What kind of person can be called a human? What is a personality?

What kind of person can be called a human? What is a personality?
What kind of person can be called a human? What is a personality?

Being in a society, each person chooses his company depending on various factors. Some people pay more attention to appearance and manners, others - to the character and richness of the inner world, others choose solely on the basis of intelligence, fourth - taking into account the well-being of a person, and so on.

Given all of the above, in total, a complex opinion is formed about the person we choose for our social circle. But all these signs are not characteristic of a real person.

what kind of person can be called a person
what kind of person can be called a person

The definition of a real person, personality is given solely by his inner qualities, actions and actions in relation to other people and in specific conflict situations.

So what kind of person can be called a real person? How to conclude whether you really have a real person in moral, of course, terms.

Who is a person

Of course, the article will focus on the concept of "man" from the social and moral side, and not in biological terms.

From this side the man isa socio-biological being that embodies the highest stage of development of life forms that exist on earth, and is the subject of socio-historical activity and social interaction. From a biological point of view, man is at the very top of evolution and the food chain. Who it is from the point of view of sociology and psychology, it is necessary to determine according to specific features.

In psychology, the concept of "man" is the most extensive and general, uniting many other concepts that differ according to the very factors that determine them.

The fundamental characteristics of a person are:

  • special body structure;
  • the presence of conscious thinking;
  • ability to work.

In society, we often use this term, speaking of a person as a person and his personal qualities, and not as a biological entity. For example, when we say that someone immediately rushed to help a woman - this is a real person. Do we know what kind of person can be called a person for his actions?

Who is an individual and how is he related to the concept of a person

An individual, which is, roughly speaking, a set of personal qualities and a certain point of view on things from birth to death, is called an individual.

That is, each individual person is an individual. These are essentially synonymous concepts.

who is this person
who is this person

What is personality

But the concept of personality is narrower. Personalitycan be characterized as an individual who, first of all, is endowed with consciousness, capable of learning and cognition, experiences, changing the world around him and who is constantly in interaction with him and other personalities.

The main difference between a person and a person is that a person does not become a person from birth. Throughout life, a person gains life experience and wisdom, which comes with the need to solve daily tasks and conflict situations. The more such situations in which a person needs to leave his comfort zone, habitual state and adapt, the faster the person develops that very personality, individuality, personal opinion and much more.

Based on this, we can identify a set of features that will clarify the question of what kind of person can be called a personality. There are several basic parameters that define a person as a person. They are listed below.


Of course, the thoughts and actions of a person do not exist separately. Everything is interconnected and forms a complete set. That is, in the process of development, each individual component that could be identified progresses or regresses together with everything else. And all changes occur with a change in the interrelationships of personality components, and not these characteristics themselves. And most importantly, each of their characteristics is formed as a result of the integration of three spheres of human development - biological, social and spiritual.


Each person is constantly in the process of development and does not stopdevelop until death. Of course, this process is different for everyone. It is impossible to find two absolutely identical in the development of a person. Even twins, despite their outward resemblance, blood relationship and being in the same social circle, will develop in a similar way, while remaining unique personalities. Unique actions make it possible to analyze what kind of person can be called a person and whether these judgments are fair.

what a real person is
what a real person is

The photo shows a man saving his dog from excruciating pain. The dog was diagnosed with a severe joint disease, which is why she does not sleep at all. And when the owner brings it into the lake, the water reduces the pain, so the dog can at least get some sleep. Is this not the act of a real person? That same humanity.


This sign can be described as follows. Each person has his own "I". His actions depend on the influence of internal and external factors. At the same time, in view of this sign, in any situation, a person will do a certain act, regardless of habits. These influencing factors are a kind of motivation, inducing a person to a certain action, in which activity is manifested.


Every person as a person is capable of self-expression. Here, figuratively speaking, two sides of the coin can be considered: one is the external existence, that is, the appearance, habits, everything that other people can see, hear, feel with the help of the senses, and the second is the inner side, the one that other peoplecan realize, understand and accept, or not. That is, the appearance of a person will no longer be perceived here. It will be important not how he says or does, but what exactly he says and does, for example. This sign brings us closer and closer to the answer to the question of what kind of person can be called a person.

Incompletion, self-development and self-regulation

Personality will never be complete. This is another sign of her, flowing into the ability for self-development. Incompleteness just the same pushes the personality to constant development. A person is constantly learning something new, it happens at every stage of his life, almost daily. And we are talking not only about the acquisition of any physical skills, but also about internal development, of course. And the person himself regulates these processes, consciously and even unconsciously.

what kind of person can be called a real person
what kind of person can be called a real person

What kind of person can be called a real person

Of course, by using the phrase “it was some kind of inhuman act”, we mean that a person showed himself on a bad side, did not properly, not in the way that the so-called unwritten laws are established in society. You can also talk about this for a long time, because we all know that there are “right” and “wrong” actions, according to which an assessment is made of how much a person is a real person. And each of us at least once in our lives assessed others from this point of view.

what kind of person can be called a personality
what kind of person can be called a personality

A real person - who is this? There are "fake"people? Of course not. It is about moral principles and the actions in which these principles find their expression.

According to most people, a real person will be tactful and sincere. Such a person should be able to listen and convince people of the correctness or incorrectness of their decisions. Be sincere and open, selfless.

If you ask children: a real person - what is he, the children will say that he is a kind, non-greedy person who is always ready to help and support. And this will all be right, since such qualities should be inherent in everyone.
