Many people think that nature is a disordered and somewhat chaotic phenomenon. Forests and copses, steppes and deserts - supposedly all these are randomly located natural biotopes. Far from it.

All natural complexes in a given territory are always in a state of close interaction not only with each other, but also with other biotopes located in the neighborhood. It is this entire array of interactions and various biotopes (sometimes with absolutely opposite characteristics) that is called the natural complex.
The most global example of such an interaction is a huge shell, resulting from the interaction of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and also the lower part of the atmosphere. Of course, its components are extremely heterogeneous, because they come into contact in very different conditions, which determine the formation of unique natural complexes.
Thus, a natural complex is a combination of climatic, biological and geological factors that contribute to the formation of a special biotope in a certain area, which is uniqueset of biological species. Contrary to popular belief, such complexes are not stable, they can change relatively quickly, forming a completely different type of terrain.
Influence of environmental conditions
Climatic latitude greatly influences the formation of one or another natural biotope. It is not surprising that one and the same natural complex can be found at the same latitude, inhabited by different species, but with approximately the same characteristics. In the seas, this is called natural-aquatic complexes. It should be noted that the process of their formation is very long and depends not only on environmental conditions, but also on the species that inhabit this biotope.

Coral reefs are a great example. If there are polyps in the sea, then the bottom relief will be completely different from the characteristics of the neighboring region, where for some reason there are no corals. However, we do not forget about geological factors: reefs could form only in those areas where there were extinct volcanoes more than 60 million years ago. By the way, the famous Darwin proved this when he made a description of the natural complex of oceans and seas. Thus, a simple conclusion can be drawn.
Any natural formation is constantly evolving, and the speed of this process is completely different. Somewhere millions of years are needed, while in other cases a few months are enough.
Key development factors
The main factor that affects almost any natural complex issolar radiation, the speed of rotation of the planet, as well as the totality of all processes occurring in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere. Due to this, biotopes are extremely integral and dependent, but also vulnerable formations. If at least one element is broken, this will immediately affect the state of the entire complex. As a result, it will either change or disappear altogether. This happened to the swamps in Polissya.
A practical example of biotope change

Historically, this area was formed in the conditions of a large number of rivers, which were continuously fed by many springs. In turn, the latter owed their existence to huge layers of clay, which did not allow groundwater to go deep. Increased air humidity contributed to the creation of a region with a special microclimate. The soil gradually became covered with bushes, moss and lichens.
A huge number of insects quickly appeared here. In turn, they attracted amphibians, reptiles and birds.
What caused the destruction of the entire biotope? And all it turned out to be enough to break the water-resistant clay layer. As soon as it was crossed by an irrigation canal, the biotope began to change rapidly. The unique microclimate was disturbed, water-loving species began to die out en masse. The swamp gave way to moderately dry meadows with acidic soil, covered with stunted vegetation. Thus, the natural complex of the area was completely destroyed, but another formation immediately came to replace it.
Historical diversity of natural complexes
We must not forget that during the entire historical process, thousands of types of natural complexes formed and disappeared on the surface of our planet. Seas and land repeatedly alternated, millions of biological species appeared and disappeared without a trace. Scientists believe that modern natural complexes began to form only 10-12 thousand years ago.
However, these are still quite "long" forecasts. Historians have long been saying that once Alexander the Great was able to go so far into Asia only due to the fact that some two or three thousand years ago the Amu Darya and Syr Darya were much more full-flowing rivers. Their channels connected many sections of the mountainous terrain, which is difficult to access, which can now only be reached by air or by land.
The rate of change in natural complexes
However, in some cases, biotopes tend to change literally before our eyes. Of course, this is not due to some natural factors (volcanic eruptions and other cataclysms do not happen so often), but under the influence of anthropogenic factors. Unfortunately, ill-conceived interference almost always leads to very negative consequences.
The main components of the natural complex

Each natural complex is formed by a kind of "bricks", on the characteristics of which the properties of the entire biotope depend. First, the landscape. This word refers to the same type of terrain, similarclimatic conditions combined with the peculiarities of flora and fauna. The composition of the landscape itself includes areas, tracts and facies.
Let's look at these components of the natural complex in a little more detail.
Characteristics of elements
A facies is a biotope formed within one significant area of the terrain. An example is the bottom of a ravine, the slope of a mountain or its top, the bank of a river or the sea. In this case, endemic species often form, since the conditions of the facies are very uniform and fairly constant.
If we talk about a group of interconnected facies, then this formation is called a tract. For example, a territorial-natural complex, which is located along the riverbed, is a tract. Of course, being numerous and constantly interconnected, they form localities. These include the floodplain of a large and full-flowing river, interfluve, rocky highlands.
How are landscapes classified?
It should be noted that landscapes must be classified according to their geological features. They depend on tectonic shifts and terrain. In particular, the natural complexes of Russia include plain and mountain landscapes. There is also a class of low-lying and elevated biotopes. Mountain-taiga landscapes are a separate class, which are enough on the territory of our country.

Plain formations are divided into the following types: broad-leaved, mixed-leaved, coniferous, forest-steppe and steppe. Separate formationsare the banks of river floodplains, lakes, swamps. The main natural complexes of Russia are plains covered with coniferous forests, forest-steppe, tundra and mountainous landscapes typical of the Caucasus.
How does human activity affect natural biotopes?
We have repeatedly noted that human activity often leads to irreversible changes in the natural elements of the area. Moreover, in this case, the characteristics of the natural complex change significantly. And not only the relief, but also the climate, characteristics of the soil, flora and fauna. Scientists identify purely agricultural, forestry, water management, as well as industrial and residential areas (cities, large settlements).
On the territory of our country, active human intervention began in the 6th-5th millennium BC. e. Thus, forest-steppes and plains were largely formed due to the development of society, which began to consume more and more wood, actively cutting down forests. However, this process continued especially actively in the 18th and 19th centuries. For example, the same Udmurtia until recently was known as a "volost covered with forests." During the Second World War, when the country needed a lot of coal, there was almost nothing left of them.
In addition, the development of maritime trade marked the beginning of the massive development of coastal colonies, which quickly developed to the size of large city-states (in the case of the Greeks). From the 16th-18th centuries. began a massive process of transformation of forests into plains. From the 15th century, people intensively mastered the steppes. All this was due to the fact that the population was rapidly increasing, peoplemore food was needed. Since the development of agriculture at that time was exceptionally extensive, more and more fields had to be plowed up, forests turned under the ax.

Thus, practically not a single territorial-natural complex has escaped change.
Until the 19th century, there were much more forests on the territory of our country, which went to the needs of an intensively developing industry. During the two World Wars, the speed of this process increased significantly. Truly industrial landscapes first appeared when intensive coal mining began in Kuzbass, and in Baku during the period of the first oil wells.
The beginning of the 20th century was generally marked by an intensive transformation of landscapes to meet the needs of man. A huge number of roads were laid, metallurgy consumed more and more coal, timber and ore, and the increased demand for electricity required the construction of a large number of hydroelectric power plants, which flooded a large number of lowland biotopes.
Thus, industrial anthropogenic landscapes prevail today in the European territory of Russia. In some areas, less than 20% of natural complexes remain that have not been affected by human activity. Unfortunately, the protection of natural complexes is still almost in its infancy. Recent years have shown a slightly improving trend, but there is still not much done in this direction.
HowCan a human preserve natural habitats?
Many believe that for this it is necessary to create as many reserves as possible. Of course, to some extent this is correct, but it is necessary to think in more global ways. Remember what we said about the interconnectedness of natural complexes?
If there is a large industrial enterprise near the protected area, then all measures for nature protection may be in vain. It is necessary to introduce resource-saving technologies everywhere, to conduct agriculture according to modern methods, which involve obtaining high yields from small areas. In this case, a person no longer needs to plow more and more land.
It is imperative to reduce the amount of emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere, as only in this case we will be able to preserve the biological diversity of rivers and oceans for our descendants.
However, one should not think that anthropogenic natural complexes are lifeless territories covered with chimneys of factories. Nature demonstrates amazing flexibility, constantly adjusting to the changing parameters of the external environment.
Thus, many biological species have learned to live side by side with humans, using all the advantages of such interaction. Thus, ornithologists have long noted that in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas, individual subspecies of tits have already begun to form, which even in summer remain within the boundaries of a residential complex.
In a word, the natural complex is a self-regulating array that can change dynamically.
How species changein the anthropogenic biocenosis?

Usually, these birds migrated to the cities only in winter, when it became difficult to get the required amount of food in the forest. Today, they live year-round in forested areas, without experiencing problems with food. As a result of the availability of food, the number of eggs laid has increased as all chicks can be provided with food. Researchers believe that in a few decades, subspecies will clearly take shape, which will differ from ordinary tits in larger sizes and less noticeable plumage.
This is how the changed natural complex affects animals. Examples can be given for a long time, but one of the best are rats. In urban environments, they are much larger and smarter than their wild counterparts. They are distinguished by increased multiplicity and more diverse colors. The latter indicates a sharp reduction in the number of their natural enemies, as animals with a "non-standard" appearance got the opportunity to survive and reproduce.
There are also completely opposite examples. In the Moscow Region, there are currently a huge number of packs of feral dogs. They are aggressive and not afraid of humans at all. In the changed biotopes, these animals occupied the natural niche of wolves. The researchers also believe that these groups of roaming animals will eventually be able to stand out, forming a very special genotype.
As you can see, anthropogenic natural complexes, although they are artificially formed and maintainedformations, live according to fairly standard natural laws that allow you to save the biosphere.