Volcano Llullaillaco: location, geological history and other facts

Volcano Llullaillaco: location, geological history and other facts
Volcano Llullaillaco: location, geological history and other facts

The Llullaillaco Volcano is located in the Andes mountain system in South America. In clear weather, its bulk can be seen for 200 kilometers. Especially noticeable is its cone-shaped top, covered with snow and ice. Volcano Llullaillaco is the fifth highest volcano in the world.

General characteristics of the volcano

Llullaillaco belongs to the category of stratovolcanoes (active). Despite the long lull, his calmness is deceptive. So in the late 70s of the 18th century, the icy silence was replaced by a sharp explosive eruption. Therefore, despite the fact that the Lullaillaco volcano again fell asleep for a long time, the locals are not deceived by its sensitive sleep. They call him a "deceiver" (as the name translates).

lullaillaco volcano
lullaillaco volcano

Lullaillaco volcano itself is located directly on the Chilean-Argentine border. It is located in the central part of the longest mountain system in South America - the Andes. You can find out where the Lullaillaco volcano is located specifically by looking at the map. It is located in close proximity to thewaterless desert of the planet - Atacama. Here you can also determine the geographic coordinates of the Llullaillaco volcano. It is part of the Western Cordillera range, the Puna de Atacama plateau. 25 degrees 12 minutes S, 68 degrees 53 minutes W are the coordinates of the Lullaillaco volcano. Latitude and longitude, respectively, south and west.

Geological history of Llullaillaco

The first stage in the formation of the volcanic massif are events that took place in the Pleistocene. During this geological period, a massive cone was formed, the upper part of which collapsed 150 thousand years ago. These events are evidenced by heaps of remnants of igneous rocks in the eastern part of the volcanic massif. Many kilometers of placers of volcanic glass go to Argentinean territory.

where is the lullaillaco volcano
where is the lullaillaco volcano

The second stage of the formation of Llullaillaco took place about ten millennia ago. During this period, an additional cone and several domes were formed. Significant lava flows remained from this period, most of which are concentrated in the northern and southern parts of the volcano.

The current state of Llullaillaco

Currently Llullaillaco volcano is in a dormant phase (solfatar stage). This stage is expressed by the periodic release of superheated gaseous sulfur compounds from the cavities.

The current height of the volcano is more than 6.7 km (absolute height) and about 2.3 km (relative height). These parameters make it possible to attribute it to the second largest operatingvolcano of the planet.

latitude and longitude coordinates of lullaillaco volcano
latitude and longitude coordinates of lullaillaco volcano

The unique location of the volcano (near the most arid and very hot region of the Earth) also determined the record height of the snowfield - more than 6 km. This is the highest snowline on the planet.

Llullaillaco and historic find

At the end of the 20th century, scientists discovered on the mountainside the mummies of three Inca children - an echo of the ancient bloody ritual of the ancestors of the modern Incas. According to historians, the children were sacrificed at Llullaillaco. According to scientists, this happened about five centuries ago. It is noteworthy that the mummies were immediately nicknamed "the children of the Lullaillaco volcano", and the older girl was called the Ice Maiden Juanita.

Such an amazing find was made possible by the unique climate of the summit - very cold and dry air. All three mummies, as a result of a specially conducted expedition, were taken out and placed in the freezers of the museum of the city of S alta (Argentina). Currently, they can be seen on the exhibition stands of the museum.

This event gave the volcano the status of a historical monument. A special sign has been put up at the place of the find.

Conquest of Lullaillaco

The first recorded in written sources the conquest of the volcano was made in 1952. This year, climbers B. Gonzalez and H. Harzeim climbed to the top. Climbing to the summit is relatively simple: it does not require the athletes to equip intermediate stations and camps and is usually completed within a day. The best time for such a trip is from May to October. There are strong winds on the side of the mountain.

geographic coordinates of the lullaillaco volcano
geographic coordinates of the lullaillaco volcano

Tourist tips:

  1. You can climb only according to approved routes. In other directions, difficult areas may come across, in addition, you can run into a minefield. The northern route is 4600 meters, the southern route is 5000 meters.
  2. Before climbing, you must obtain permission signed by CONAF, leave in this organization data on the composition of the group, the route and the estimated time of the expedition.
  3. To save time and effort, it is better to use the services of a local guide.
  4. In the process of preparing for the hike, you need to collect the necessary equipment (first of all, you will need ice axes and special climbing shoes to overcome the hard crust), clothing (on the top of the mountain, on the snowfield, the temperature will be much lower), water and food (in there are no cafes and shops in the reserve, so you will have to carry everything with you).

Llullaillaco Volcano is the fifth highest and second largest volcano in the world. In addition, it has the highest snowline on the planet.
