What is "aggro": origin, meaning, use

What is "aggro": origin, meaning, use
What is "aggro": origin, meaning, use

Many people who have at least a minimal connection to the culture of the Internet, online computer games, social networks, or simply sometimes communicate with young people living in the indicated context, at least once heard the word "aggro". Like many slang expressions, often incomprehensible to those who are not included in a certain cultural layer, this is no exception. In this article, let's try to figure out together what the word "aggro" means.


To still understand what "aggro" means, first of all, it is worth considering the etymology - the origin of the linguistic phenomenon. It is easy for those who know English to find echoes of the English “angry” in the word “aggression”, which has become Russian. Having gone through the process of simplifying groups of consonants (from "to get angry") and turning into a verb in our language, the word combined the characteristics of an action (or, more precisely, a change in state) and the property of irritation, anger, emotional instability.


And yet: what is "aggro"? The main meaning that we can confidently identify is angry (1). You can get aggro in this meaningconstantly, and it is possible in some specific situation.

Thus, a new connotation of the word gradually appears, namely, to be annoyed (2). However, despite the fact that the word “get annoyed” is used with the control “by whom / what?”, When saying the word “aggression”, we use a different control: “at whom / what?”.

Having got into the environment of computer games, the slang expression acquires new semantics - to attack (3). And, indeed, by angering the enemy, it is easy to provoke his aggression and, therefore, provoke a fight.

Enemy preparing to attack
Enemy preparing to attack

Grammar and stylistic characteristics

This verb, which became Russian, also adopted the verbal characteristics characteristic of the words of the Russian language. For example, we refer this verb to such groups as intransitive, reflexive, imperfective.

You also need to keep in mind the fact that you can not use this word in every situation. Being relatively new in Russian, it has not yet lost its expressive coloring and may still be incomprehensible to many people. It is definitely not literary, but colloquial, in some circles it can also be considered colloquial. Often takes on a playful connotation, is used in memes (often in memes with the so-called evil schoolboy). And, of course, it is slang.

Schoolboy showing aggression
Schoolboy showing aggression


We will give examples of the use of each of the meanings in the respective order:

  1. My classmate annoys me, I can't help but get angry every time I meet him at the university or on the street.
  2. My colleague didn't turn in his report on time and when he was called to see the director, the whole office heard that the director was getting angry, shouting and even calling names.
  3. I carelessly approached the enemy, and he noticed me, began to aggro, prepared for a strong blow.
