The meaning of the expression "oil painting"

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The meaning of the expression "oil painting"
The meaning of the expression "oil painting"

Many at least once in their lives heard the expression oil painting. And probably, everyone had an image of the Mona Lisa or some other painting in their heads. And then the question arose: what does the painting have to do with it? After all, not knowing the meaning of the expression, it is difficult to understand what the opponent or opponent meant by exclaiming this.

This article will help you understand the meaning of a complex phrase.

Origin of the expression "oil painting"

Previously, fine arts were very popular. The ability of the artist to create oil paintings was considered his riding. Oil is meant here not in the literal sense, but figuratively. This is how oil paints are called for shortening.

oil painting
oil painting

Oil paintings required many different skills. In order for the picture to come out perfect, it was necessary to do a lot: to stretch the canvas correctly, to dilute the paints correctly, to work confidently but gently with a brush, to have incredible talent, and in the end to apply a layer of a special coating to the whole work. It glitteredgiving the picture even more charm, and protecting it from sunlight and minor damage, so that the artist’s work would please the owner’s eye even longer. But the most important thing in the picture was the artist's technique, it was the right strokes that made the picture a work of art. Correct strokes made the picture more lively and voluminous. Because the oil painting is as complex as it is beautiful.

The meaning of the expression "oil painting"

Based on the origin, it is easy to infer the semantics. So, "oil painting" can be called an incredibly fortunate coincidence, a good situation, beautiful decoration, or simply a moment when nothing bad happens. You can also evaluate how a person looks, but it is undesirable to say this to people with whom you are not in a close relationship. The expression "oil painting" has a positive connotation. That does not prevent it from being used in an ironic sense. For example, it is permissible to use it when small children organize a pogrom in an apartment, or a cat will tear off your favorite curtains, drop a Christmas tree.

oil painting how to understand
oil painting how to understand

The phrase "oil painting" can be attributed to phraseological units (stable combinations of words that have a single common semantics). It, like most phraseological units, has a strong colloquial connotation and is an emotional assessment. This meaning is portable.

If we talk about the direct meaning, then "oil painting" - a picture painted with oil paints. By no means a simple oil painting.


So let's sum it up. Now, thanks to the article, you know what the expression "oil painting" means, and you definitely won't get into an awkward position.