Basis - a multi-valued, frequently used term that appears in many areas of human life and activity. The foundations are financial and economic, material and ideological, grammatical and social, and many others. Perhaps that is why the question of what the basis is, in one sense or another, is quite common.
Material basis of an object or product
As mentioned above, the basis is a multi-valued concept. The subject itself may well indicate what the basis of a material object is. In this case, the basis is usually understood as the basic component, substance or product, without which the creation of an object would be impossible. For example:
This dish is based on new potatoes, but you will also need vegetables and savory herbs for cooking

Atmospheric air is based on gases such as nitrogen and oxygen, as well as impurities in very small quantities, smoke, dust and waste from industrial enterprises
In addition, speaking of the basis in material terms, they often mean the frame - that which keepsthing. For example:
This comfortable chair can be assembled by yourself using a wooden base, foam filling and soft but dense upholstery in any fabric you like

The base of this piece is steel, but the inlaid semi-precious stones give it a secular charm
Determining the material basis of an object is quite easy, just ask yourself what is the most in it, what is the main thing in it. The basis of furniture is wood, dishes are products, a person is bones, muscles and internal organs.
Ideological basis

Not a single political movement, philosophy or direction in art has ever arisen out of nowhere, just like that - everything is built on some basis. What is the basis in ideological terms? As a rule, this is a set of rules, ideas, concepts, basic rules or postulates, key aspects of an idea that reflect its essence as concisely and specifically as possible. For example:
- The basis of democracy is the rights and freedoms of the individual, the equality of people before the law and before each other.
- The superiority of reason over feelings, the unity of time, place and action, as well as the division of characters into positive and negative - this is the basis of classicism in literature.

In addition, the ideological basis also means the totality of knowledge that led to the formation of a particular point of view. For example:
- The theory of evolution wasput forward by Charles Darwin on the basis of research in biology.
- Cervantes wrote his famous work "Don Quixote" based on all the literary cliches known at that time, typical for chivalric novels.
To better understand this or that ideological concept, it is not necessary to delve into its history and subtleties. It is enough to know what this concept is based on.
Step word
This is part of an important section of Russian grammar called morphology. In this context, the term has a slightly different meaning. The stem of a word is that part of it that does not change during declension or conjugation, that is, its root and, if any, prefix and suffix. For example:
For the word "imagine", the stem will be the "imag-" part. This can be revealed by conjugating the verb: "represent", "represent", "represent", etc. As you can see, only the "represent-" part remains unchanged
Finding the stem of a word helps with spelling and building coherent sentences.
The financial basis is?

The meaning of the word "basis" in the context of budget allocation is associated with all of the above. The financial basis is the source of capital. For example:
The financial basis for the creation of this enterprise was investment from abroad
What is a foundation in a financial context? This, to put it simply, is the money with which the enterprise was opened.