Bioecology is the foundation of all areas of study of ecology, because nature is our habitat. And in order for people to live fully, our habitat must be in order: the air must be clean, the water must be clear, the land fertile, and the flora and fauna he althy. If we do not take care of nature, we will not be able to fully live. Respect for the environment is the key to the existence of all life on Earth.

The role of bioecology
Everyone should know these canons. However, the modern rhythm of people's lives often has a detrimental effect on the environment. It has long been no secret to anyone that technogenic activities lead to air pollution with toxic gases and poisoning of water resources with waste industrial waters. As a result of the illiterate disposal of household and industrial waste, many territories are turning into landfills. The natural landscape of the region is changing. Forests are being cut down, rivers and lakes are disappearing. Fertile soils are turning into lifeless lands unsuitable for agriculture. The natural cycle is disrupted. Not only birds, plants and animals suffer from this. The unfavorable ecological situation leads to an increase in morbidity and a reduction in people's lives.
Sanitary welfare
The level of sanitary safety of the population is also of great importance. It is on the quality of wastewater treatment and disposal of human waste products that our comfort and sanitary well-being depend. As you know, unsanitary conditions are the source of the appearance of E. coli and other pathogens of serious intestinal diseases. The cleanliness of the urban environment around us, or rather the competent disposal of natural human waste, is the key to public he alth.

The study of ecology in modern education
All schoolchildren write more than one essay on the topic of ecology and environmental protection, and in the curricula of technical schools, colleges and universities we go through many hours of lectures on bioecology. However, this does not at all guarantee the full development of the ecological culture of modern man. Despite the fact that the deterioration of the environment today worries many of us, not everyone is ready to refuse to drive a car, properly dispose of household waste or organize cleaning of their own yard.
Professional activities
However, there are people who are readydevote ourselves to protecting the environment and fighting for the safety of bioecology. The speci alty "environmentalist" today especially attracts the attention of school graduates and is becoming more and more in demand among potential employers. Graduates of this profile can work in various medical organizations in the field of human ecology, as well as in the field of environmental audit and expertise, carrying out activities to protect the environment and human environmental safety. The professional activity of an ecologist is to study the environment and analyze its patterns, apply the accumulated knowledge for economic and recreational purposes, and protect nature.

Demand for the profession
Only competent, well-versed specialists can help solve the problem of pollution and preserve the nature and bioecology that surrounds us. Reviews and opinions of the majority of modern experts in this field suggest the involvement of environmentalists in any technogenic process. Therefore, some successful and far-sighted leaders of manufacturing companies and large firms attract such specialists to their staff. Many managers of small production shops and gas stations turn to specialized companies that manufacture and implement modern treatment systems and facilities.
These organizations help not only to solve possible difficulties in terms of the environmental side of the production process, but also to maintain profits. After all, the statethe legislation provides for the application of serious sanctions and fines for environmental violations in the manufacturing and industrial market segment.
Most owners of country houses and household plots, wanting to ensure the cleanliness and optimal sanitary condition of their possessions, also seek help from special companies involved in the disposal of natural human waste and garbage disposal.

The importance of speci alty in society
Mankind has high hopes for ecologists, since the environmental safety of the planet depends on their activities. After all, they protect the environmental rights of people, while at the same time involving the public in the discussion, analysis and adoption of particularly significant environmental decisions. Thanks to them, control is exercised over the implementation of the decisions made.
Even if we do not consider the importance of environmental specialists in the projection of global environmental pollution, the authority of this specialization does not decrease at all. A competent approach to solving problems of pollution of the urban environment, monitoring the level of sanitary conditions, auditing and analyzing environmental safety, as well as carrying out really necessary measures to protect the environment or monitoring their implementation is a very important task for both a large metropolis and a small town. The level of life expectancy of the population, its environmental comfort and safety can directly depend on the results of the work done by environmentalists.

New technologies
As you know, progress does not stand still. This also applies to the environmental sphere. Today, most people begin to clearly understand that bioecology is a system in which all living things that inhabit our planet interact. Therefore, many people seek to reduce the burden on the environment, and this happens not only on a personal level, but also in society as a whole: the latest technologies and innovative methods for optimizing the ecological background of settlements are being introduced everywhere. It is worth noting that the help of organizations specializing in the creation of environmental safety systems is invaluable here.
Reliable helpers
One of the many Russian companies that manufacture special devices and use advanced techniques and technologies is Bioecology LLC. The products of this company have established themselves as a reliable tool for protecting the environment from harmful technogenic impacts. Modern solutions in the field of sanitary safety provide an optimal level of environmental protection at a certain local scale. Purpose-built, state-of-the-art treatment facilities provide improved waste and sewage treatment.

The products of this company are well known in Moscow, Moscow, Leningrad regions and St. Petersburg. "Bioecology" takes an active part in holding various public events on the streets of the city. No major eventwithout their sanitary facilities and dry closets. This allows you to maintain the optimal level of sanitary safety of city streets and provide a high level of comfort for participants and spectators of events. According to the opinions of Bioecology employees, as well as in the opinion of consumers of these products, the range offered by the company fully complies with the requirements. Mobile cabins, toilet modules and related consumables are successfully promoting urban and environmental he alth.