Almost a third of the vocabulary of the Russian language is verbs. It is impossible to know the meaning of each of them, but it is worth striving for perfection. Consider the meaning and use of one of the verbs.
The lexical meaning of the word
"Twirl" is a transitive, reflexive verb of the 2nd conjugation of the imperfective form (vert-y, vert-im, vert-ish, vert-ite, vert-it, vert-yat).
Fill in missing words:
- I'm good at hoop.
- We im spinners for a while.
- What the hell are you talking about?
- Why don't you fuck the propeller?
- He it projectile is the best.
- Children without exception yat spinners in the classroom.

So, twirling is:
- set an object in motion along a circular path (turn your elbows);
- turn something in different directions (turn the bracelet in your hands);
- make something using the folding method (twirl Easter cakes);
- make holes (twirl holes with a drill);
- manipulate someone (twirl each other).
To this verb, you can pick up several words that are close to it in meaning. Twisting is:
- Spin. Previously, cigarettes were a rarity in stores, men themselves rolled tobacco into tissue paper or just into a piece of newspaper.
- To command. The girl enthusiastically commanded the guy in love with her.
- Turn. Turn around, I don't want to see you.
- Guide. The wife tries to lead her husband.
- Toss and turn. The men move the boulders of the earth.
- Rotate. The mechanism rotates the rest of the parts.

Sentences with "twirl"
To better understand the meaning of any word, you should carefully study the examples of its use:
- At the lesson, all the members of the dance group twirled hoops.
- Yuri Stanislavovich fiddled with an amusing thing in his hands, but could not figure out what it was for.
- The soldiers were turning their cigarettes intently and did not notice how the enemy crept up to them.
- Builders twirled holes in the boards.
- Margarita twirled Pavel as she wanted and twisted the rope out of him.
- Don't let your future wife turn you around, son, that's not why I raised you, cherished and cherished.
- Angelica twirled the Marquis de Sauvigny, and he implicitly obeyed her.
- Natalya's mother-in-law made a huge number of jars for the winter.
- An inept furniture assembler drilled extra holes in the details and now did not know what to do with it.
- The Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth.
- Marusya twirled the hoop the longest, so she got an A in physical education.
- Don't twistthis piece of iron - hit!
- No matter how Nastasya tried to turn Nikola around, she couldn't do anything.
- The more you turn the wheel, the more power the device generates.