Literature program for grade 10. Content and goals of the program

Literature program for grade 10. Content and goals of the program
Literature program for grade 10. Content and goals of the program

The GEF Literature work program for grade 10 is based on the state standard of secondary general education of the Russian Federation. Created according to the author's program of Yu. V. Lebedev.

The literature program is designed to provide high school students with a general knowledge of the subject and achieve the goals of the GEF (Federal State Educational Standards) program.

Development of personal qualities

work program in literature grade 10 fgos
work program in literature grade 10 fgos

The 10th grade literature program is aimed at forming the correct worldview of the student, as well as instilling patriotic feelings in him for his homeland. It is needed to instill responsibility and love for one's state.

The purpose of the program is also a basic introduction to the historical facts of the state, as well as the traditions and customs of those times.

Also,the 10th grade literature program aims to form the correct personal development of a person. Correct attitude towards another person, his personal, religious and political views.

One of the important goals is also the formation of moral feelings in the student. The emergence of moral values that are considered the norm in modern society.

The program develops a person's communication skills and general erudition and level of culture.

Learning Objectives

10th grade literature program
10th grade literature program

The main goal of the learning process itself is to teach the student to develop independently, create plans to achieve their goals and strive for them.

The 10th grade literature program allows the student to improve communication, planning, general awareness of himself and other people. She also teaches patriotism and gives information about the history of her state.

What gives the item?

The subject goal is to provide the student with knowledge about the works of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Acquaintance with famous Russian writers and their work. In the process, the student learns many poems that have a beneficial effect on the development of memory, erudition and speech production.

The student independently writes essays and presentations on various topics. In the process, he learns to correctly express his thoughts on paper and trains his Russian language skills.

Program content

literature program grade 10 fgos
literature program grade 10 fgos

The 10th grade literature program containsmany topics. The total duration of the study is 105 hours.

The main topics will be listed below.

  1. Realism. The origin and development of realism in the 19th century tells about the emergence of realism in the Russian Empire and its historical features. Duration - 2 hours.
  2. Literary criticism in the Russian Empire (19th century) - studies literary criticism in the Russian Empire, its main directions and main representatives of the genre. Duration - 3 hours.
  3. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. In the process of studying, the student gets acquainted with the main works of I. S. Turgenev. Their list includes "Notes of a hunter", "Mumu", "Inn". Duration - 9 hours.
  4. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. They study the artistic work of Chernyshevsky. The list of works includes "What to do?" and "Special Man". Duration - 4 hours.
  5. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. Goncharov's most popular works, such as "Oblomov" and "Pallada Frigate" will be studied. Duration - 9 hours.
  6. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. The program will study the work of the writer. Among the works you can find the novels "Dowry" and "Thunderstorm". Duration - 9 hours.
  7. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. They study the works "Russia cannot be understood with the mind", "Last love", "Day and night" and others. Duration - 4 hours.
  8. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nekrasov. The program examines various works thatreflect the stages of the writer's life. Duration - 6 hours.

These were the main topics of the first semester of the GEF literature program for grade 10.
