What speci alties do you need to take physics? How to work in the speci alty "Physics"?

What speci alties do you need to take physics? How to work in the speci alty "Physics"?
What speci alties do you need to take physics? How to work in the speci alty "Physics"?

Physics is a vast science that applies everywhere. After all, thanks to its laws, the Universe exists, the planets revolve around the Sun and there are all the conditions necessary for life. Modern man cannot imagine life without physical processes. If this science had not been developed by ancient scientists, then today there would not be many serious discoveries and inventions. The speci alties of a physicist as a learned and interested person are quite diverse.

Which college should I apply for?

First you need to decide on a speci alty. What do you want to study? What profession do you want to devote your whole life to? The choice is huge. You can enter not only the speci alty "Physics" at MEPhI, Moscow State University or any pedagogical institute, but also choose, so to speak, a differential speci alty in the fields: space, transport, nature, household items, construction, medicine.

speci alty physics
speci alty physics

So what speci alties do physics take? For everything that is related to technology at least to a small extent. For example, a schoolboy dreams of being an astronomer. He will have to take the Russian language (as a rule, thisessay), mathematics and physics. As you know, at present, schools take the exam, so physics should be chosen as an additional subject. Russian with mathematics and so pass everything without fail.

Wouldn't make a mistake with the choice

So that the student does not have to rack his brains, torment himself with doubts, it is better to be like open days at universities. Not only read information about the speci alty you are interested in, but also communicate with specialists, if possible. It often happens that a child or teenager dreams of one thing, but gets something completely different, because he imagined everything differently. It is better to immediately open your eyes to the truth, so that it would not be painful later. A book on a speci alty of interest can become a good adviser. Physics at school and college is very different from the university curriculum. Of course, you can endure several sessions and forget about a specific subject, but what if it is on it that the whole speci alty and future profession are based? The choice must be approached carefully.

what speci alties are physics
what speci alties are physics

There are guys who like to solder microcircuits, assemble models, design a future country house from childhood, understand cars from an early age. They definitely should go accordingly: the first - to the faculty of microelectronics, semiconductor devices, to instrument-making institutes; the second - to the architectural or construction faculty; the third - on the road / car.

Unusual and interesting professions

There are many speci alties, but not very popular, that applyphysics directly: medical devices and apparatuses, physical laboratories. At Moscow State University Lomonosov is taught various interesting speci alties that are related to physics in depth. Graduates can be theoretical physicists. MEPhI also has a speci alty "Physics". What is the job of such a person? It is possible for scientists if the student has proven himself well. The university itself will send such a genius to a suitable laboratory for practice.

speci alty physics who to work
speci alty physics who to work

A physicist can simultaneously teach a subject both at school and at a college or university, write articles, publish books. This is the minimum list of what a physicist can do. He must not only hone the theory, but also apply everything in practice, embody his ideas. A physicist in this case must think logically, have ingenuity and erudition.

Is math really that important?

It is impossible to solve physical problems without mathematics. For example, you need to write an equation of motion, calculate the current with missing data through formulas in which you can insert the available parameters, transform the expression, calculate the probability, integrals, derivatives, and the like. Without such elementary knowledge, one can not even try to enter a physical speci alty. Of course, a physicist can simply talk about the structure of the Earth, gravity and argue "what would happen if …", but there are no such speci alties where mathematics is not handed over, but only physics. These two sciences always go hand in hand. Even the Russian language with literature is needed everywhere during admission toeducation for all speci alties. Physics and mathematics are almost everywhere taken together at the entrance exams.

Inventors of electronics, radio engineering and machines

Undoubtedly, all devices and machines are designed by people who are well versed in physics and mathematics. First, such people study the theory, the structure of molecules, atoms, try to independently find similar or close to analogy elements, substances and experiment. Modern man creates new technology with an emphasis on the old. Little is produced from scratch. Before creating any complex thing, it must be depicted at least on paper, show all its elements, and then check. From there, the scientist will find out that it is here that the transistor needs to be soldered, what substances it consists of, etc.

What speci alties do you need in physics?
What speci alties do you need in physics?

What speci alties do you need physics to work with radio electronics, instrument maker, machine builder? It makes no sense to list all the existing ones, because the names are similar to those listed, but they will have, as it were, a "subsection". You need to choose technical universities. Anyone who is interested in assembling computers, cell phones and laptops, who wants to learn how to invent something new, can become a design engineer in the same areas mentioned above.

Combining physics with other sciences

Let's take as an example a vibroacoustic device with two transducers, which treats diseases of the joints, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus and other diseases. Undoubtedly, you need to know biology and physics in order to create an ideal device fortreatment. Most often, a physician and a physicist will work together in a laboratory, creating their own author's idea. Biophysics is also a science that can be studied by a scientist, physicist or biologist. It all depends on the interests and abilities of people. There are such speci alties at medical universities.

Physics can also be applied in the acoustic and electromagnetic field: ultrasonic devices, infrasound, various electromagnetic emitters. It is worth recalling that equipment for creating a microclimate is also not created without knowledge of physical laws.

What speci alties do you need to take physics
What speci alties do you need to take physics

After all, what speci alties do you need to take physics for? In reference books for applicants to technical universities, pedagogical, MEPhI, Moscow State University. Lomonosov and other universities in Russia and abroad have all the information about what subjects you need to take. The choice is huge, it is important not to make a mistake and not regret it.
