Main consumers in artificial ecosystems. Types and features of ecosystems

Main consumers in artificial ecosystems. Types and features of ecosystems
Main consumers in artificial ecosystems. Types and features of ecosystems

Ecological system - the basic concept that is studied by ecology. This is a science that studies all the relationships between living organisms and the environment. This includes the relationship of people and animals, people and plants, and also considers the treatment of mankind with the environment.

What is an ecosystem?

types of artificial ecosystems
types of artificial ecosystems

The term was first considered in 1935. It was proposed by A. Tansley, dividing the ecological system into several main components:

  1. The exchange of substances between living organisms in the environment.
  2. The community of all living organisms, which is called biocenosis.
  3. Habitat - biotope.
  4. All connections and types of connections between organisms in every single habitat.

Each habitat has its own climatic, energy and biological characteristics. It depends on them which organisms will live in oneecosystem.

The earth is considered one big ecosystem, which is divided into subspecies - different habitats. The most important source of energy for her is the Sun.

In all artificial ecosystems, the consumers are the organisms that live there.

Artificial ecosystems

man made artificial ecosystems
man made artificial ecosystems

Let's first understand what an artificial habitat is. This is an ecosystem that was created by man. The main consumers in artificial ecosystems are living organisms that have been placed there.

If you ask any person about an artificial ecosystem, then the thought of a home aquarium immediately comes to mind. Although it is not a large habitat, it belongs to man-made artificial ecosystems.

He is quite limited, and all his internal conditions are regulated by the owner. He independently chooses what nutrients the aquarium fish will receive. In addition, it adjusts the light, temperature, regulates the main components of the water, and also selects the plants that will grow inside the aquarium.

Main types of artificial ecosystems

types of artificial ecosystems
types of artificial ecosystems

In the 21st century, everywhere you look, artificial habitats are everywhere. For example, the aquarium we wrote about above.

Types of ecosystems:

  1. Field. This can be attributed to the usual wheat field. The difference from an aquarium is that the main energy for living organisms is the sun, whichnot subject to man. However, people themselves choose which plants will grow in the field, what they will fertilize, and also what they will eat.
  2. Pasture. Very similar to a field, as solar energy is also an important input for livestock. The difference from the field is that the main living organisms are animals, not plants. A person chooses what they will eat. He can grow certain nutritious plants in the pasture, but this is already a hybrid of field and pasture.
  3. City. One of the main ecosystems of mankind. All settlements are artificial ecosystems, the main consumer is man. Again, the energy of the sun is the only thing that is not subject to it. The rest is his job, from food to electricity.

Features of artificial ecosystems

The main difference is heterotrophy. That is, all the main consumers of artificial ecosystems eat pre-cooked food.

In addition, all food chains in artificial ecosystems are destroyed. For example, a garden. The man himself harvests, not allowing insects and other types of pests to eat. This leads to the destruction of the food chain.

The difference between artificial ecosystems and natural ones

There are quite a few differences. The first is that in natural ecosystems, all the nutrients for living organisms are provided by wildlife.

Also, in artificial ecosystems, the main consumers are much smaller than in natural ones. This is due to the fact that people sit onfields only one, sometimes several species of plants. Only certain types of animals are bred in their pastures.

In addition, not all representatives of the animal world are suitable for life in an artificial habitat.
