Vedic Russia… How many people know this concept? When did she exist? What are its features? It is known that this is a state that existed in the pre-Christian period. The history of Vedic Russia has been little studied. Many facts are distorted to please the new rulers. Meanwhile, Russia of those times was a developed civilized society.
Thus, the value in ancient Russian society was considered not numerous we alth, but faith in the gods. The Russians swore by their weapons and their God - Perun. If the oath is broken, then "we will be golden" - said Svyatoslav, despising gold.
Ancient Russians lived based on the Vedas. The Vedic past of Russia is shrouded in many secrets. But still, researchers have done a lot of work, and today a lot of interesting information can be told about that distant pre-Christian period. The history of Vedic Russia will be told further.
What are the Vedas
Vedas are scriptures, revelations of God. They describe the nature of the world, the true essence of man and his soul.
The literal translation of the word is “knowledge”. This knowledge is scientific, and not a selection of myths and fairy tales. Attranslating the word from Sanskrit, and this is the native language of the Vedas, it means "apaurusheya" - that is, "not created by man."
In addition to spiritual knowledge, the Vedas contain information that helps people live happily ever after. For example, knowledge that organizes a person's living space from building a house to the ability to live without disease and in abundance. The Vedas are knowledge that helps prolong life, explain the connection between the human microcosm and the macrocosm, and much more, up to planning important undertakings in life.
The Vedas originated in India, becoming the beginning of Indian culture. The time of their appearance can only be assumed, since external sources appeared much later than the Vedas themselves. Initially, knowledge was transmitted orally for many millennia. The design of one of the parts of the Vedas dates back to the 5th century BC. e.
A detailed record of the Vedas is attributed to the sage Srila Vyasadeva, who lived in the Himalayas more than fifty centuries ago. His name "vyasa" translates as "editor", that is, one who was able to "divide and write".
Knowledge is divided into Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. They contain prayers or mantras and knowledge from many disciplines.
The oldest manuscript is the text of the Rigveda, written in the 11th century BC. e. The fragility of materials - tree bark or palm leaves, on which the Vedas were applied, did not contribute to their safety.
We learn about the Vedas thanks to the mnemonic rules of memorization and their oral transmission based on the Sanskrit language.
The knowledge transmitted by the Vedas is confirmed by modernscientists. So, even before the discovery of Copernicus in the Vedas, using astronomical calculations, it was calculated how far the planets of our system are from the Earth.

Russian Vedas
Scientists talk about two branches of Vedic knowledge - Indian and Slavic.
Russian Vedas are less preserved due to the influence of various religions.
By comparing the linguistics and archeology of Russia and India, one can see that their historical roots are similar and can be common.
The following examples can be cited as evidence:
- The name and archaeological features of the city of Arkaim, whose remains were found in Russia in the Urals, are similar to Indian cities.
- Siberian rivers and rivers of Central Russia have names consonant with Sanskrit.
- The similarity of the pronunciation and features of the Russian language and Sanskrit.
Scientists conclude that the flourishing of a single Vedic culture took place on the territory from the shores of the northern seas to the southernmost point of the Indian Peninsula.
The Slavic-Aryan Vedas are considered Russian - this is the name of a collection of documents reflecting human life on Earth for more than 600,000 years. The Slavic Vedas also include the Book of Veles. According to scientists N. Nikolaev and V. Skurlatov, the book contains a picture of the past of the Russian-Slavic people. It presents the Russians as “grandchildren of Dazhdbog”, describes the forefathers Bogumir and Or, tells about the resettlement of the Slavs in the territory of the Danube region. It is told in the "Veles book" about the management of the economy by the Slavic - Russ andabout the system of a peculiar worldview and mythology.

Magi were considered wise people with knowledge. Their activities extended to many areas of life. So, witches were engaged in household chores and rituals. The very word "after all - ma" meant "to know" and "mother" - "woman". They "in charge" of cases that could be solved with the help of household magic.
Magi-sorcerers, called didas or grandfathers, were well versed in sacred legends. Among the sages of the Magi were representatives of both the simplest medicine man and the owners of serious scientific knowledge.
The Magi of Vedic Russia became famous among the Slavs for their instructions, help in improving life and in the desire to understand God's Faith. They were considered sorcerers, well-versed in herbalism, divination, healing and divination.
In the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" there is a mention of Vseslav of Polotsk, also called Volkhv Vseslavievich. Being a princely son, Vseslav the Prophet had the ability to turn into a gray wolf, a clear falcon or a bay tur, as well as to guess and arrange delusions. The prince's son was taught everything by the Magi, where his father had sent him to study.
With the advent of Christianity, the magi, revered in Russia, took part in protests against the new faith. Their activities were recognized as illegal, and they themselves were called evil sorcerers, criminals and warlocks, apostates. They were accused of being associated with demons and of wanting to bring evil to people.
A well-known and detailed event took place in Novgorod, whenthe rebellion against the new religion was organized by the sorcerer. The people took the side of the sage, but Prince Gleb Svyatoslavich made a vile act. The prince hacked to death the organizer of the rebellion with an axe. The name of the sorcerer is unknown, but the strength of faith of the sage and his supporters is impressive.
Before the baptism of Russia, the popularity of the Magi was often greater than the popularity of princes. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the eradication of paganism in the Slavic lands. The danger for the princes was the influence of the Magi on people as spiritual mentors. And even representatives of the Christian church did not doubt the witchcraft and magical abilities of these people.
Among the Magi there were people who were called koshunniks, guslars and baenniks. They not only played musical instruments, but also told epics and fairy tales.

Famous magi
The ancient Russian singer Boyan the Prophet was involved in the Magi. One of his gifts was the ability to shapeshift.
Bogomil Nightingale is referred to the well-known Magi-priests. He was nicknamed so for his eloquence and for the fulfillment of pagan stories. He gained his fame for organizing an uprising against the destruction of the temple and pagan sanctuaries in Novgorod.
With the advent of Christianity in Russia, the Magi were persecuted and destroyed. So, in the 15th century, twelve “prophetic wives” were burned in Pskov. By order of Alexei Mikhailovich, in the 17th century, the Magi were burned at the stake and the fortune-tellers were buried up to their chests in the ground, and “wise” people were also exiled to monasteries.
When and how did pre-Christian Russia arise
The exact time when Vedic Russia arose is unknown. But there is information about the erection of the First Temple by the magician Kolovras, there is also a date calculated by astrologers - 20-21 millennium BC. e. Built of rough stones, without the use of iron, the Temple towered on Mount Alatyr. Its appearance is associated with the first exodus of the Rus tribe from the north.
Aryans, who came from ancient Iran and India as early as the third millennium BC, also settled on Russian soil. e. they settled on Belovodye, where Bogumir taught them art and craft. He, being the forefather of the Slavs, divided people into warriors, priests, merchants, artisans and others. The capital of the Aryans in the Urals was called Kaile - the city, now it is called Arkaim.

Society of Vedic Russia
Initially, the Rus formed centers of development - the city of Kyiv in the south and the city of Novgorod in the north.
Ruses have always shown benevolence and respect to other peoples, they were distinguished by sincerity.
Before the baptism of Russia, there were slaves in Slavic society - servants of captive foreigners. The Rusoslavs traded servants, but considered them to be the younger members of the family. Slaves were in slavery for a certain period, after which they became free. Such relationships were called patriarchal slavery.
The place of residence of the Slavonic Russians were tribal and inter-tribal settlements, up to 50 people lived in large houses.
The communal society was headed by a prince who was subordinate to the people's assembly - veche. Princely decisions were always made taking into account the opinioncommanders, "dids" and elders of clans.
Communication based on equality and justice took into account the interests of all members of the community. Living according to the laws of the Vedas, the Russians had a rich worldview and great knowledge.
We know about the culture of Vedic Russia from the surviving cathedrals, archaeological finds and monuments of oral narrations - epics.
The cultural level of the Rus can be judged by the statements of Princess Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who became Queen of France. She brought books with her and considered "enlightened" France to be a big village.
"Unwashed" Russia amazed travelers with the presence of baths and the cleanliness of the Slavs.
Many temples and shrines surprised with their splendor and architecture.

Vedic temples
A temple dedicated to the Vedic God towered above each settlement. The very word "temple" meant a mansion, a rich house. The altar was named so in honor of the sacred mountain Alatyr;
The most beautiful temples of Vedic Russia towered over the Holy Ural Mountains next to the Konzhakovsky stone, over Azov - a mountain in the Sverdlovsk region, over Iremel - a mountain near Chelyabinsk.
Many Christian churches have preserved images of pagan gods, mythological animals and Slavic symbols. For example, on the stone bas-relief of the Dmitrovsky Cathedral, the image of the ascension of Dazhdbog.
With samples of templethe art of the ancient Slavs can be found in the temple of the rataries - approvers in Retra.
Many fairy tales and legends of Vedic Russia were transmitted orally. Some have changed over time. But even now the texts of the Book of Veles, The Tale of Igor's Campaign, The Boyan Hymn and Dobrynya and the Snake recreate the picture of the past, the legendary history of Vedic Russia.
Restored by the writer G. A. Sidorov, these written monuments amaze with the secrecy and depth of knowledge of the Rusoslavs. In the writer's collection you can get acquainted with the Dead Heart, Lada's daughter, legends about the temple of Svarog, Ruevita, volots, etc.

Symbols of Vedic Russia
The secret meanings of priestly art are connected with pagan symbols. They were worn not at all for decoration, as some people think, but to achieve a magical effect and sacred meaning.
Bogodar, the symbol of paternal guardianship and patronage of the Human Race, is credited with the highest wisdom and justice. A symbol especially revered by the guardian priests of Wisdom and the Human Race.
The symbol of the Bogovnik corresponds to the God's Eye, which helps people. It consists of the eternal patronage of the Light Gods for developing and spiritually improving people. With the help of the Light Gods, the actions of the universal elements are realized.
The symbol of Belobog is attributed to bestowing good and luck, love and happiness. The creators of the world are the Gods Chernobog and Belobog, who is also called Belbog, Svyatovit, Svetovik, Sventovit.

Cross and swastika-shaped symbol are called kolokryzh or Celtic cross.
Slavic cross is a swastika symbol without rays running along the sides. The solar symbol existed long before the advent of Christianity.
Slavic Trixel is called a three-beam swastika. The northern Trixel was depicted simply as a broken line. The symbol has the meaning of "the one who leads." That is, it contributes to the development of processes and actions in the required direction, orients a person to the activity he needs.
The eight-beamed Kolovrat, a sign of strength, is a symbol attributed to Svarog. He is also called God - the creator, God - the creator of the whole world. The banners of warriors were decorated with this symbol.
The thunderbolt, the symbol of Perun in the form of a six-pointed cross outlined in a circle, was considered a sign of the courage of warriors.
The symbol of Chernobog, including darkness and blackness, denoted the progenitor of evil forces in the world. The impenetrable square also denoted Hell.
The symbol of Dazhdbog was the Father of the Russians, who bestows blessings, indicated by warmth and light. Any request can be granted by the only God.
The swastika, a sign of death and winter, is called the symbol of Marena, the Mighty Goddess, the Black Mother, the Dark Mother of God, the Queen of the Night. Swastikas, the fundamental solar symbols, were used to decorate pagan objects.