"It's not worth a damn" the meaning of a phraseological unit and interpretation

"It's not worth a damn" the meaning of a phraseological unit and interpretation
"It's not worth a damn" the meaning of a phraseological unit and interpretation

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In this article we will consider the meaning of the phraseological unit "not worth a damn". It will be interesting to determine what situations the named expression is suitable for.

A bit of cooking

the meaning of a phraseological unit is not worth a damn
the meaning of a phraseological unit is not worth a damn

First you need to determine what kind of eggs we are talking about. There are two ways to boil eggs - hard boiled and soft-boiled. The first method of simmering eggs is the preferred method if you need to prepare ingredients for a salad or if you don't like soft-boiled eggs.

This is all to the fact that from the first cooking method there is no eaten egg left, that is, the shell in its, so to speak, almost untouched form. When we boil hard-boiled eggs, we clean them ruthlessly and throw away the shells. Another thing is the second way of cooking. When we boil soft-boiled eggs, we eat out the core, and the shell remains, which retains the shape of the egg. This is the main image of the phraseologism "not worth a damn", the meaning of which we analyze.


the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word is not worth a damn
the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word is not worth a damn

Trash is worth nothing at all. No one needs all sorts of broken appliances or vegetable peelings. Certainly,not everything is still good in Russia, but the horror that reigned in the 90s of the XX century is no longer there. The population at least eats properly. Of course, we are not talking about the constant division of people into classes and the presence of those who live worse than others. Available data on the hungry is not published. Therefore, everything is relatively good.

An ordinary person with an average income will never fight for an eggshell at the trash can with another person, an outsider or a relative. He'll just boil himself another egg.

So, the remains of an egg are nothing, a trifle, and maybe even less. So they usually talk about conflicts that are created from scratch. For example, if schoolchildren fought for a ballpoint pen for 6 rubles. Another thing is when the father gave a pen to one of the buzzers, or the boys fought over a beautiful lady. In this case, it is no longer possible to say that the conflict is not worth a damn.

The meaning of a phraseological unit in one word will help to convey the synonyms that we will give below.


After we figured out what the meaning is hidden behind the mysterious wording, we can provide the reader with semantic analogues. There will be no phraseological substitutions, only separate words. So the list is:

  • nonsense;
  • nonsense;
  • small change;
  • nonsense;
  • nonsense;

Five synonyms are enough for the reader to understand the general tone of the substitutions. In the end, you need to leave room for creativity and other people. If we reveal all the synonyms, then we run the risk of discouraging the reader from thinking and searching foranswers to questions, and this is an important element of education.

There is only one thing left to say. What is trifles for one may be the ruin of the world for another. Someone loses his job and falls into such deep despair that only antidepressants and therapists can get him out of there, while for another, losing a job is just another task worth solving, and not a problem at all. His appetite and sleep are not disturbed. All vital activity does not go astray. This is all to the fact that it is necessary to selectively approach the issue of trusting the opinions of others. What is good and surmountable for one person is death for another.

But for mental he alth, it is better to reduce all problems to the level of a trifle, something that is not worth a damn, so it is much easier to solve them. If a person takes difficulties too seriously, then there is a chance that they will absorb him, and he will drown in them.
