Depressing is a word used in Russian as an adjective or participle, depending on the context. The stress in this word falls on the letter "a" (3rd syllable). In the word, one can single out the root "depressed-", two suffixes: "-a-" and "-yush-", as well as the ending "-y". In total, the word has 5 syllables, 10 letters and 11 sounds.
In everyday life, this word can be heard infrequently. Most people prefer to use its synonyms, words like "depressive", "upsetting", "upsetting", "painful". You can also add the words "heavy", "sad" to them. Occasionally, the meaning of the word "depressing" in the context can be considered as "dead", "killing".

Depressing as an adjective
"Depressing" is a word that can be two different parts of speech depending on the context. In the case when with the help of this word in a sentence the object is characterized, itscan be considered an adjective. Then it is a relative adjective, and its modifiers include gender, number, case, and form (full/short).
Usage example: "When I opened the window, a very depressing sight appeared to my eyes."

Depressing as a sacrament
If we consider "depressing" as a participle, then it is formed from the word "depressing", "depressing". The participle is always formed from the verb, but it also has some signs of an adjective, including the question that can be asked to this word will sound like "what?". However, it is a sign of an object precisely by action, it describes the method of influence. So "depressing" is any object/image that depresses a person. If this word is used as a participle, then it has several constant features, namely: present tense, imperfective form and real form. Regardless of the situation and context, these signs should remain unchanged. However, number, case, gender and form (full/short) may vary.
"Depressing" is a very heavy and unpleasant word in its meaning, and it is much better to use not its antonyms in speech more often, but its antonyms - "joyful", "pleasant", "optimistic".