Self-taught scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, quotes, biography, worldview

Self-taught scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, quotes, biography, worldview
Self-taught scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, quotes, biography, worldview

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, whose quotes have not lost their relevance even today, is an example of purposefulness and amazing patience. Born in 1857 in the city of Ryazan, suffered from scarlet fever in childhood, after which he almost lost his hearing.

Life and work

Kostya was fond of engineering since childhood. Movement without human intervention, the action of a spring on an object, carriages and locomotives - all these were home-made toys on a home machine. Impressed by the success of his son, the father sends the boy to Moscow, but it is not easy to enter the school. Having achieved nothing, Konstantin returns home, passes the teacher's exam, and earns a living as a teacher.

tsiolkovsky quotes
tsiolkovsky quotes

It was during this period that Tsiolkovsky, whose quotes about human patience we hear every day, is completely devoted to the invention of mechanisms. The self-taught scientist did not create the rocket, but his idea of a jet engine (inertia creates energy) inspired Sergei Korolev and Andrei Tupolev, was a catalyst for inquisitive minds.

Human illusions and fears

Tsiolkovsky's quotes about a person and about himself are taken from life, born through reflection.

Tsiolkovsky's quotes about a person
Tsiolkovsky's quotes about a person
  • Humanity has discovered the solar system. They study it, they think that they are the masters. But this is a mistake. We cannot learn anything about space from one system, it's like studying the ocean from one stone.
  • New ideas are difficult to maintain, but necessary. Not all people have such a precious property.
  • My goal is to move humanity forward. It gives me neither bread, nor rest, nor strength. But I hope that my work will allow society to gain power and mountains of bread.
  • Courage must be developed, not given up at the first setbacks. The causes of these failures can simply be eliminated.
  • After exercising in the water and walking, I get younger, and most importantly, I massage and freshen up my brain.
  • Everyone can achieve anything if they think it is possible.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, quotes about space and opportunities

The main thing for the inventor has always been science and its promotion. The desire to know the cosmos gave meaning and strength to the most daring ideas. Theoretical astronautics was born when a scientist proved the necessity of using rocket "trains" and using several stages for a rocket.

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich quotes
Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich quotes
  • Our planet is our cradle. But you need to get out of the cradle.
  • Space is such an endless mechanism that it creates the illusion of freedom of action.
  • Creating a rocket is not an end in itself, butonly way to penetrate space.
  • What is impossible today will be common tomorrow.
  • In the beginning there was only a thought and a fairy tale, then calculation and possibility, and the finished object crowns everything.
  • Time may exist, but it hasn't been discovered yet because we don't know where to look for it.
  • All the experience of accumulated knowledge is nothing compared to what we will never know.

Death is part of nature

Connection with the vast cosmos, great ideas and achievement made Tsiolkovsky cynical. Death, no matter how terrible it may be for us, in comparison with the universe, is just a phenomenon. In striving for perfection, Tsiolkovsky, whose death quotes look shocking, expresses himself quite clearly.

tsiolkovsky quotes
tsiolkovsky quotes
  1. If you know nature, the fear of death becomes insignificant.
  2. Always striving for perfection. This also applies to people. You can take care of rapists, the insane, the crippled, but prevent the appearance of their offspring, and they will fade away in possible happiness.
  3. A person gravitates his life to 30-50 years, the difference depends on the conditions of existence. What contradictions can be caused by an artificial stop of vital activity at will? After all, doctors say that there are quick and painless ways.

Being an optimist in life, Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich diluted his works, books, lessons and lectures with quotes about the perfection of the world. While teaching physics, he inspired not only his students, but also his friends to take action.
