Duel is Duel Rules

Duel is Duel Rules
Duel is Duel Rules

Many schoolchildren, and even older people, admired knightly tournaments, the romance of medieval traditions and a sense of unreal freedom. The boys, having read books about brave musketeers, were ready to fight with swords, and the girls dreamed of being beautiful ladies-in-waiting at balls. Although what is beautiful at first glance is not always so exciting in reality. The duels that were fought to defend one's honor were sometimes just a massacre.

Medieval Justice

The first written information about duels appeared during the time of the first kings who divided the lands of Europe among themselves. At that time, this way of clarifying the relationship was attributed to the court of the gods. Although even earlier, the fate of the convicts was decided by the same method in Ancient Greece and Rome. Two fighters, a convict and a person representing justice, were released onto the battlefield. It was believed that only the innocent could win. If the condemned died, the judgment of the gods was done.

The history of the duel, which is better known to contemporaries, began in the 15th century. At that time, the most common way to deal with the enemy were hired killers, poisoning or appealing to the overlord.

duel it
duel it

Few vassals dared to demand from the ruler the solution of their problems,thus making them public. But the increased class of nobles, who received titles for feats of arms, were looking for a way to punish the impudent ones who dared to offend them.

The title of nobility made any family a step above an ordinary city dweller or a we althy merchant. Small impoverished families tried to show their superiority, but did not want to put up with the ridicule of richer "comrades".

To defend his honor, desecrated by an unjust word or action, a born nobleman could challenge to a duel. This is a way to defend your dignity by dueling between two people within the strictly established dueling code.

Crazy Italy

The ancestor of such fights was Italy. Young people could not only reward enemies with unflattering epithets, but also invite them to a duel in a secluded nook on the outskirts of the city. Public fights were condemned, so the duelists tried to hide their actions.

It is this innovation that replaced the judicial duels, arranged with the knowledge of the king or the mayor of the city. From that moment on, the offended person could challenge the offender and receive satisfaction in a convenient place and with the weapon that he had with him.

sword duel
sword duel

Such fights were called "battles in the bushes" because of the desire to hide from the eyes of ordinary citizens. Such fighting helped to resolve the issue with less bloodshed and the number of victims suffering from the conflict was significantly reduced.

A good example would be Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo has to fight Paris. Deathyoung man from the sword of the protagonist was the result of the "battle in the bushes".

Hot French and cold-blooded British

Slightly later, fighting in the streets became part of the life of the French and the British. And if the French eagerly sorted things out on the streets, in the doorways, then for the inhabitants of foggy Albion it was rather a last resort.

Already in the 16th century, a duel was not just a way to settle scores with an offender, but also an opportunity to show your ability to wield cold weapons.

dueling code
dueling code

It was at this time that the first printed treatises containing the rules of the duel appeared. Thanks to them, spontaneous battles acquired regulations, rules of conduct. It was these works that became the basis on which the dueling code was built. Few of the titled persons bothered to read books and manuals. This ritual has been passed down from generation to generation.

Duel Code

In the modern world, two codes are most often mentioned: Russian, written by Durasov, and European in two editions - Count Verger and Count Chatovillard. It was they who were used by the nobles and military personnel of that time.

These publications described the rules of the duel. The weapons, the reasons for the call were indicated. The place of the duel was discussed. The fight could be carried out with the help of cold and firearms. The dueling code was very useful, especially during the era of small arms in the form of pistols.


Any noble could challenge if the actions or words spoken to him could damage his honor or that of his family. Thus,anything could become an insult: from an accidentally thrown word to open disrespect for the status and position of an individual in society.

If there were financial conflicts, they were not considered a reason for being challenged to a duel. Litigation of a material nature was resolved through litigation.

The reason for the challenge to a duel could be the death of a loved one at the hands of a murderer, a carelessly expressed wit towards the lady of the heart or the family of the offended.

In order to make a challenge, the duelists had to stand on the same step in the hierarchical ladder, not concede title to each other and position in society. Those who received such a call from a lower status could easily refuse it, since such a call could already be considered an insult.

Types of duels

The first duels were held with cold weapons: rapiers, swords, sabers, swords, daggers, daggers. At the choice of rivals, she could become:

  • Mobile - held on a site of a certain size).
  • Fixed - held in one place, during the battle the opponents could not move from the intended position.

Until the end of the 17th century, a mobile sword duel was allowed using "dishonest" methods of combat: kicks and kicks, an additional bonus in the form of a dagger or shield. With the advent of pistols, this method has become obsolete.

The dueling code described firearms competition as a "meeting" using dual pistols not used by either duelist. Such weapons were available in any noble family.

duel rules
duel rules

Both of them brought pistols to such a “meeting”: both the offended and the offended. One of the couples was chosen by lot. In the original version of the duel rules, only one shot was allowed. Over time, new types of duels arose and, accordingly, new options for combat.

duel site
duel site

Pistol duels

There were such types of duels:

  • Stationary duel. Distance from 15 to 35 steps, shot on command or by draw.
  • Mobile obstacle duel. On a flat area, the middle is marked with any object, the shooters count the required number of steps to it and shoot when ready.
  • Duel at a noble distance. The distance between the arrows is no more than fifteen steps.
  • Blind shot. At a distance of fifteen steps, the duelists stand with their backs to each other, the shot is fired over the shoulder.
  • Russian roulette. Only one pistol is loaded, the shot is fired from a distance of 5-8 steps.

Thus, a duel is not just a way to express your dissatisfaction with the offense, but also a real opportunity to deal with the enemy once and for all.

duel history
duel history

The most brutal way of reprisal was the so-called American duel. The duelists cast lots, and the one on whom it fell was supposed to commit suicide within a set time period. Due to such a wild outcome, this method was removed from the dueling code.

Referee and duel participants

For proper conductduels needed seconds. They made sure that the opponents did not meet before the duel, they chose the meeting place. Favorite places where a duel was held were suburban forests, parks or fields.

Anyone present at the insult and challenge to a duel could be a second.

There were times when a trusted person could come out instead of the offended person - the closest relative, friend or person who considers it her duty to protect the desecrated honor of the weaker one.
