Kazakhstan is a real treasury that stores archaeological treasures, which are an invaluable world heritage. The 4th century BC is the era of the early Iron Age, called the "Berel period" (one of the stages in the development of the culture of nomads living in East Kazakhstan). And his name is associated with the location in the Katon-Karagai district of a burial ground consisting of high barrows.
Burial place of the nobility
Berel mounds are located in the valley of the Bukhtarma River, striking in its grandeur and peace, not far from the village of Berel. Approximately 100 graves have been discovered in the protected area, which received the name "Valley of the Kings" from the light hand of archaeologists, some of which have already been uncovered by scientists. The remains of rulers and representatives of the tribal nobility were found in them. A real open-air museum and a kind of sanctuarygradually reveals the secrets of an ancient civilization.

Unique technologies
Surprisingly, the necropolis has perfectly preserved organic matter due to harsh climatic conditions. The Berel mounds contained a "permafrost lens" that people created artificially. The thing is that at an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level, there is no natural phenomenon.
Those who buried their leaders had a special technology to create artificial permafrost. This technique is typical only for the Altai mountain system, and similar burials are not found in other places.
A real discovery in the world of science
For the first time, the Berel mounds, which store a long history, were discovered in the 19th century. It was at this time that the researchers predicted a corner full of secrets that it would become a true discovery in the world.
For burials, a mound was created with a diameter of at least 20 meters and a depth of up to seven meters. And the dense clay layer of soil kept the cold, and even in the hot summer period the graves did not have time to thaw.

Ancient Necropolis
In 1865, the study of the largest barrow at number 11, the richest necropolis in finds, began. It was a building in which noble persons of the Scythian-Saka tribes found their last shelter. Almost 100 years later, a new expedition is organized, and in the Great Berel Kurgan they found the burial places of the king and queen, as well as 13 horses. The decorations found in the oval grave are made inspecial, "animal" style. The world significance of the ancient necropolis was confirmed by the excellent preservation of the bodies of the dead thanks to the artificial permafrost.

However, scientists still found that the burial in the large Berel mound was carried out in 294 BC. The married couple lay in a burial deck made of larch impregnated with a special solution. The bodies, adorned with necklaces of wood and covered with gold foil, were surrounded by four bronze griffins. And the horses were wearing masks.
Burial under a glass sarcophagus
Another interesting discovery of the Berel mound is the burial of a woman from the royal dynasty, next to which 7 sacrificial horses in harness are buried. This is indeed an impressive sight! The ruler, who lived in the 4th century BC, is dressed in an outfit adorned with gold, and there are decorations in the Scythian style on animals. It is curious that the main motif is the image of a rooster, which is rarely seen in the culture of nomads.

This mound was covered with a tempered glass sarcophagus, and everyone can touch the ancient history. The area of the amazing building, which has no analogues in the country, is 90 square meters, and its height exceeds 8 meters.
According to experts, the material of one small burial opens the veil of secrets of a highly developed civilization, the mysteries of which disturb the scientific world. The princess, who was awarded a sacral burial, had equal rights withmen and could make important decisions. Archaeologists have concluded that our ancestors had strong democratic foundations.
New Finds
Now work continues in the valley, and scientists again surprised with a sensational find. In one of the burial mounds, the remains of a woman who lived in the 4th century BC were found. Unfortunately, the burial was plundered by treasure hunters, and only a few beautiful decorations and fragments of a fur coat have been preserved. The "Saki Amazon" was accompanied to another world by two horses in luxurious harness.
A dagger was found in the grave, which meant that the woman was a warrior and participated in campaigns on an equal basis with men.
Masters who owned unique technologies
It is believed that modern culture is very advanced, but archaeologists who have encountered burials and found priceless artifacts admire the skill of nomads who owned unique technologies more than two thousand years ago.
Excavations in the sacred place led to the conclusion that the constantly nomadic people could not create amazing works of art. To make jewelry or harness for horses, decorated with gold, other conditions are needed. Most likely, talented authors who worked in original workshops had their own settlements and dwellings that archaeologists have yet to find.

Local authorities are ready to turn the Berel mounds into a historical and archaeological museum and allocate the necessary funds for its creation. The future complex willrepresent a synthesis of tourism and science. Very soon, a road bridge will appear along the road leading to the sacred place, and thousands of guests will be able to get acquainted with the rich history of Kazakhstan.