St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is one of the main technical educational institutions in our country. It is within its walls that high-quality engineering and technical personnel are trained.
Features of the educational process at the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg
So, more details. Peter the Great Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg) works according to modern programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. There are 49 different areas of science and technology for masters and bachelors, 92 scientific speci alties for candidates and doctors of science, 9 options for training specialists.
If you are planning to study in St. Petersburg, Peter the Great State Polytechnic University is the best option. This institution cooperates with educational centers located in 40 countries of the world. It is here that international scientific conferences are systematically organized, within the framework of which serious issues related to construction, the use of modern technologies in science and technology are considered.

Speci alties and directions
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University rightfully occupies high positions in the ranking of the best educational institutions. No wonder. The University offers training in 208 profiles for bachelors within 57 directions, 13 options for training specialists, as well as 216 master's programs. The choice is wide.
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University pays special attention to training programs for teaching and research staff. Postgraduate courses teach in 25 different areas. In addition, scientific personnel are being trained in 94 speci alties within the framework of postgraduate education.

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has competitive advantages in the domestic market due to the use of innovative teaching methods and the use of the CDIO approach. This is a big plus. Teachers find an individual approach to each student, evaluate their personal educational achievements, use the latest information programs in the educational process.
The main speci alties at the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg are engineering, they involve the training of highly qualified specialists. In this domestic educational institution of the highest level, six educational programs of an international nature are being implemented, which allows students to receive two options for a diploma. To do this, you must complete a full course of study in full accordance with the curriculum, successfully cope withstate (final) certification.
A variety of international educational programs have been created and are being implemented at the university: 18 for masters, 3 for bachelors in a foreign language. Among the partners of the university are leading foreign universities in China, Finland, Sweden, Germany.

International programs
They are a unique opportunity to gain international experience with the joint formation of initial professional skills. Among the advantages of the main programs implemented at the Polytechnic University:
- large range;
- teaching foreign students in English;
- getting "double" diplomas;
- chance for various scholarships;
- experienced lecturers and professors from the best educational institutions of the Russian Federation and foreign universities.
SPBPU implements many international programs that train metallurgists, electrical engineers, economists, engineers, and physicists. In a word, excellent specialists in various fields.

Features of admission
Let's consider the order of admission to the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Faculties and speci alties that exist at the university are indicated on the website of the educational institution. Each applicant has the opportunity to study all the requirements for a package of documents, as well as decide in advance on the choice of those subjects that require the delivery of a unified stateexam.
There are two ways to apply to this prestigious educational institution in Russia. The first option involves personal presence when providing a package of documents. When applying remotely, you can use the personal account of the applicant by pre-registering on the official website. If you fill out the proposed form correctly, you can generate an automatic version of the application for participation in the competition. After that, you need to print it, sign it, send it along with the rest of the documents by mail to St. Petersburg. The Polytechnic University, whose faculties and speci alties must be indicated in the form, after receiving the application package, having completed the applicant's personal file, will enter the information into the ranked list of applicants.

Interesting facts
In order to take part in the general competition, you will need not only a personal application signed by the applicant. It is necessary to provide the admission committee with the original or a certified copy of the certificate of graduation from a secondary school, consent to the processing of personal data. In the original application, in addition to the personal signature of the applicant, the rights to preferential (priority) admission to the university are indicated. It is necessary to indicate those speci alties (their total number should not exceed 3) that are priority, as well as indicate the faculty.
There is no need to confirm the results of the unified state exams, since the selection committee has access to a single information database of applicants. Alladmission rules approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are strictly observed at the Peter the Great Polytechnic University. Therefore, the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads have a priority right to enroll in this educational institution.

Do you want to enter St. Petersburg Polytechnic University? A passing score is set for each speci alty. When determining it, the number of submitted applications, USE scores, as well as the minimum scores established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for graduates of grade 11 are taken into account.
There is a big competition at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, where you can study computer science and applied mathematics, mathematical modeling on a budget or contract basis. High passing score - for information technology, fundamental computer science, administration of information systems at the Institute of Computer Technology. Recently, interest in applied physics and mathematics has increased, the passing score for bachelor's programs has increased: "Physics", "Mathematics".

The Civil Engineering Institute offers budget places in the speci alties: “Construction”, “Construction of unique structures”. Among the new areas of training offered within the walls of the Peter the Great Polytechnic University, which have already become in demand among applicants, we note applied computer science and software engineering. A significant number of graduates also apply for specializations related to computer security. They are attracted by the prestige of this top-level educational institution, the quality of educational services, and the transparency of information about the competition. In addition to engineering speci alties, the Polytechnic University also offers humanitarian areas.
For comfortable learning, the administration of the educational institution takes care of the living conditions of students. They are offered comfortable hostels where you can have a great rest after difficult working days. In their free time, children can go in for sports, take part in various cultural events organized at the university.
Currently, there are many top-level educational institutions in our country. Among them, of particular interest is the Peter the Great Polytechnic University, which seeks to enter schoolchildren not only from different parts of our country, but also foreign applicants. A variety of areas of training, encouraging the best students with nominal scholarships, organizing student leisure - all this distinguishes this educational institution from other domestic universities.
In addition to full-time and part-time forms of education, this educational institution successfully practices the option of remote higher education. There is a program for obtaining a "double" diploma, as well as special courses for high school students, which indicates an innovative approachguides of this university to the educational process.