Under the Soviet Union, many mass, collective movements were organized. One of them was the shock movement. Let's figure out where they came from and who they were.

How drummers came to be and who they were
In the mid-1920s, the USSR government set a course for the industrialization of the country. The leadership needed new enterprises, factories and plants. The country was to develop in the technical, economic and industrial fields.
It was at this time that the first drummers appeared. These people can be called true patriots. They worked enthusiastically and with great zeal for the good of their homeland, not sparing themselves, exceeding the output standards many times over. They had important goals: to increase labor productivity, to eradicate absenteeism and injuries. Such people were set as an example to others, newspapers wrote about them, they were respected, invited to party congresses and meetings.

Soon, shock groups and brigades began to form. Such zeal on the part of the leadership did not go unnoticed. Active drummers at work were rewarded. And those who stood out in particular were awarded commendable letters and solid government prizes. Someone was even given a badge - "Drummer of Communist Labor".
Later, even entire factories and enterprises began to organize real competitions among themselves.

Some Famous Drummers
Stakhanov Aleksey Grigorievich - the whole movement of shock workers and hard workers is named after this man. He was a miner. Set a record for coal production, exceeding the norm by more than 10 times. Six months later, he broke his first record by 2 times, producing more than 200 tons of raw materials per shift.

Krivonos Petr Fedorovich - worked as a locomotive driver. He forced the boiler, as a result of which the speed of the locomotive increased by 2 times.
Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna - a female tractor driver. Overfulfilled the plan many times. It was the national symbol of a technically educated worker of the USSR.
Mazai Makar Nikitovich is an innovative steelmaker. Upgraded the furnace, increased the speed of steelmaking. Set several steel removal records.

Badge "Drummer of Communist Labor"
At the end of the five-year plan, the best workers were awarded the "Shock Worker of Communist Labor" badge. In Soviet times, it was considered veryprestigious to receive such an award. Together with the badge, a certificate and a memorable gift were presented.
In the work book of a famous employee, a record of delivery was necessarily made.
Today, quite recently, such an award gave the right to receive the title of "Veteran of Labor".

Types of award badges for workers
Let's take a closer look at the issue of the "Drummer of Communist Labor" badge. Its varieties were as follows:
- "Drummer 9th Five-Year Plan";
- "Drummer 10 Five-Year Plan";
- "Drummer of the 11th Five-Year Plan";
- "Drummer of the 12th Five-Year Plan".
It is often possible to see the badge "Shock worker of communist labor" without information about the five-year plan. These badges were very different in appearance, shape, color. They were united only by the inscription and the image of Lenin. In the background, there were drawings of a combine, a tractor, a construction site, a sickle and a hammer.

On the reverse side of each badge was stamped or engraved - a special mark of the manufacturer. Depending on the year of manufacture and the plant itself, the label differed both in appearance and size.
Who relied on such badges
As already mentioned, to everyone who excelled at work. These were farmers, state farm workers, engineers, teachers, designers, miners, researchers, workers of enterprises and agricultural production -they all received the "Drummer of Communist Labor" badge. The description of these awards varied.

Different categories of workers received different awards. There were special awards for livestock specialists, railway workers, policemen.
For the entire time that communism was being created and built, more than 23 million drummers were noted in the USSR. They were all awarded badges of honor.