Tsiolkovsky's biography is interesting not only in terms of achievements, although this great scientist had a lot of them. Konstantin Eduardovich is known to many as the developer of the first rocket model capable of flying into outer space. In addition, he is a well-known scientist in the field of aero astronautics, aerodynamics and aeronautics. This is a world-famous space explorer. Biography of Tsiolkovsky is an example of perseverance in achieving the goal. Even in the most difficult life circumstances, he did not refuse to continue his scientific activity.
Origin, childhood

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (years of life - 1857-1935) was born on September 17, 1857 near Ryazan, in the village of Izhevskoye. However, he did not live here for long. When he was 3 years old, Eduard Ignatievich, the father of the future scientist, began to have difficulties in the service. Because of this, the Tsiolkovsky family moved to Ryazan in 1860.
Motherwas engaged in the primary education of Constantine and his brothers. It was she who taught him to write and read, and also introduced him to the basics of arithmetic. "Tales" by Alexander Afanasyev is the book from which Tsiolkovsky learned to read. His mother taught her son only the alphabet, but how to make words from letters, Kostya guessed himself.
When the boy was 9 years old, he caught a cold after sledding and fell ill with scarlet fever. The disease proceeded with a complication, as a result of which Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lost his hearing. Deaf Konstantin did not despair, did not lose interest in life. It was at this time that he began to get involved in craftsmanship. Tsiolkovsky fell in love with making various figures out of paper.
Eduard Ignatievich in 1868 was again left without work. The family moved to Vyatka. Here the brothers helped Edward get a new position.
Gymnasium education, death of brother and mother

Konstantin, together with Ignatius, his younger brother, in 1869 began to study at the male Vyatka gymnasium. Studying was given to him with great difficulty - there were many subjects, and the teachers turned out to be strict. In addition, deafness greatly interfered with the boy. The death of Dmitry, the elder brother of Konstantin, dates back to the same year. She shocked the whole family, but most of all - her mother, Maria Ivanovna (her photo is presented above), whom Kostya loved very much. She died unexpectedly in 1870.
The death of his mother shocked the boy. And before that, Tsiolkovsky, who did not shine with knowledge, began to study worse and worse. He began to feel more and more acutely his deafness, because of which he becameincreasingly isolated. It is known that Tsiolkovsky was often punished because of his pranks, even ended up in a punishment cell. Konstantin in the second grade remained for the second year. And then, from the third grade (in 1873), he was expelled. Tsiolkovsky never studied anywhere else. From that time on, he practiced on his own.

It was then that Konstantin Eduardovich found his true calling. The young man began to independently receive education. Books, unlike the teachers of the gymnasium, generously endowed Tsiolkovsky with knowledge and never reproached him. At the same time, Konstantin joined the scientific and technical creativity. Tsiolkovsky created a lathe at home, as well as a number of other interesting inventions.
Life in Moscow
Eduard Ignatievich, believing in his son's abilities, decided to send him to Moscow to enter the Higher Technical School (today it is Bauman Moscow State Technical University). This happened in July 1873. However, Kostya did not enter the school for an unknown reason. He continued to study independently in Moscow. Tsiolkovsky lived very poorly, but stubbornly strove for knowledge. He spent all the money saved by his father on appliances and books.
The young man every day went to the Chertkovsky public library, where he studied science. Here he met Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, the founder of Russian cosmism. This man replaced Konstantin university professors.
Tsiolkovsky in the first year of his life in Moscow studied physics, as well as the beginnings of mathematics. They were followedintegral and differential calculus, spherical and analytic geometry, higher algebra. Later Konstantin studied mechanics, chemistry, astronomy. For 3 years, he fully mastered the program of the gymnasium, as well as the main part of the university. By this time, his father could no longer provide for Tsiolkovsky's life in Moscow. Konstantin returned home in the autumn of 1876 exhausted and weak.

Private lessons
Hard work and difficult conditions led to a deterioration in vision. Tsiolkovsky started wearing glasses after returning home. Having regained his strength, he began to give private lessons in mathematics and physics. After some time, he no longer needed students, as he showed himself to be an excellent teacher. Tsiolkovsky, in teaching lessons, used methods developed by him, among which the main one was a visual demonstration. Tsiolkovsky made paper models of polyhedra for geometry lessons, conducted experiments in physics with his students. This earned him the reputation of a teacher who clearly explains the material. The students loved Tsiolkovsky's classes, which were always interesting.
Brother's death, exam success
Ignatius, Konstantin's younger brother, died at the end of 1876. The brothers were very close since childhood, so his death was a big blow for Konstantin. The Tsiolkovsky family returned to Ryazan in 1878.
Konstantin immediately after his arrival passed a medical examination, as a result of which, due to deafness, he was released from military service. In order to continue working as a teacher, a validatedqualification. And Tsiolkovsky coped with this task - in the autumn of 1879 he passed the exam as an external student at the First Provincial Gymnasium. Now Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich has officially become a mathematics teacher.
Private life
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the summer of 1880 married the daughter of the owner of the room in which he lived. And in January 1881, Eduard Ignatievich died.
Children of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky: daughter Lyubov and three sons - Ignatius, Alexander and Ivan.
Work at the Borovsky district school, first scientific works
Konstantin Eduardovich worked as a teacher at the Borovsky district school, while continuing his research at home. He made drawings, worked on manuscripts, experimented. His first work was written on the topic of mechanics in biology. Konstantin Eduardovich in 1881 created his first work, which can be considered truly scientific. It is about the "Theory of gases". However, then he learned from D. I. Mendeleev that the discovery of this theory took place 10 years ago. Tsiolkovsky, despite the failure, continued his research.
Development of balloon design

One of the main problems that occupied him for a long time was the theory of balloons. After some time, Tsiolkovsky realized that it was this task that should be given attention. The scientist developed his own design of the balloon. The result of the work was the work of Konstantin Eduardovich "Theory and experience of the balloon …" (1885-86). In this work, the creation of a fundamentally new design of an airship withthin metal shell.
Fire in Tsiolkovsky's house
Tsiolkovsky's biography is marked by a tragic event that occurred on April 23, 1887. On this day, he was returning from Moscow after a report on his invention. It was then that a fire broke out in Tsiolkovsky's house. Models, manuscripts, a library, drawings and all the family's property were burned in it, except for a sewing machine (they managed to throw it into the yard through the window). It was a very heavy blow for Tsiolkovsky. He expressed his feelings and thoughts in a manuscript called "Prayer".
Moving to Kaluga, new works and research
D. S. Unkovsky, director of public schools, on January 27, 1892, offered to transfer one of the "most diligent" and "most capable" teachers to the Kaluga school. Here Konstantin Eduardovich lived until the end of his days. From 1892 he worked at the Kaluga district school as a teacher of geometry and arithmetic. Since 1899, the scientist also taught physics classes at the women's diocesan school. Tsiolkovsky wrote in Kaluga his main works on the theory of jet propulsion, astronautics, space biology and medicine. In addition, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky continued to study the theory of the metal airship. The photo below is an image of the monument to this scientist in Moscow.

In 1921, after completing his teaching career, he was given a lifetime personal pension. From that time until his death, Tsiolkovsky's biography was marked by immersion in research, the implementation of projects, and the dissemination of his ideas. He's teachingno longer engaged.
The hardest time ever
The first 15 years of the 20th century were the most difficult for Tsiolkovsky. Ignatius, his son, committed suicide in 1902. In addition, in 1908, his house was flooded during the flood of the Oka River. Because of this, many machines and exhibits were disabled, numerous unique calculations were lost.
First a fire, then a flood… One gets the impression that Konstantin Eduardovich was not friends with the elements. By the way, I remember the fire of 2001 that occurred on a Russian ship. The ship that caught fire on July 13 of this year is the Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a motor ship. Fortunately, no one died then, but the ship itself was badly damaged. Everything inside burned down, as in the fire in 1887, which Konstantin Tsiolkovsky survived.
His biography is marked by difficulties that would break many, but not the famous scientist. And his life after a while became easier. On June 5, 1919, the Russian Society of World Science Lovers made the scientist a member and awarded him a pension. This saved Konstantin Eduardovich from starvation during the period of devastation, since the Socialist Academy on June 30, 1919 did not accept him into its ranks and thereby left him without a livelihood. The significance of the models presented by Tsiolkovsky was also not appreciated in the Physico-Chemical Society. In 1923 Alexander, his second son, took his own life.
Recognition of the party leadership
Soviet authorities remembered Tsiolkovsky only in 1923, after G. Oberth, a German physicist, published a publication on rocket enginesand space flights. The living and working conditions of Konstantin Eduardovich changed dramatically after that. The party leadership of the USSR drew attention to such a prominent scientist as Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. His biography has long been marked by many achievements, but for some time they did not interest the powerful of this world. And in 1923, the scientist was assigned a personal pension, provided conditions for fruitful work. And on November 9, 1921, they began to pay him a pension for services to science. Tsiolkovsky received these funds until September 19, 1935. It was on this day that Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich died in Kaluga, which became his native.
Tsiolkovsky proposed a number of ideas that have found application in rocket science. These are gas rudders designed to control the flight of a rocket; the use of fuel components for the purpose of cooling the outer shell of the ship during the entry of the spacecraft into the earth's atmosphere, etc. As for the field of rocket fuels, Tsiolkovsky proved himself here too. He studied many different fuels and oxidizers, recommended the use of fuel vapors: oxygen with hydrocarbons or hydrogen Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich. His inventions include the scheme of a gas turbine engine. In addition, in 1927 he published the scheme and theory of the hovercraft. For the first time, he proposed a chassis that retracts at the bottom of the hull, namely Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich. What he invented, you now know. Airship building and space flights are the main problems to which the scientist devoted his whole life.

In Kaluga there is the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after this scientist, where you can learn a lot, including about such a scientist as Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. A photo of the museum building is presented above. In conclusion, I would like to quote one phrase. Its author is Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. His quotes are known to many, and you may know this one. "The planet is the cradle of the mind, but you can't live forever in the cradle," Tsiolkovsky once said. Today this statement is located at the entrance to the park. Tsiolkovsky (Kaluga), where the scientist is buried.