from a university specializing in this profile. For example, there is such an educational institution in St. Petersburg. This is the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. But in addition to specialized universities, this speci alty is taught in any educational institution where there is a department of geography. Anyone who wants to devote his life to this profession needs to get an educationin one of the following areas:
- geography;
- applied hydrometeorology;
- cartography and geoinformatics.

Features of work
One of the main personal qualities that every representative of this profession should have is objectivity. A meteorologist is one who, in most cases, makes observations alone. The data received by him cannot be verified or corrected in the future. Therefore, objectivity should become the main principle in the work of every meteorologist - both in the process of observations and during the processing of records.
Another feature of such work is the constant concentration on the changes taking place in nature. Few people know that meteorologists' forecasts are made for a long time - an employee must watch the weather for hours without the opportunity to get distracted and do something else at least for a while.
However, it is difficult to find such an international profession. After all, monitoring the constantly changing atmosphere is impossible without international cooperation. Natural phenomena occur regardless of state borders, and data exchange takes place on the territory of the entire planet. The results of the meteorologist's observations must be compared using a single system of measures for the whole world, one for all states of the observation methodology.
What is interesting about being a meteorologist?
The weather is never constant, and its changes are subject to complex patterns. As calm as the sky above may seem, change cancollapse at any moment. The meteorologist never works with the same situation, because weather phenomena are so diverse that no two identical weather maps have been compiled by anyone. Another interesting feature of the work of meteorologists is that they have colleagues all over the globe. As a rule, representatives of this profession, regardless of citizenship and nationality, easily find a common language with each other.
The huge variety of materials, as well as the abundance of digital data received, is another feature of this profession. Meteorologists cannot do without the use of various digital equipment, as well as methods of mathematical statistics. As you know, representatives of this field need good engineering and mathematical training. About a quarter of the total study time in universities at the Faculty of Meteorology is occupied by physical and mathematical disciplines.

Other destinations
Meteorologist's Day is celebrated around the world on March 23rd. But it is celebrated not only by meteorologists themselves, but also by representatives of some related professions directly related to meteorology. For example, the professions of meteorologist-technician and aerologist-technician are becoming increasingly popular.
A Meteorological Technician may have different job responsibilities, depending on which station he works at. For example, he can perform atmospheric observations, maintain and repair equipment, compile tables for observations, process materials received by a meteorologist,final preparation of data for the media and other consumers.
Aerological technicians work mainly with instruments for sounding and studying different layers of the atmosphere. They measure temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure.