Mediocrity has now become one of the most common human qualities. From everywhere we hear calls to “exceed yourself”, “to achieve more”, but in reality they all remain just beautiful slogans - at least for most people. What does this term “ordinary” mean?

Main Features
Mediocrity is synonymous with mediocrity. This attitude to life is accompanied by constant compromises, indecision, incessant reflections on the past and on oneself. But the most important thing is that an ordinary person is one who has no purpose that could direct him into the future or keep his attention on the present. This state is different in that the person for whom it is characteristic is always below his true potential. He accepts the norms that are accepted in society, and performs only what is necessary. There is also the concept of "ordinary appearance." These are the people who are outwardly unattractive. Their facial features, gait, clothing style are not much different from the environment. However, such a label can be unpleasant and even offensive.

Compliance with rules and regulations
An ordinary person is one who unconditionally accepts the norms accepted in society. At 16, he finishes school, at 25 he marries, at 60 he retires and lives out his life. His favorite entertainment is to sit on a bench with his own kind and condemn the state system. In one of the dictionaries you can find the following definition of this life approach. “Mediocre is of average quality; rather related to the bad. Such a definition should upset people. Indeed, there is nothing worse than living a mediocre life. Be like everyone else and at the same time have the same advantages and disadvantages as the rest.
And here is another definition of this concept. It's from an old 1984 dictionary: "An ordinary person is one who is in the middle between good and bad, big and small." No one wants to be that person, but when it comes to meeting the demands of society, few people dare to show their individuality. In fact, society always rejects those who are not like its members. Moreover, it does not matter in which direction an outstanding person differs - in a bad or in a good way. He is judged only from the position of difference.

Ordinary life
An ordinary person is one who has no special interests of his own. Some mediocre people live their lives without interfering with someone else's. But there is also such a category of people who can’t stand everything that goes beyond the ordinary. They usually suffer fromown envy, but the best thing that a mediocre person could do in this situation is to start working on himself. By going beyond averages and limitations, he would be able to live a fuller life; and by making efforts to achieve a result, he could raise his self-esteem. An ordinary person is, first of all, a person who cannot or does not want to change his life, being content with the little that he has.
However, being mediocre, people have no chance to fully enjoy the greatest gift of the universe - life. In addition, an ordinary person is one who risks losing even the little that he has at the moment. For example, if you do not work on increasing we alth, circumstances may at an unexpected moment turn out so that a person becomes bankrupt. To avoid this, you need to take care of your well-being in advance. The same principle can be applied in other areas.

However, there is an opinion that mediocrity is not such a bad quality. Its supporters believe that not all people are given to be Supermen. Everyone can excel in the area where he is gifted, but he is doomed to mediocrity in all other areas. People have both weaknesses and strengths. Even if a person demonstrates serious achievements in any field, for example: in mathematics, music, the ability to move beautifully, performing dances, then in others he is doomed to be simple and ordinary.
It's impossible to beexcellence in all areas. There is an opinion among psychologists that those people who cannot accept this simple truth and come to terms with it are constantly tormented by the search for the meaning of life. Or they believe that they must be outstanding, extraordinary. This is due to the fact that modern man has great opportunities in obtaining information. He sees the best athletes every day, the worst criminals. However, the truth is that for one outstanding person there are several million of the most ordinary inhabitants.