One of the oldest institutions of higher education in Russia is St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Student feedback confirms that the university is considered prestigious not only from a historical point of view, but also due to the ability to combine tradition with modernity.
Brief historical background
The Polytechnic University was founded in 1899 by three prominent figures of Russia: Minister S. Yu. Witte, V. I. Kovalevsky and world-famous chemist D. I. Mendeleev. The architect E. F. Wirrich became the author of the institute campus development project, he included educational and residential buildings, outbuildings in the ensemble.
Classes began in 1902 in the most promising areas for Russia - shipbuilding, electromechanics, metallurgy and several others. The university quickly gained popularity, teaching was conducted by eminent scientists of their time. In 1914, the number of listeners was more than 6 thousand people.
After the revolution, in 1918, all the activities of the institute were reduced to a minimum - most of the teachersleft Russia, and by 1919 no more than 500 people remained students. It was during this period that the revival of the university began. On its basis, for the first time in the country, the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics was created, where the training of research physicists began, and the Faculty of Chemistry was also established. The number of teachers and students grew, by the end of the 20s, about 8 thousand people were already studying at the Polytechnic University.
In the pre-war years, the Polytechnic Institute of Leningrad became the leader among the technical universities of the USSR. Teaching is conducted for 10 thousand students, 940 professors and teachers take part in the pedagogical and scientific process.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Institute was evacuated, part of the students and teachers went to the front. The return took place immediately after the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad. In the future, the institution of higher education was constantly expanding, new areas of education and scientific activity appeared. By the beginning of the 90s, the Polytechnic University accepted 2,100 first-year students who aspired to get an education at 11 faculties.
At the present stage, the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg includes 20 main faculties and 6 faculties of additional education, an evening department, a scientific complex, courses in various fields of study, a branch in Sosnovy Bor, a dispensary, recreation centers.
SPbPU training areas include 101 speci alties. Bachelor's and master's programs are implemented in 34 areas, postgraduate studies have 90speci alties.
Education is conditionally divided into main groups:
- Humanitarian.
- Engineering and economics.
- Physical-mathematical.
- Information and computer.
- Engineering and technological.
- Biotechnology.
Eleven basic institutes form the backbone of the educational structure for which St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is famous. Technical faculties are traditionally highly valued among students and teachers. One of the promising areas of study in recent years has become the military faculty.
Student reviews
Every year more than 30 thousand students attend the Polytechnic University. Reviews are devoted to studies, teachers and the education system. The high standards of teaching and the quality of knowledge that students receive are positively assessed. It is noted that the glory of the university is not far-fetched and is not based on past merits, but is a continuation of the best traditions of higher education, taking into account modern technologies, achievements of scientific and technical thought.
Most of the positive reviews talk about interesting and rich study programs, in which subjects are studied fundamentally, with a full amount of lecture hours, a large number of laboratory work, homework, requiring the involvement of additional literature. This approach to learning lasts until the end of the master's degree.

Students share their impressions of their studies and report that deductions after the first and any other session occur quite often, and by the time a group of thirty people graduatessometimes only a third is preserved. Graduates who have managed to complete the full course of study are valuable workers, who are often lined up with HR specialists from domestic and foreign companies.
Polytech (St. Petersburg) maintains prestige thanks to the system of education and quality control of knowledge, giving students maximum opportunities to cover as much information and practice as possible in each subject of the course. Many graduates recall their years of study with gratitude, pointing out that all difficulties can be overcome, and the acquired knowledge base helped them find a decent job, start their own business, or build a brilliant career. Everyone notes that the ability to meticulously study each new task, instilled at the university, makes it possible not to succumb to difficulties and easily master new skills.
Reviews of students about SPbPU are also sometimes negative. Basically, they were left by those who are taking a course of study in the humanities. They say that the desire to get an education at a prestigious university was realized only nominally - there is a diploma with the name of one of the best educational institutions, but the quality and completeness of knowledge leave much to be desired. It is noted that in many subjects the lecture material is morally outdated, more related to the era of late socialism and has little in common with modern realities.
Some expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that lectures are read by very eminent professors, but their age has long crossed the retirement age. They are poorly versed in modern technologies, methods and not always inup to date with the latest developments in the field in which they are engaged. But at the same time, it is noted that laboratory and practical classes are conducted by young teachers, with whom you can always discuss complex or incomprehensible issues. With their submission, it is possible to supplement the fundamental lecture material with knowledge of modern research, achievements and directions in the development of science.

The campus accommodates more than 10 thousand students who came to study from all cities of Russia and abroad. The complex of residential buildings is divided into territorial parts:
- Forestland.
- Courage Square.
- Civil Avenue.
All hostels are located near metro stations, within easy reach of transport interchanges and within walking distance to educational buildings. All non-resident students have the right to a settlement. Citizens of other states are settled in rooms designed for two residents. The buildings are equipped with kitchens, sanitary and utility rooms. To organize leisure activities, many dormitories provide common rooms for joint pastime, gyms, rooms for hobby groups and master classes.
The largest number of comments on the issue of accommodation, accommodation and leisure was left by first-year students who entered the Polytechnic University. Reviews say that all non-resident students, albeit not immediately, will certainly be provided with housing on the campus. Reviews for 2017 indicate,that many of the buildings have undergone high-quality repairs, the rooms have acquired a modern look and design. And senior students noted that even the shower rooms located in the basements were qualitatively and thoroughly renovated.
The cost of living is quite acceptable for everyone (800 rubles) and is deducted from the scholarship. The latter is credited to the card issued to freshmen by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The hostel of each complex is quite comfortable for living and preparing for classes.
Students say that no one experienced problems with food. If there is no desire to cook, then in any hostel there is a dining room, where you can always get a full meal, the price of which varies between 250-300 rubles. As students note, breakfasts are always free for Polytechnic University students.

As students note, admission to SPbPU is not an easy task. In almost all areas of education, passing scores are high, and after the introduction of the USE system, the number of people wishing to study at a prestigious university has increased several times. The first thing an applicant faces at any university, including SPbPU, is the admission committee.
Most of the first-year students remember their visit to the Admissions Committee as their first adventure at the university and believe that with such an influx of applicants to apply, it is rather difficult to remain calm and adequate. They are sympathetic to the manifestations of some nervousness on the part of the members of the commission.
High chances of admission are those who are involved in the chain of continuous process of obtaining knowledge, which was introduced by the Polytechnic University. Reviews say that graduates of the lyceum and college at SPbPU received a targeted secondary education focused on further education at one of the institutes of the Polytechnic University. Many recommend thinking about further higher education and graduating from the last two years of school at an educational institution at the university.

Preparatory Courses
Considerable opportunities are provided by numerous preparatory courses for admission, the start of which begins almost at the beginning of the academic year at the Polytechnic University. Preparatory courses (St. Petersburg) are designed for students with different levels of training, the duration of training is from 7 months to 2 weeks. According to reviews, the courses are doing an excellent job with their goals, most of the diligent students successfully pass the exam and enter the chosen institute.
It is noted that a big plus of the preparatory process is the opportunity to gain knowledge from the teachers of the Polytechnic University and along the way learn the intricacies of studying at the university, join the higher education system and finally make a choice in favor of a particular speci alty.
Students also share the following observations: not everyone who enters the first year of full-time education successfully overcomes even the first session. The educational process turns out to be difficult for many, students of the correspondence department can apply for the vacated places.
On the job
In absentiaeducation at SPbPU is carried out in 35 areas at the main institutes of the university. For the majority of those who choose this form of education, there is an equal sign between study and work, these people do not want to miss a single opportunity.
According to students, distance learning is good only if there is a job in the same speci alty, otherwise the time will be wasted. Daytime education provides a more in-depth study of each subject, teachers are more demanding on the quality of knowledge, and the program is much richer.

There are also neutral reviews from former students who graduated from the Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg) in absentia. The faculties of this form of education fully reflect the needs of the economy in certain categories of specialists. The university provides everyone with the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and at the same time rely on their work experience, applying knowledge directly in the production environment.
Most of the students say that the choice in favor of any direction of study was associated with a desire to accelerate career growth or with a lack of a certain knowledge base for a full-fledged activity. After graduating from the Polytechnic, students of the correspondence department received general diplomas, and the quality of knowledge, as many noted, depends only on their own desire to study, because the university provides a lot of opportunities.
Financial issue: scholarships
Most young people often have to combine study and work, and SPbPU full-time students are no exception. Scholarshipsuniversities smooth out the financial issue. The basic academic scholarship is assigned to all first-year students before the first session and amounts to 2000 rubles. Based on the results of the passed exams, the situation is changing, those who have shown excellent and good results will continue to receive financial support at the same level. If the session was excellent, then there is every chance of receiving increased payments - the excellent student's scholarship is twice as much (4000 rubles). Studying with excellent results over three sessions guarantees the student a scholarship from the Academic Council (6000 rubles).
In addition to standard and incentive payments, other forms of financial interest are also practiced at the university. For example, those who write articles in scientific journals, conduct research activities, achieve high results in sports, make a significant contribution to the cultural and social life of the university are awarded increased state scholarships (8,000 rubles, valid for 6 months).

Also, active participants in scientific activities can try their hand at competitions for scholarships and grants from foundations. Usually such payments are associated with certain obligations, but the scholarship level is about 15,000 rubles for 2 years. There are options to receive financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science for those who devote their time not only to mastering the basic knowledge of their course, but also engaged in active research activities. The level of financial incentives ranges from 2200 to 5000 rubles. for students, and for graduate students, the amount of payments is4500 to 14000 rub. monthly.
This list does not exhaust the possibilities, scholarships can be received from various interested organizations - the Government of St. Petersburg, Alfa-Bank and VTB banks, grants for studying abroad are also awarded on a competitive basis, etc. All the detailed Information about opportunities is provided by the Polytechnic University.
Student reviews say that the standard scholarship is small and does not help much to live without the help of relatives or without additional work. Nevertheless, many are happy with her, especially those from other cities, because they do not have to look for additional funds to pay for the hostel. The Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University does not provide scholarships to contract students.
Paid education
The Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg) is also among the ten most prestigious universities in Russia. The cost of education, according to students, is high, many believe that it is not justified. But it is unlikely that anyone will challenge the right of the university to set prices. The number of applicants for all forms of education is growing year by year, not only due to citizens of foreign countries, compatriots are also actively striving to get into the polytechnic.
The cost of undergraduate education starts from 50 thousand rubles and reaches 116 thousand rubles for one year of study. The qualification of a specialist when studying on a commercial basis will cost from 85 to 120 thousand rubles per academic year.
The level of knowledge and the requirements of the educational process qualitatively manifest themselves in the future fate of graduates: almost everyone who gavetime to study, found prestigious jobs and progressive careers, started their own businesses, and many became politicians or statesmen. Alumni's feedback confirms the general postulate: whoever wants to study will be able to gain knowledge, respect from teachers, recommendations, an excellent portfolio for final exams and a warm welcome in domestic or foreign companies.

Useful information
Peter the Great Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg is a multidisciplinary institution of higher education, where the traditions of education have been formed for more than a hundred years. Today, the path to the Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg) is open to everyone. The faculties of institutes open up broad prospects for students and graduates, and the possibilities are almost unlimited - several forms of obtaining knowledge, in-depth study of subjects and sciences, active student social life, getting an education abroad and much more.
In general, student reviews praise the university. There is a general idea that the education received at the Polytechnic University is a great opportunity to start a future career. Over the years of study, the horizons are significantly expanded, fundamental knowledge is mastered not only in the chosen speci alty, but also in several related areas. The saturation of student life is so diverse that it covers all interests - from a circle of beadwork to yachting competitions. Graduates advise not to doubt, but to enter SPbPU.
The address of the educational institution is Politekhnicheskaya street, building 29.