Sometimes this word is used as a synonym for independence and freedom. But sometimes it is interpreted in a purely bureaucratic or, better, legal way. We will confine ourselves to the interpretation in the dictionary, reveal the meaning and origin of the adjective "autonomous". And this will be only part of the material, and we will also consider the profession that, perhaps, best suits the object of study.
Sometimes a word is interesting for its origin, sometimes for its meaning. In this case, it is difficult to make any distinction, because everything is important. The etymological dictionary says that autonomy is the Greek word "autonomos", that is, "autos" is "one's own", and "nomos" is the law. It turns out: “living by its own laws.”
From this we can conclude that the autonomous region in the political sense and the autonomous person are similar in this: they do not depend on the center. But is it? Regarding the autonomous region, the question is complex and for another conversation, but regarding the independence of a person, we will analyzethis question is based on the example of the hero of our time - a freelancer.

After we have unearthed the Greek roots of the adjective "autonomous" (and this is not surprising), it is time to talk about the meaning that is found in the explanatory dictionary:
- Autonomous.
- Independent, carried out independently of anyone else. (special term).
If we illustrate the first meaning, then the only autonomous region in the Russian Federation is remembered - the Jewish Autonomous Region. And the second meaning can be given a lot of examples, but we will limit ourselves to two:
- standalone project;
- autonomous flight.
Next is the announced analysis of the harsh everyday life of a freelancer, because it is he who can be recognized as an autonomous subject, and this, unfortunately, is only half true.
Freelancing as an example of relative professional autonomy

If you read books on literary skill, you can not only write artistically about social problems (if you really want to, of course), but also learn something about modern Western realities. For example, since there is a definite benefit to not having a staff, some journals do not keep writers, but purchase articles from freelancers.
We are afraid of parts of the word "free", but in fact a freelancer - a freelancer - is a completely autonomous subject, and that's good. Moreover, both from the side of the one who is hired, and from the side of the one whohires.
But here, as well as almost everywhere, a person cannot be completely free. Even "free shooters" depend on the timing, the market, that is, the demand for their own services by other people. But this kind of work is different from the one that involves sitting in the office 8 hours a day.
We can still talk a lot about this, but the main thing is that freelancing as a phenomenon helps to understand the meaning of the word “autonomous”, which is not in the dictionary, namely: “independent, free”. By the way, it is this meaning that is most popular, unless, of course, a person understands jurisprudence and does not operate with its terms.