Rules of conduct in nature: memo

Rules of conduct in nature: memo
Rules of conduct in nature: memo

In the article brought to your attention, we propose to discuss the rules of behavior in nature. This article will also help school teachers conduct an open lesson before the trip.

The lesson should be in the form of a conversation. Each student is required to know and adhere to the rules of behavior in nature. If you follow the tips given in the article, the children will not only have a good rest, but also gain strength before difficult everyday life. However, not every adult knows these rules.

Preparing for vacation

Of course, it is necessary for every person living on our planet to know the rules of human behavior in nature. But it is equally important to properly prepare for such an interesting walk. So, this section of the article will be completely devoted to the preparatory stage of outdoor recreation. It is worth remembering a few fairly simple rules:

  • Correct selection of clothing (legs, arms, neck and head must be covered). This will help protect against dangerous animals and insects (ticks, mosquitoes, ants and snakes).
  • Headwear should be tight.
  • As for neck protection, it is better to useturtleneck or olympic shirt with a high neck. It is better to refuse a scarf, as it can catch on branches.
  • Be sure to bring a cell phone, matches, a knife and a watch (for time orientation).
  • Use an insect repellent. This point is very important to consider, especially in cases where you plan to spend a long time in nature.
  • If you are going to organize a picnic, be sure to take care of the garbage container. These can be containers or tight packages. All leftovers after eating should be packed and thrown away only in strictly designated places.

What dangers await?

rules of human behavior in nature
rules of human behavior in nature

Although resting in the forest, at first glance, seems to be an absolutely safe idea, it is worth preparing for this in advance, taking into account all the nuances. In fact, there are a lot of dangers waiting for you. Which ones? You can find out from the list published in this section of the article:

  1. Injuries to the skin (knots, thorns, brushwood, and so on).
  2. Mechanical damage (stones, glass fragments, etc.).
  3. The possibility of being bitten by poisonous insects and animals, depending on the area, they can be varied (scorpions, snakes, spiders, wasps, mosquitoes and many others).
  4. Possible falls from a height (try to keep up with the group and carefully look under your feet).
  5. Poisoning from mushrooms, berries and plants (never eat something that you know nothing about, perhaps this attractiveberry or mushroom are very dangerous for humans).
  6. Thunderstorm and lightning are also a danger in the forest, as a fire is possible (in bad weather it is better to stay at home, and go to nature only on a clear day).
  7. Injury in water bodies (you can swim only in strictly designated areas, no one knows what is at the bottom of a wild beach).

Proper handling of fire

rules of behavior in nature for children
rules of behavior in nature for children

Studying the rules of behavior in nature, one cannot but pay attention to the correct handling of fire. Let's start with where it can not be bred at all. This little list is easy enough to remember:

  • peatlands;
  • fields with dry grass;
  • near firs and pines;
  • near a living tree.

If it is necessary to kindle a fire, then it is worth digging a hole for it, and before leaving, make sure that it is completely extinguished (covered with earth or flooded with water). It is strictly forbidden in the forest:

  • smoking;
  • missile launch;
  • shooting in dry weather.

What do children need?

Among the rules of behavior in nature for children, it is worth noting:

  • do not harm the environment (do not make noise, do not break trees and shrubs, do not throw garbage, etc.);
  • wear comfortable and closed shoes (sneakers or sneakers);
  • wear only closed clothes;
  • put on a hat;
  • be able to provide first aid for cuts, burns and bruises;
  • keep up with the group;
  • do not eat unknownproducts (mushrooms, berries, plants).

Listen to adults, do not contradict them. Outdoor recreation can be varied: hiking in the forest, to the lake, climbing the mountains and so on. But it is worth remembering - wherever you are, follow these simple rules. Then this holiday will remain a very pleasant memory.
