Joy - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

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Joy - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms
Joy - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Joy is a feminine noun. It changes by cases (joy, joy), as well as by numbers (joy). In this article we will talk about the interpretation of this word. We will also give examples of sentences, give several synonymous language units.

Defining lexical meaning

It is worth noting that the noun "joy" has two dictionary meanings:

  • Pleasure, fun or enjoyment. Joy is a thing that brings pleasure. For example, reading. It not only enriches the mind, but also entertains and gives positive emotions.
  • Relief of suffering, joy. There are such events that spoil the mood a lot, depress and make you doubt your abilities. Joy is what helps fight dark thoughts.

Examples of use in sentences

Let's illustrate the meaning of the noun "joy" with a few sentences:

  • Children are my joy, they drive away bad thoughts.
  • Ilya has found a consolation for himself: he has been painting for days.
  • Joy: painting
    Joy: painting
  • We found some joy: we started making birdhouses.
  • The song has always been a joy for me: in the darkest periods of my life, it helped me not to lose heart.

Selection of suitable synonyms

With the help of a dictionary of synonyms, we can easily pick up a few words with a similar interpretation. Joy is a noun that can be replaced by the words:

  • Fun. Only fun will drive away my sadness that has settled in my soul.
  • Delight. Genuine delight was in my heart: I have never seen such a great performance.
  • Fun. The boys came up with a fun: they rang the doorbell and ran away.
  • Entertainment. I need to come up with some kind of entertainment, otherwise I’m not at all happy.
  • Dancing can be fun
    Dancing can be fun
  • Consolation. Dancing is my solace, it helps relieve stress.
  • Delight. Good singing is a delight for me, it quickly heals spiritual wounds.

You can use these synonyms for the word "joy" in a variety of speech situations. You just need to make sure that the chosen synonym does not distort the meaning of the sentence.