What is a complex? This is something whole, consisting of separate elements, united by one purpose and performing some common task. Also, the complex is a concept that lies in the field of psychology. For example, we are talking about it when a person considers himself inferior. Let's look at this concept in more detail.
Inferiority complex
An inferiority complex is a list of negatively colored thoughts that often concern the human body and mental abilities.

It seems to the unfortunate that by certain parameters he loses to other people. The complex develops in the early years of life under the influence of maternal or paternal condemnations, and also as a result of mistakes, failures, disappointments. At the age of 12–16 years, when the mechanisms responsible for self-affirmation play the most important role in behavior, this deviation is finally formed, and the teenager begins to behave not quite normally. Many young people know what an inferiority complex is, but they do not consider themselves subject to it.
How does this deviation manifest itself?
To assert himself, a person begins to try to be better than others in everything andby any means seeks to emphasize their own superiority. If you follow the actions of people who are under the yoke of an inferiority complex, then their abnormal timidity, constant fear and excessive sensitivity become obvious. It is very difficult for them to live. Such people often suspect that someone is secretly mocking them, they are very suspicious and tend to take everything personally.

That's what a complex is. This is really terrible, you wouldn't wish this on anyone.
How is the idea of one's own inferiority formed?
If you dig deeper, the most basic emotion on which this deviation is based is fear. Of all the senses, it is he who occupies a dominant position in infancy. A child who has not been fed on time seems to die without food, he is controlled by fear, and therefore he screams and bursts into tears. Years go by, and now the baby becomes a teenager. And during this period in his life from time to time there are moments of weakness, confusion, loneliness, and there may also be cases that contribute to the loss of self-confidence. This is how a teenager develops an idea of his own inferiority. If a mother or father often criticizes him, emphasizing his inferiority, then the complex completely takes over him, and a person may not get rid of him until his death. Of course, his life itself becomes flawed. However, knowing what a complex is, you can try to get rid of it; often a psychologist can help.
All life under oppressioncomplex…
If we take into account that fear is often all-encompassing and actively growing, then confidence in one's inferiority goes into all aspects of life. In particular, there is a feeling of mental inferiority.

The unfortunate person constantly compares himself with others at the subconscious level and comes to the conclusion that they are better than him in everything. And he allegedly lacks knowledge, abilities, he is in a more depressing position, etc.
What other complexes are there?
Every city has a mall, and often more than one. How is it different from regular stores? Mainly because this place is not only for shopping, but also for families.
On the first floors of shopping malls there are often large grocery supermarkets. However, in addition to food, here you can buy a variety of household goods, the cost of which is quite low.
All sorts of boutiques selling clothes and shoes, as well as discount centers can be located on the second and third floors.

Often there are bookstores in shopping malls. They also traditionally house cinemas with more or less screens.
And a little more about the complex
The word "complex" is used even when it comes to exercises that pursue a specific goal, for example, weight loss. This type of physical activity is aimed at burning fat in areas of the body that are problematic. ActuallyIn fact, the meaning of the word "complex" is known to most people. Many people have heard about the benefits of physical activity. What should be considered when performing such a set of exercises?
The most important thing: physical activity should not tire you too much. Do not follow the example of professional athletes. The fact is that excessive and too zealous loads can lead to the fact that the body begins to store energy. It is logical that you will constantly want to eat.

Food helps replenish energy. And your main task is to reduce weight, not set a record, and this is what the set of exercises for burning fat is aimed at. You should always remember this.
Standard list of exercises for weight loss
Light exercise, a brisk walk, a quiet run and measured swimming for 45-60 minutes - this is a typical list of weight loss exercises that are simply indispensable for overweight people. All this helps to achieve the goal. Those who want to lose weight should understand that swimming has an important advantage: a certain amount of energy is spent as a result of movement, but at the same time, weight loss is also due to the fact that the body constantly strives to maintain optimal body temperature, and as a result, some more fat is burned.
Now you know what a complex is. This word will no longer confuse you, it has become extremely clear to you.