A child is interested in everything around. Why is the sky blue and the sea s alty? Every day, "why" make us think how easy it is to explain the complex. In this article we will talk about how a flower grows for children: step by step and clear.
A little about plants and flowers
Let's imagine a flower bed with roses in bloom. Speaking of roses, we often call the whole plant a flower: stems, leaves, and buds. Although this is not entirely true.

A rose is a flower, but the bush we cut it from is a plant. We will understand how a flower grows if we first talk about the plant itself.
The seed falls into the soil
Everything starts with seeds. The seeds of different plants are very different from each other. For example, oak seeds are acorns, cherry seeds are the seeds inside its berries, and tiny poppy seeds are often seen on baked goods. Usually the seeds are small, but there are giants like coconut among them.

Seeds look for a new home in different ways: someone flies to him, picked up by the wind, someone floats on the water. manybirds and animals help plants to travel around the world. Seeds of different plants take root in different places, but all need water and warmth to sprout.
A seed that has fallen into suitable soil, lets out roots. From now on, they will perform many important tasks, keeping the plant alive.
Roots grow down. Usually they look like the crown of trees turned upside down, but the roots of different plants (and the same ones growing in different conditions) are different.

Roots draw out gases, water, organic and mineral substances dissolved in it from the soil - that is, everything that replaces food for the plant. Roots can bring out harmful substances and retain beneficial ones. And, of course, the roots firmly anchor the plant in the ground, preventing strong winds and water currents from destroying it.
Roots are the most important part of a plant. As long as they are he althy and remain in the ground, the plant will not die. Broken branches and stems, flowers and leaves will surely grow again.
Appearance of a sprout
After the roots are released, the first shoot hatches. It breaks through a seed like a chicken through an eggshell and reaches up through the ground to see the sun.

It will take a little time - and the sprout will appear on the surface, where we can see it. From now on, we can call it a seedling. A thin stem with a pair of leaves will develop into an adult plant. To do this, he needs the sun, water and air, as well asnutrients that the roots take in the soil.
Plants have different needs. Someone needs warmth and bright sun, while someone feels good in the shade and coolness. Some plants need a lot of water, some less. In the right conditions, seedlings stretch and grow. Along with the visible part of the plant, the roots also develop.
Maturity, flowering and circle of life
The time comes, and flowers appear on an adult plant. This happens when the plant builds up enough strength to produce its own seeds.
A bud appears on the stem of the plant, at first it looks like an ordinary folded leaf. It develops to a bud. As the bud opens, we finally see the flower.

Insects carry pollen from one flower to another. This process is called pollination, and when it is successfully completed, the plant produces new seeds.
The seeds are carried around by wind, water or animals, and everything starts all over again. This is the cycle of life that plants go through.