Tyanka - who is this Etymology, meaning of the word

Tyanka - who is this Etymology, meaning of the word
Tyanka - who is this Etymology, meaning of the word

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People who have recently come to the Internet or have just joined any Internet subculture will undoubtedly come across a lot of new, previously unknown words. For example, IT-specialists will thoughtfully broadcast to the user that it will not be possible to recover files deleted from a flash drive, since the user did not make a copy just in case, and they will joke among themselves, they say, the default kettle did not make a backup.

Social networks and youth forums are often full of such words and phrases as "kun" and "lamp chan". The latter is also found in the phrase "top chan". It is quite fair that recently immersed in the culture of youth and social networks on the Internet, a fair question may arise: who is this girl?


The word "chan" came to the Internet masses from the otaku subculture. In itself, this word appeared due to the presence in the Japanese language of the suffix "chan", denoting that they are addressing a girl. Example: Emiko-chan, Bunny-chan. Such an appeal in Japanese is appropriate only for younger or friends,otherwise, other suffixes are used. The word "chan" got into the Russian language, they say, thanks to "Dvach". However, it would not have become widespread if it had not moved from this unforgettable site to Lurkomorye. There appeared a definition of who it is - tyanka. "Lurke" itself is a very popular site, which led to the spread of this word.

Oh those chicks
Oh those chicks

Tyanka - who is this

So, it's time to reveal the secret of this incomprehensible word. On the Web, the word "tyanka" is used in relation to girls. Basically, it is a young, sweet and beautiful representative of this sex.

You can often find epithets describing chankok girls, such as "lamp", "top". The latter means that this lady is not just a toffee, but a super duper, the best in this category. Lamps are usually referred to as extremely cute girls who strive to maintain this atmosphere in their social media profiles.

Another kind of tyanok - the so-called "vinishko-chan". For many who are not familiar with Internet slang, the question may arise who is this chick with the prefix "vinishko" and how it differs from ordinary chan.

Vinishko chan
Vinishko chan

This name also appeared on "Dvacha", and it denotes a specific subculture: young (16-20 years old) girls wearing short dyed hair, glasses without lenses, chokers. Such female representatives position themselves as well-read and enlightened.lady, however, in fact, all they do is drink wine, post photos on Instagram, show a visible interest in cinema and artistic culture, but they are limited to external manifestations.
