The roadway is a place of increased danger. There are a lot of accidents on the road. The reason for this is not only the mistakes of drivers, but also the illiteracy of pedestrians. It is important to know the basic rules of the road not only for the driver driving the vehicle, but also for pedestrians.
Children are most at risk on the road, as they are not always aware of how to cross the road correctly, what traffic lights mean, and so on. The school should help to understand these issues. Even in the primary grades, each leader must conduct a "Quiz on traffic rules for primary school".

Today, in various methodological materials, there are a huge number of quizzes, games and cultural events aimed at developing a child in the field of behavior on the road. Below are some of the quizzes.
Quiz with questions
The easiest thing to do in a classroom for children's education is to have a quiz with questions. Every child, going to school, must know the elementary rules of behavior on the road. At school, he must learn them even better in order to remember them throughout his life. It is important for the class teacher to hold a class hour, where he will talk with the children and hold a quiz on traffic rules in elementary school.

Questions should be of the following nature:
- Which color of traffic light should a pedestrian get ready, stop and go?
- Where should I cross the road?
- How to cross the road at an intersection?
- What do the white stripes on the pavement mean?
- What does the car signal mean?
- When the driver turns on one of the headlights, what does it mean?
- Who is a traffic cop?
- Can I cross the road where there is no sign or crosswalk?
- Where should a person walk: on the sidewalk or on the roadway?
- What does the next sign mean? (pre-print marks).
For each correct answer, the student receives 1 point. Those who score more points will receive prizes or good grades. At the end of each question, the teacher must give the correct answer in detail in order to fix it in the minds of already knowing students and those who did not know it.
The game "Road signs"
Also, during class hours, the teacher can bring the basic signs that every participant in the movement should know. These include: zebra crossing, main road, pedestrian crossing sign, traffic light sign, "Caution, children!", "Roadwork", "Brick", designation of the city.

The teacher shows a card with a sign and a signature of the correct answer on the back. The child who knows the answer must explain the meaning of this card. For a correctly named sign, the student receives 1 point, and if he explained it, then 2 points. If another student was able to characterize the picture, the score is sent to his piggy bank.
Quiz "Smart student"
If you are tired of quizzes on traffic rules in elementary school, the class teacher can choose the interactive game "Smart Schoolboy". The class is divided into several teams, captains are appointed. Each team is given a task.
The first task of deciphering the signs. The first team to answer and name the sign gets one point. If one of the participants gives a detailed answer about what the sign means, then the team gets one more point.
The second task is to draw a road sign. One participant is appointed from each team and an individual task is given. For example, you need to depict a road sign, a zebra or a traffic light. The rest of the participants can help the student. At the end, the winner is determined who best drew the picture and was able to explain the meaning of the sign. Runtime is limited to 5 minutes.
The third task is to come up with your own sign. In advance, the class teacher distributes pencils and sheets of paper. All team members participate in this game. They must come up with their own sign and its application. The team thatdoes it first and gives the best answer, gets an extra point.

If there is a draw between everything, then the teacher conducts an additional round with riddles about the rules of behavior on the road.
Quiz "Rules of the road"
The class teacher can conduct a quiz on traffic rules for elementary school (Grade 4). The teacher reads out a description of the situations on the road and gives answers. For a correct answer, the student receives a point. Those with the most points are rewarded with a good grade or a sweet prize.