"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is, of course, one of the most significant works in all ancient Russian literature. The image of nature in the artistic system of the poem plays a very important role. In this article, we will talk about it in detail.
Double function of nature
Nature in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is characterized by the fact that it performs a double function. She, on the one hand, lives her own life. The creator of the poem describes the landscape that surrounds the characters. On the other hand, it is a means of expressing the author's thoughts, his attitude to what is happening.

Nature is a living being
Reading the description of nature in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", we understand that the author perceives the world around him poetically. He treats her like a living being. The author endows nature with qualities that are characteristic of man. In his image, she reacts to events, perceives the world around her. In "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" nature is a separate hero. Since her image is a kind of means by which the author expresses his thoughts, she is, as it were, a supporter and ally of the Russian troops. We see how nature "worries" about the people. When Igor was defeated, she mourns with this hero. The author writes that the tree bowed to the ground, that the grass drooped.
Union of man and nature
In the work we are interested in, the boundaries between man and nature are erased. People are often compared with animals and birds: cuckoo, raven, falcon, tour. It is difficult to name a work where changes in nature and events in people's lives would be so closely intertwined. And this unity enhances the drama, the significance of what is happening. The union of man and nature, deployed with great force in the work, is a poetic union. For the author, nature is an inexhaustible source of poetic means and a kind of musical accompaniment, which gives the action a strong poetic sound.

Description of the second battle
Description of the second battle in the work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - an excerpt in which a detailed image of nature is presented. The author notes that "bloody dawns" have appeared, that "black clouds" are coming from the sea, in which "blue millions tremble". He concludes: "Be great thunder!" Reading "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (an excerpt devoted to the second battle), we feel the author's emotional tension. We understand that defeat is inevitable. Such a point of viewon current events - the result of the political views of the creator of the poem. And they consisted in the fact that the Russian troops could defeat the Polovtsy only by uniting. Cannot act alone.
Nature is the highest power
It should also be noted that nature in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" acts as a kind of higher power, capable of predicting events, as well as controlling them. For example, before Igor went on a campaign, she warned the Russian troops about the danger that threatened them. The author writes: "The sun will block his path with darkness."
How nature is involved
Nature is used not only to reflect events and warn of danger in the Tale of Igor's Campaign. She is in the work and an active participant in what is happening. Yaroslavna turns to nature with a request for help. In her, she sees her helper and protector. Yaroslavna asks the "bright and crackling" Sun, Dnieper and Wind to help Igor escape from captivity. The princess, turning to them, is trying to dispel grief, to find peace of mind. Yaroslavna's cry is a kind of spell addressed to the forces of nature. The princess encourages them to serve Igor, her "sweet way".

And nature in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" responds to this request. She actively helps Yaroslavna's husband to escape. The Donets lays green grass on the banks of the prince, cherishes him on its waves. He dresses Igor with warm mists, hiding under the canopy of trees. With the help of naturethe prince escapes safely. Woodpeckers show him the way, and nightingales sing songs to Igor. Thus, Russian nature in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" helps the prince.
Donets, despite the defeat of the prince's troops, justifies and glorifies this hero. When he returns from captivity, the author notes that "the sun is shining in the sky."

Color symbols
The symbolism of color plays an important role in the description of nature. It helps us discover its semantic meaning. The colors that prevail in the image of a particular landscape have a certain psychological load. For the era of the Middle Ages as a whole, the perception of color as a symbol is characteristic. In icon painting, this manifested itself very clearly, however, it was also reflected in literature. Black, for example, is used to depict tragic events. It symbolizes darkness, is a manifestation of the forces of evil. Blue is the color of heaven. In the works of ancient Russian literature, he personifies the higher powers.
Blue clouds and black lightning tell us that darkness is coming. They testify to the hopelessness of the situation of Prince Igor. Blue at the same time acts as a kind of sign from above. Suffering, blood symbolizes red. That is why the author uses it when describing nature during the battle and after it. Green symbolizes calm, while silver symbolizes joy and light. Therefore, the author uses them, depicting the escape of Prince Igor.

Expression of thoughtsauthor
The description of nature in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" helps the author express his political views and thoughts in a poetic and vivid way. When Igor decides to arbitrarily go on a hike, nature gives a negative assessment to such a decision. She seems to be going over to the side of the enemy. During the escape of Igor, who is in a hurry to "bring the guilty head" to the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav, nature helps him. She happily greets him when he manages to reach Kyiv.
One of the best works of ancient Russian literature is "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The image of Russian nature presented in it testifies to the great artistic skill and talent of the author. The picture of the Polovtsian steppe, vividly depicted by him, is evidence that the work was created by its eyewitness, perhaps even a participant in Igor's campaign.